Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Does anyone know when we are supposed to hear about jazz performance at New School and MSM?

I second that. New School if you are listening please release decisions!!!

@sbjdorlo and others… re: #3339 It’s true that some schools give more scholarships than others. Each school handles this differently. If your family is eligible for financial aid (your EFC is lower than COA) you have to evaluate the cello scholarship offered from a school in context with other financial aid offered to your student from that same school. Look at the total financial aid package - scholarships, grants, work study and loans to get the whole picture. Except for the rare full tuition scholarships, which many schools don’t even offer, most scholarship amounts are just part of the story. Yes - make that call to the financial aid office and see if they have everything they need from you.

I’ve heard the 28th for MSM. S has a girlfriend awaiting results from them.

@sbjdorlo — I hope you have looked into the other threads on music scholarships, from this year and last. Packaging of aid can really vary but the bottom line at each school can end up in similar ranges (whether a combination of academic merit, music merit, and/or need-based grants). We’re waiting on two more aid packages but have the full picture for two others.

I’ve been a lurker for several months. Thank you for the indirect support provided to me just by being a lurking reader! S is a classical pianist. He only applied to audition-based conservatory programs (much to the chagrin of his H.S. college guidance counselor). He passed three out of six pre-screenings. He auditioned in the first week of March at MSM and Mannes (he felt MSM went “ok,” and Mannes went well). He’s in at one other school, but would like options.

@CaraCoMO I attended an information session at MSM run by the Dean of Enrollment Management. She said decisions will go out on March 29 – she said it may be late, but it will be the 29th (she said they’ve learned that April 1 (aka April Fools Day) is NOT a good day to release decisions, good or bad news! They would get a lot of “Is that for real?”).

@sunnysar The New School is divided into colleges, one of which is the College of Performing Arts, which is then divided into three schools: Mannes School of Music (classical), School of Jazz and Contemporary Music, and School of Drama. I’ve heard most people refer to Mannes as “Mannes” without referencing The New School (it existed as an independent school for decades before joining The New School), whereas the other two Performing Arts schools sort of need the “The New School” reference along with School of Jazz or Drama.

I will be happy – or maybe just relieved the wait is over, depending on the news – when this week is over!

S just received the incredible news that he has received the Presidential Scholarship from USC Thornton – 1/2 tuition. Needless to say, we are thrilled!!!

@lkbux64 that is phenomenal! Congrats!!!

Amazing news @lkbux64 !

Huge congrats @lkbux64 !!! I guess that decision is made! @CaraCoMO and @Lyoder2051 I would have bet money the New School decisions would have been out today. Ugh I have to send my crystal ball back to the shop for another tune up apparently. My guess is tomorrow. D got her email from them at 7am on the 26th last year. Can’t wait to see more good news posts tomorrow!

@lkbux64 - just when there was a lull on the news front, you announce this fabulous news!!! Congrats!!

My son also received the Presidential Scholarships but he’s a NMSF so it’s no difference for him.

Sunday pm and Monday message:

Congrats to @calican’s D for discovering what she loves and getting accepted into several programs!

@FromSeatlle001 — congratulations on your admits for Berklee and NEC! (Listed in the acceptance thread)

@WestofPCH —sorry about the bad news this weekend. Hope there is much better news soon!

@pdxtigermom — congratulations on your S’s USC admit!

@momsings — congratulations on your S’s passing prescreens at Curtis and wait list that looks promising. I’m impressed by what seems like a level-headed attitude in your S. Sounds like he will do great even if a gap year!

@sunnysar — loved your doggie bag story. I can just imagine you walking down the street, phone in one hand and leash in the other!

@tripletmama — your D seems to really know her potential teachers well! That is such an advantage going into this field. I’m glad we did sample lessons but I still don’t feel we know all there is to know about the faculty available at each school. It is clear that it makes a huge difference, even when auditioning or just considering schools, how much of a connection, or how suited to each other student and teacher are.

@Pianomom88 — congrats on one acceptance and good luck on the rest!

@lkbux64 —what great news on the Thornton scholarship! Your family must be so excited!

@pdxtigermom — wonderful news even if it makes no difference! That means they value his musical talent as much as his academic skills, right? Your S must be so happy.

At our home, the NEC envelope finally showed up so the voice prof’s email was for real! My D was pretty happy.

Congrats all - @lkbux64 My D was also awarded a Presidential Scholarship 1/2 tuition at Thornton. I’m literally shaking! Makes USC a real option and the decision so much harder. Ugh! I mean Yea!

Congratulations @highnotes2018 on the amazing scholarship to Thornton! Your D can safely choose from among some great options (I think you had good scholarship news elsewhere, too)!

Congrats @pdxtigermom and @highnotes2018 on the Presidential Scholarships! And congrats on NEC @“Pikachu’s Mom”!

Congratulations @highnotes2018, @lkbux64 & @pdxtigermom on those awesome awards! Way to go!

I’m happy dancing at the great USC news — amazing! And @“Pikachu’s Mom” that’s wonderful about NEC!

As for the rest — hang tough, everyone! Just a few more days!

D also got one of the Presidential awards at Thornton. We’re thrilled! But it will still be a stretch for us without a little more in the FA package.

What incredible news everyone!!! All those USC scholarships, amazing! It seems our little CC group has quite the talent pool going on.
I say we/they ALL meet up one day and do their own version of Scary Pockets CC style!
Never going to happen but maybe some will overlap at schools or big cities. Crazier things have happened.
Congrats everyone!