Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@tripletmama Thank you! Our kids may have met during Five week last summer. I asked my S this morning when I read your post and he said he thinks he knows who your D is. She may know who he is too, they were only 2-3 vibists there. How cool, what a small world! We need to connect if he ends up in Berklee.

Vibraphone is not very common despite the fact it seems to be one of the most prominent percussion instruments in jazz, along with the drumset of course. My S started out as a percussionist on classical/ orchestral years ago but has found a passion in jazz and improvisation. He plays an array of percussion instruments including drumset but he feels strongest and most confident on vibes.

Unfortunately, he did not received any awards from Berklee. He was not prepared for that Five week audition and his sight reading was extremely challenging and he did not do well. His audition for UG admission back in Nov. went really well and he got great feedback. That still did not yield anything in terms of scholarship :frowning: Who knows?!

@pdxtigermom thanks for correcting me… @Lyoder2051 sorry; you are still amazing!

Thanks for the update, @“Meryem Ouhirra” – sounds like you are having your share of April Angst!

My S also got into Berklee with no scholarship – a shock for us as he had a full ride to their summer program the previous year. He really enjoyed the summer program but the lack of scholarship took Berklee off the table for him. It’s an amazing place, and he loved his time there, but in the end I am not sure it was the right choice for my S. He’s a strong student and he was a little put off by what he saw as the complete lack of interest in academics. He’s also double majoring in jazz (amazing program) and music ed, (not a strong area for them).

I will leave the Frost v. Berklee discussion to people on the board whose kids applied there – there are quite a few! Seems like an amazing program and there is a lot to be said for going debt free. @PercussionMama @jazzboydad @highnotes2018 @DrummerDad18 all have kids considering Frost.

The only way I would consider your third choice is if you could appeal and get a big bump. Unlike Berklee, the New School is known for accepting appeals – @SpartanDrew knows a lot more about this than I do.

Hope this helps, and good luck!

@tripletmama @SpartanDrew and anyone else…I am interested in any information you can share about students attending Berklee 5-week the summer before senior year and then attending Berklee. My S is a HS junior and applied to the 5-week (waiting to hear scholarship decision 4/8!). Berklee is his top school as of now, but obviously that will depend on scholarship for attendance. Attending the 5-week will allow him a trial run. He plays drum set. My older D is in college right now and our EFC is disgusting. I will have one year of overlap between the two.

@Meryem Ouhirra I know these are difficult decisions! For what it’s worth, my S had a teacher (grad student at NEC) who graduated from Frost in jazz percussion and speaks very highly of his experience. Lots of opportunities there and graduated debt-free which allowed for grad school in Boston. My drum instructor (also got his masters at NEC) took a similar path at UNT. They both really developed their chops at their respective undergrad schools.

Great point @drummergirl ! Perhaps @“Meryem Ouhirra” 's S could do grad work at Berklee!

@“Meryem Ouhirra” My D (jazz drummer) only applied to 4 schools, and 3 of them are on your list so figured I’d weigh in with what we know about them from both personal experience and my D’s broader connections.

New School she liked and they gave her some reasonable merit, but she doesn’t really want to go to school in NYC.
Part of that is that we live nearby and she’s in the city every weekend now due to her pre-college jazz program at MSM. But great players there and obviously a strong focus on jazz.

Berklee she liked (and she has a bunch of friends there) and they gave her a modest merit award based on her audition back in December. But (at least for her) it felt too big and like there was a little too much variability in the quality of the students she’s encountered from there. That’s a consequence of its size frankly. There are amazing players there to be sure. But in a school that size there has to be a relatively wide bell curve to make their financials work. So that was a factor that influenced her. Now there are resources at Berklee that aren’t available anyplace else. And if she really saw herself taking advantage of them, I suspect she might have reached a different conclusion. But she is looking for a relatively straight jazz curriculum so compared the schools on that basis.

Frost is her top choice among jazz schools at the moment, and she has also received a solid merit award from them. But it’s been at the top of her list for 2 years since we started visiting. For a variety of reasons. She’s gotten to know the faculty well, and has a few friends in both the jazz and contemporary programs. At 700 students, I’m not sure I’d call the music school “small”. And its level of stature within the broader university makes it feel larger than that in some ways. One of the main questions my D had with regard to these schools was what are the ensemble opportunities like? And for a school of its size, she found that Frost has a huge number of ensembles with diversity from funk/fusion to Latin and everything in between. The faculty is great and well regarded. Both the head of the Jazz department (John Daversa) and one of the lead percussion teachers (Dafnis Prieto) won Grammys this year.

Of course as you say there are other considerations. Network, location, etc.
Here’s what she has found digging into those topics.

Most of the kids who go to Frost end up in NYC or LA after graduation. Frankly many of the kids who graduate from Berklee do too. So that felt like a wash to her. Both schools have well developed networks of graduates in both of those cities that you can connect with. I know because they have relatively active FB groups where alumni network with each other for gigs and other opportunities.

My D also has zero interest in football games and the parties that goes along with it lol.
But from what she has heard from her friends at Frost, they have their own independent social scene.
Unless of course you end up also playing in the “Band of the Hour” in which case the scenes overlap on game day lol. As a random note, I saw on their Instagram that the marching band got to play on stage with the EDM artist Griz this past weekend at a festival. Looked fun!

Anyway, they are both great programs with great faculty where you will be surrounded by students to grow and collaborate with. He can’t really go wrong in that regard.

Just wanted to give you our perspective on Frost because my D has gone a little deeper there.
Good luck making the call this month!

