Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Here comes one from the other side of the globe. Big congrats for all those having committed to their best fit! Like some others, S is still undecided between his top 2 options, but I could see light at the end of the tunnel. 9 more days to go…

@AmyIzzy what a great story! Congrats and I am so thrilled for your D! Good for her getting the extra money as well. Amazing — this made my day!

I know it’s further away, but given the choice, I personally would choose NOLA over the frozen north every time. And what a place to study music. Let the good times roll!

@Compojazzmom, welcome back! You are killing me here. Really want to know where your S ends up. Nine days seems like forever!

Congrats @amyizzy and everyone else who has made the big commitment. My S has started informing schools that he is declining their offers but is still holding on to the final two. What an emotional roller coaster!

OMG tell these kids to decide already! My heart can’t take it! :dizzy:

Seriously, when I think back to how worried we were last year that our kids wouldn’t get in anywhere, and/or wouldn’t get any money, all I can do is smile. Such a cornucopia of great choices and wonderful places! All that hard work – theirs and ours – paying off with so much abundance. It’s a wonderful thing.

Congrats to everyone with decisions and avatar changes!! How exciting! Maybe I need to change mine back for the time being in support of our New School families! Congrats @pianomom74 and welcome to NS! feel free to PM me with questions although D is in COPA school of Jazz. Move in weekend at the dorm was ???. Not for the faint of heart moving your kid into the east village with absolutely zero idea who suite mates were, Who’s bringing what and how big the room is. You will get none of that info before move in day. It’s challengung to say the least!

Roll on May 1 and the rest of the decisions!!!

My son has narrowed down his decision to two choices and he is torn. He is deciding between the University of Kansas (Lawrence) (School of Music) and the University of Missouri Kansas City (Conservatory of Dance and Music) for BM in jazz saxophone. KU positives include a stronger university overall and an excellent saxophone teacher. UMKC positives include slightly less expensive, in the heart of Kansas City (a vibrant jazz scene), strong music conservatory, current jazz studies director is a saxophone jazz icon but retiring in one year. I realize that neither of these schools is on the national radar for jazz studies, but I’m wondering if any of you have any information that may push s one way or the other. Please feel free to respond here or PM if you wish.

@CaraCoMO Hi. My son has been accepted at UMKC too. He hasn’t decided yet but I can share that two excellent jazz performers from our school district have already committed there (and assuming you are local to MO the kids probably worked together at all-state.

Frost!!! major in Music Business, and hopefully have many opportunities to study classical voice. It was his dream school, but he knew from the start it wasn’t happening unless he saw big numbers in merit and grants.

Out of pocket expense ended up being the same as his two in-state options. There was no way we could pass up this opportunity for what I would have paid in-state! So excited for him!

His plan is to be an entertainment lawyer, so maybe his first client can be one of the talented musicians on this board! So proud of everyone!

@Propinquity WOW great news! So excited for you and S! This made my day!

@Propinquity4444 , welcome to the Frost party! So happy for your son and all the others who have made decisions. My son declined his other schools this weekend (interesting how much information some schools want to get when you decline…) and sent e-mails to those he had lessons with. Got some very kind emails back. Good luck to those still in the decision process. May is almost here!

Yay!! Frost is gaining our talented CC kids too! congrats!!

Congrats to everyone who has made a decision! This certainly has been an exciting year!

Echoing everyone else’s congratulations on acceptances and decisions!!! So excited for all of you and, quite frankly, very envious of your being toward the end of this part of the journey. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences- they have already proven valuable as we begin ours.

Hi there -
I am new to all of this. My son is deciding between music engineering at Frost or more liberal arts . computer science stuff at several other places. He auditioned as a singer but really loves electronic music more than anything. He got a crazy scholarship to Frost but we are scared that he will not have a fuller experience at the school with its strict core. Any of you have thoughts about this? Or any idea where to look on this site? Much much thanks!

Hi @redsoxmama. If you have not already done so, read through the excellent essay and discussion under the “Double degree dilemma” thread, which is as much about the many ways to study and enjoy music in college as it is about students pursuing double degrees. S is in a similar place, having auditioned at four conservatories and music schools at larger universities but now leaning heavily towards attending a great university with a strong non-audition music program. Frost is a wonderful school and S had a very strong interest in its vocal jazz program but ultimately decided not to attend (but who knows, maybe grad school there some day?)

Question about musical instrument insurance: Are you all insuring your kids’ instruments separately?

I had a policy with Total Dollar to cover my eldest son’s violin, bow, and my middle son’s cello and bows for a number of years, but my eldest son and his wife said to cancel it since they were just going to insure his violin with their renter’s insurance.

Is it better to get dorm insurance or just separate instrument insurance?

It probably depends on the value of the instruments in question. We checked with our homeowners insurance several years ago since we have a lot of musical instruments in the house. As it turned out none of ours needed to be scheduled separately since no individual instrument was worth a high enough amount. I’ll need to check again when we get S a better cello for college. You can also get dorm insurance for the college student and may be able to cover a musical instrument through that policy depending on the value.

Also worth checking for types of coverage. We found that our renters coverage offered compensation for total loss due to theft, fire etc but did not cover for repairs due to accidents, seams opening due to seasonal changes etc. especially for higher value instruments dedicated coverage might be a good idea.

We did have to list and schedule my kid’s percussion instruments separately (including his ~50 sets of mallets), so it really depends on your policy and carrier. We haven’t investigated the dorm/renters part yet as he’s only bringing a couple of instruments (and a whole lotta mallets!).

Just came back to check on updates after the busy holiday weekend – big congrats to all the new acceptances!! Yay @AmyIzzy on Loyno!