Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

S got accepted to U of Delaware BM w/Music Management concentration & 5/yr MBA program plus Honors College. Also accepted to James Madison U BM w/Music Industry concentration plus Honors College. Today was last audition at TCNJ. Woo hoo!

Wow! Congratulations, @Propinquity4444!!

Amazing @Propinquity4444!! Congrats! Does S have a favorite?

Congrats @Propinquity4444!

Did he apply EA to JMU by any chance? (My S is waiting for his decision and I wasn’t expecting it for a couple of weeks)

I saw both of your replies, thank you @MeritHopeful. Heard by email last night of a
‘no’ from Boulder. I guess we’re eliminating options here, at least? I’m remaining optimistic of good news, and soon!

@eh1234 Yes it was EA. He heard back a yes from the College in January, and then auditioned on President’s Day and was accepted into the School of Performing Arts on Friday. They didn’t send an email though, we found it on the portal.

@akapiratequeen Favorite is Frost, but have to wait for that one! lol

Congratulations @Propinquity4444 – that is absolutely fabulous news!

Congrats to all on the admission acceptances to,king in and good luck on the financial aid. Glad e erroneous with large instruments were able to work it out. Sorry about plane mechanical issues and jerks at border patrol making things difficult.

Our journey is mostly done. S applied to a total of 10 schools. 2 were non-audition and he was admitted to both with great scholarships. One he was accepted with top scholairship, plus endowment, plus offer to apply for three additional scholairships including full tuition but he decided he doesn’t want to go there and never finished the music app and withdrew his acceptance so someone else could have that endowment. He was admitted to one with top scholarship and a music scholarship with weird terms. He was admitted to another after pre-screens and auditioned for a music scholarship which we are waiting for news on but got a nice email from the head of the department the day after so hoping for good news there.

As for the rest… he did not get past pre-screens at one, but yesterday he got accepted to the LAC. No point in attending if he can’t have his major. Was given mid-level scholarship which felt like an additional rejection because so far every other college invited him to honors colleges if they have them and gave top academic scholarship.

He got into our state flagship yesterday which he is happy about because it’s his second choice. No music scholarship notice yet. They are to come later. There is also a new scholarship application with odd questions available only once you are admitted and have a university ID. So now I have to do some ancestry digging to answer the questions.

He had his last audition yesterday. It was a reschedule because I had been sick. He almost didn’t go because he had zero interest in the school. Went yesterday and now he likes the school. I asked why and his response was “I don’t know. Why do I like any school?” And our response was “That’s what we want to know” lol. Yet he never left the music building. He had no interest in the tour. He liked the flute teacher and enjoyed his lesson. However, I was less than thrilled with some of the faculty at the parent presentation. They were unable to answer some very basic questions by parents. Parents in the audience were better able to answer the music education questions because there were some teachers from that state in the audience. I did like that the BME students get a class in instrument repair. First school we’ve been to offering that. This school gave him the largest academic scholarship (but also are most expensive) and take CSS and already reported a lower EFC to the government. But even with a lot of money thrown our way, if that happens, not sure I want him there. I do know a very successful flute graduate from there that my son studied with at a summer camp, but still… Also it’s the only school that recorded his audition.

Lastly, there are two more schools which haven’t released results from his audition date yet, including his top choice. I would not be surprised if one was a rejection as it’s the toughest admit of the schools he applied to. Hoping his top choice comes through. One of the faculty members took great interest in him at his audition.

Once everything comes in he will do a couple of admitted student overnights to see what is the best fit academically and financially. We know cheapest doesn’t mean best so we are hoping to have 3 to choose from that he really likes that are doable.

I’m so happy for all of you and thank you as well for all the help along the way. I know I’m not on here every day but I am with you all in spirit everyday.

Time to go to his performance at school. Today he’s got a special part so we are excited. Plus just portait will be available. Always love his tuxedo picture.

@Propinquity4444 Good luck with Frost - sounds like he’ll have a lot of great options!

And thanks for the confirmation that your son applied EA to JMU - saves me some pointless portal checking! I do feel like an idiot though - I think we assumed that an EA application would have required a November audition so my son applied RD. He did learn that he was recommended for admission to the music school so he just has to wait two weeks for the RD university decision.

Speaking of pointless portal checking - current status of son’s Ithaca portal remains ¯_(ツ)_/¯

@eh1234 Glad I’m not the only one uselessly checking portals on a daily basis.

@PapDad - how crazy/obnoxious was that? I’m glad it wasn’t for hours and hours…but still! I thought that Canadians are known for being friendly and laid back??? Let us know what you thought of McGill.

@Propinquity4444 - such great news!!! Lots of great choices.