Everyone seems to love Frost. And honestly, if he doesn’t like it, he can always reapply to Berklee during his first year at Frost. It happens more often than you’d think!

@tripletmama Following up on the musical heredity topic: If you do it, do both 23andme and Ancestry. Different people on each platform – surprisingly, not that many people do both – and you might find the connections you are seeking on one but not the other. My husband and I did DNA tests for Christmas this year, which was fun – but the bigger story from my test was that I stumbled into connecting a woman (as it turns out, my second cousin) with her birth mother (a first cousin a little older than me, who as a teenager had placed a baby for adoption, unbeknownst to those of us in the extended family and even to some of her own younger siblings). Birth mother and birth daughter were both thrilled to find each other! But the second cousin was only on one of the two platforms, and if I hadn’t done both, that connection would never have been made.

@khill87 that is awesome that you were able to connect family members!

A quick question about Berklee financial aid: When I got my acceptance, I got a separate letter saying I got 10k a year, totaling 40k over the 4 years. I am not sure if this is merit or financial aid. Then, I logged into my financial aid portal, and it said 10k a year. Is this a separate scholarship or are these two the same thing? Thanks!

@Lyoder2051 congrats on Carnegie. Quick question for the 71k you received is part of that financial need because in my sons financial aid paper we are somewhat confused. He received a grant but is the top corner of the paper that says financial need is that the need based aid ?

@lrg1122 - I’m fairly sure that they are one and the same. I got very excited for a minute or two thinking that it was additional but I’m fairly sure that it’s the same. Worth calling just to confirm. If it’s additional then our daughter got $60k which would be highly unlikely but welcome! :smile:

@khill87 - I ordered 23andme and will also order Twenty years ago I found my birthmother (and my birthfather) with a private investigator. Birthfather didn’t know I existed. Sad, sad story - birthmother was date raped and was sent away by her family to give birth (god forbid the shame). She wouldn’t sign the adoption papers and went into a depression over the pressure from her family and the trauma of it all. On my first birthday her family put her in a mental hospital. Very sad because she was in grad school in the 60s and was very active in the theater and singing. (I think that might explain our kids Art’s interest). I need to more fully explore with the dna kits. I have met two of my 3 half siblings from my birthfather’s side.

Regarding the Frost vs. Berklee question. I do wish that our daughter had checked out Frost - but she had a pre-conceived idea about Frost that was unfounded (not to mention she isn’t a good academic student). From what I’ve heard, the two are very different and usually musicians have a preference after visiting. Does your musician have a preference? Berklee takes in a wider variety of levels of musicians and as a result, you have to find your tribe. Our daughter was in a small group (women’s jazz ensemble) last summer with a very inspiring instructor (Terri Lyn Carrington). She had the time of her life and didn’t want to leave. Not sure that she will have the same experience for full-time but she is good at finding her people and will likely stay close to Teri Lyne - so I think she will do fine. I think it all comes down to the instructors and the musicians that they will play with so pay close attention to that - find out what studio your musician will be in and be sure to have a practice lesson with said instructor(s). Personally, I would prefer to live or visit Miami over Boston - but I’m a warm weather person. Listen to your musician and if $$ is very similar - let them make the decision. They usually know where they feel at home.

@DramaMama603 Regarding the Berklee summer program, definitely go to it if possible!!! It’s a great way to get to know the place. Have your musician get prepared for the audition before going (they have specific parts to it including ear training, sight reading etc. and an interview all listed on their website). Our daughter didn’t prepare for the other parts beyond the prepared tune that she and her ensemble played. It’s possible to nab some good full-time scholarships during the summer program but it can be a bit random (as @SpartanDrew and @akapiratequeen can attest to that). Our daughter knew a musician that she heard and played with that she and many others were shocked when they got a full tuition scholarship (e.g. $45k) so it can be a bit random. Our daughter prepared this fall and spring for a re-audition but didn’t raise her scholarship amount - so definitely prepare for the summer audition. If it’s a good fit and your musician gets a solid full-time award at the summer, it can save so much angst during audition season. We were lucky that our daughter also got financial aid which has made it doable for her to go. (it’s not cheap - not sure how it compares to Frost but I think that Frost usually gives out better scholarships from what I’ve seen). I hope this helps!

Hello, I am very confused right now. Did I comment somewhere that I got into Carnegie? I never applied, and definetly didnt get any scholarship…it would seem my account may have gotten hacked.

@Lyoder2051 I think @fluffpuff123 confused you with @oboeboy1917

@pdxtigermom that makes more sense. For the record: I never applied nor was accepted to Carnegie Mellon ?.

@Lyoder2051 we know you didn’t. @fluffpuff123 is new to this thread.

I’ve seen multiple references that Berklee doesn’t entertain appeals, but two students/families have told me they successfully appealed there within the last two years (no idea an amounts, whether relative to need, how they approached, etc.).

I’ve also seen multiple references that Berklee doesn’t give additional merit if a student gets merit at the end of 5-week, but that’s hard to believe since Berklee openly encourages re-auditioning for that purpose. Mine received one of the higher (not highest) scholarships at the 5-week blowout concert, and after re-auditioning in Feb (via regional audition) was offered half-again as much on top.

@pdxtigermom Just wanted to clarify that :). Anyways, Congrats to @oboeboy1917 for getting in!!!

I am chuckling with the case of mistaken identity between @oboeboy1917 and @Lyoder2051, although I firmly believe if there was anyone out there that could get into CMU without auditioning, it would be @Lyoder2051! :wink: