Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

So…who’s expecting the mailman tomorrow (Friday the 15th)?

@akapiratequeen my daughter was told she would hear from Roosevelt CCPA on or around March 15th and after her City College audition (which was Saturday) they said she’d hear “by the end of the week” so potentially two notices tomorrow, although I think they are both by email so won’t involve the mailman : )

As for the 3 others…CalArts said they are sending notices “in the next 2 weeks” so thinking closer to the end of March. Miami should be around 3/23 or 3/24 and New School probably around 3/26 or 3/27. I didn’t think the wait would be this bad but this week is really dragging! My daughter has a school concert tonight so hopefully a nice way to get my mind off the waiting drama!

I can’t believe how it’s weighing me down! I believe Syracuse will notify S around the 15th, while the other two are closer to 27-8. S doesn’t want to turn anything down until all offers are on the table so I feel like we’re in limbo.

We are expecting 2-3 decisions between today and tomorrow. One of them S is holding is breath for and that one has only a possibility for release tomorrow – could also be next Friday. This is excrutiating!

We were told March 18 by Bard (non-audition). Same boat as @AmyIzzy for Frost and New School, with Thornton, NYU, and Peabody all having said April 1. Have no idea when CSULB is gonna let us know, but guessing no later than April 1 also.

I think grad school auditions are supposed to announce by tomorrow, but I’m not 100% sure of that. waiting not so patiently

We expect our daughter’s first decision tomorrow (from SFCM) and others on March 31. Spreadsheet is all ready!!! (although no weighting system involved :slight_smile:

BTW - I used the tuition on the scholarships thread (vs COA) because some people won’t use the housing (e.g. will find off campus housing because some of the costs are so high! AND - the COA scares the heck out of me! :slight_smile: not to mention sometimes include weird things like travel and books - are, in my experience, off.

raises hand – e-mailman…

@akapiratequeen - for better or worse, I’ll be out of town tomorrow and the rest of the weekend. Maybe it will take my mind off of waiting for our letter carrier? Ha!

That won’t stop me from clicking on that ‘informed delivery’ email. S will be home so he might get a few frantic texts…but actually I really have no idea when he’s going to hear from the four schools we are waiting on.

Good luck to everyone expecting decisions tomorrow! I’m expecting your mailboxes/portals/email boxes to be filled with good news from all these top schools!

S19 is choosing between his considerably less exciting options but I think he’s made peace with it. And he stayed on Ithaca’s waitlist so I can always go refresh that portal for old time’s sake, haha.

He seems to be debating over the “type” of faculty - his private teacher is nudging him towards the school with the long-time major symphony members (“lecturers” or adjuncts at the school), but I think the school with the full-time assistant professor with a DMA who is increasingly in demand for summer festival faculty positions is a better fit. I assume this is really dependent on the student, but if anyone has any insight, feel free to share.

@sbjdorlo - yes it was a big state school. I’m not sure how to counsel my son to answer it, other than to say that he’s no longer interested at this point. He really like the professor, and yes, I think the prof is feeling bad but I didn’t realize how this last part of the process was going to be! Thanks all.

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Good luck and good thoughts to everyone who will get results tomorrow! I think the last week of March will be very busy on this thread. Won’t be long now. Or maybe it will.

Good luck and good thoughts indeed! Wishing all our kids’ dreams to come through. Best of luck to all the parents.

I feel for all of you. Our waiting is much more anticlimactic. My son heard from his most selective school 2 days ago and he’s in there (but still waiting for the financial aid/scholarship package).

He just got an email with a scholarship offer from another state school.

He still has to hear back from two schools (and scholarship offers for both of those), but I think everyone else’s news will be a lot more exciting. LOL!

First, it’s very sad to hear of the Thornton kid’s death. As a USC parent, and a Thornton parent, it’s doubly hard to comprehend the randomness and senselessness of the tragedy.

@WestOfPCH : I concur with your assessment of the USC neighborhood. I have 2 kids there (one a senior, and one a freshman). The area immediately around USC is fairly safe. There are “Yellow Jackets” around the perimeter, and at the intersections of streets connecting to the campus.

However, I do hear (via USC email alerts) of instances of robbery (grab and run, knife-threats), within a couple of blocks off campus, on a fairly regular basis. This does scare me, and keeps me up at night more frequently than I care to be up. My freshman Thornton student likes to practice late (sometimes the only option because of school, chamber and orchestral work during the rest of the day), and frequently will not get back to the dorm until 3 AM. I’ve been assured by the kid that it is safe, but as a parent you’re left with little choice but to worry.

However, given all that, USC was the perfect choice for both my kids - in their own ways, they found their niches there and are doing what they’ve always dreamed of. I cannot take that away from them.

It is spring break, and neither of them is on campus. I’ll get my sleep this week.

That is terrible news. My D is now living in LA as a musician and that makes me very sad. I am sure he was

A very talented drummer since he was at Thornton.

@tripletmama I may be wrong but I believe all of these schools (except maybe state schools) require students to live on campus at least the first year. So for me, tuition alone doesn’t tell the story. I certainly understand the fear though!

Holy Moly I just heard that UCLA comes out tomorrow?!? Does anyone know if that’s for music as well? Is this really happening…are we all starting to finally hear? It’s funny how I’ve been reading along, routing for everyone as if we are all in this together and now that it’s our turn I’m actually feeling extremely nervous.

Good luck to all or you waiting for results! Boy I remember March madness well. Every day dragged on. Hoping to read all sorts of great news tomorrow and over the next week! Oh and FYI @akapiratequeen many schools require on campus housing for one to two years. New School is one that does not. Not sure of others.