Well - got one of those “panicked phone calls” today from my daughter in NYC. She said that she practiced on the rental bass last evening and she’s just not getting used to it. She said the fingering is about 1 to 1.5 inches different than her own bass and she is having to change all her muscle memory. I can understand that. I offered to help her get another bass (e.g. the free one that she passed on) and she said “no! - I’ve already been practicing on this one”. (mom can never help!!! :slight_smile: She texted back and forth with her very first instructor (they are very close) who told her how to get used to it (scales, scales and more scales)…and I think that calmed her down. She practiced again tonight - not sure how it went. At one point she asked me to try and push the audition back a day - and I told her I didn’t think that was a good idea (would look strange).

So - hopefully this rollercoaster ride will be done tomorrow around 3pm!!! There is a 7pm flight back to LA that she might be able to make - otherwise, I’ll book her a flight for Monday. There was a Linda Oh concert tonight (her idol - who teaches at the New School) that she wanted to go to - but she practiced instead.

She hasn’t seen that much of her brother although he brought her breakfast this morning (how sweet) before his own rehearsal. I can’t help but wish that she had applied to Julliard. It turns out that the students are just 3 floors above my son (who is at the School of American Ballet). To have two in the same dorms would have been so amazing!! (they share the same cafeteria, too). Wow! She tried to get a practice room on the Julliard floor but she ended up at MSM to practice (her bassist friend goes there and got her a practice room).

Can’t wait until 3pm tomorrow!!! I hope she knocks it out of the park - strange expensive bass and all.

Great updates, thanks! Good luck to auditioners in NYC and Montreal!

S got a notice to check one portal yesterday but it turned out to be financial aid for the one place he applied that was non-audition. Your basic loan stuff, no merit award. Still affordable as we’re in state but pretty low on the list.

Otherwise he seems to be successfully ignoring the whole thing!

Well - the best laid plans. Our daughter is sick in NYC - threw up all night. I’ve tried to reach the New School to reschedule her audition, and they are closed - sent an email and called. I wish that I was there to help. Her brother isn’t cutting it :open_mouth: Wish I could just hop on a plane. She’s been schlepping her rental bass on the subway in the snow and not eating well so I’m sure that hasn’t helped.

On the New School scheduler - all auditions are booked for this week (Wed. and Friday) - although there are spots available on Saturday. Not sure if she can miss another week of school or where she would stay (has anyone ever stayed at the Chelsea Inn?? (looks to be the closest hotel to the New School but has some not so good reviews). Oh boy. Let’s hope it all works out.

@tripletmama Oh no! I am so sorry about your daughter! I really hope it is just a 24 hour thing and she is over it soon. I hope you can get through to New School and explain the situation. I know nothing about the Chelsea Inn. Have you thought about a room using Air BnB? Just an idea. Fingers crossed it all works out. Keep us posted.

In answer to @sbjdorlo question about “name” schools, I’m reprinting this post from @vivasolar, which I saw on another thread, because I thought it was such great advice!

“We controlled costs by DD attending a state university for UG because even with even the conservatories that gave her 75-90% tuition offers the net price was still more than double our in-state costs. We also did want her to think she was “so special that she got into such and such a school” as she will need thick skin and drive. Grad school- we took the attitude that if she had any chance in the biz she would get at least one full ride offer (from a decent school) and close to full rides at prestigious schools and then weigh the options. She was accepted at every school/conservatory but one with full or close to full tuition rides and a fellowship. In our limited experience 'tis better to be a big fish in a small pond as long as the small pond teachers are decent because unless you have a truly exceptional musician UG is for development as those who are truly exceptional at that young age have already been identified and their development pathe. Can’t tell you how many times in summer training programs DD has worked with singers who are completing their MM in Opera Performance (or have completed it) from high dollar “top” universities and conservatories and have not had a major role, or even covered a major role. So 70K a year x 6 years to be in the chorus? Low or no debt is the way to go for music. don’t sweat the school name, there is likely a state school that will be great for UG.”

@tripletmama so sorry that your daughter is sick. I am about to get in my car to drive into the city to try to catch up on work. Is there anything I can do to help? Also, @SpartanDrew 's D is working auditions at New School today. Maybe she can get word to the powers that be about rescheduling your D’s audition.

@lkbux64 yes we are on it. Been texting with @tripletmama and my D and her D this morning. I’m hoping she can pull it together to maybe do the last audition of the day today. If not she is working on getting a nearby hotel. Never a dull moment. Hoping @DrummerDad18 and his D can connect with mine today as well.

@tripletmama Oh no! I hope she is feeling better and I’m sorry your family has to go through this extra level of anxiety. It’s stressful enough even when everything goes smoothly.

@tripletmama sorry to hear about your daughter falling ill. Hope she will feel better soon and I’m glad to see some help available from our forum members. What a wonderful community this is! Thank you all

@tripletmama hope your daughter feels better quickly and is able to audition well with that bass and head home. What she’s dealing with sounds so stressful.