Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@tripletmama I think gigging over time takes a certain type of maturity, flexibility and business acumen that isn’t always taught well in the classroom! Good for her. Even if she ends up with the gap year, she’s clearly learning and growing as an artist.

@AmyIzzy congratulations on your D’s acceptance to Columbia! We know a few students who’ve been very happy there! It’s so nice to have an early acceptance under your belt and especially if the finances are clearly laid out and can work.

We got our schedule for Lawrence this weekend and we’re starting to pack. Our little humidifier came from Amazon and it’s perfect for travelling! Everyone around S has gotten a cold in recent weeks and I’m crossing fingers he can make it a few more days. It’s such a quick trip it’s going to be pretty unpleasant for me. S isn’t comfortable enough with driving to do it for hours so it’s going to be all me. I’m looking forward to our day on campus though and hoping LU will be a contender! We have 900 things to do between now and when we leave.

@AmyIzzy congrats to your D, so exciting! And @tripletmama it’s clear your D is super talented and will have tons of options available to her. You are both in for an exciting journey, happy to be along for the ride.

I’m writing from scenic (not) Atlantic City, where I’m holed up waiting for S’s concert with the NJ all state jazz ensemble tonight. It’s been a great experience for S (although he complains about the food and announced last night that “AC is not my jam”). He’s playing with some people who are much better and some at his level, but most important, he’s seeing that he can rise to the level with a competitive group. He also reports that, while like any jazz sax player he loves his solos, he’d “rather not take one than be an assh*** about it.” Good to know about one’s self :wink:

Once the states are over (concerts are tonight in AC and next Friday near us), he’ll be buckling down hard to get his prescreens done and prepare for his first audition12/1. While I’m glad he’s getting one under his belt, I suspect he’ll be much better in January when he’s had a month or so to really concentrate. That said, I am wondering how important knowing the repertoire back to front and performing it perfectly really is. Every teacher I know says they can tell in 30 seconds whether they want the kid in their studio — so whatever they’re looking for, it doesn’t seem to be perfect knowledge. I also remember one audition for a regional group where he practiced the song for a month, only to get in there and have the audition panel say “okay, just do it as a samba.” Any thoughts on what they’re looking for?

What are they looking for?

1.) Organization (nascent professionalism) - you can show up on time, organized, dressed appropriately, know the protocol for your genre, ready to play/sing. Who wants to teach a disorganized kid on a weekly basis?

2.) Easy to work with (nascent team player) - courteous, friendly, teachable, open to constructive criticism, able to modify performance as requested. Who wants to teach a know-it-all?

3.). Authenticity (nascent creativity) - you are able to be YOU. Many people can play/sing your piece. But only YOU do it like YOU. If you have nothing to say through your piece, what are you doing? Trust that your performer says something (even if they don’t talk to you about it) and/or can connect with an audience (it’s the same thing imho). Who wants to teach a robot who has nothing to say or is afraid to say anything?

Notice I didn’t mention talent. Everyone will be talented. That’s the base line.

I’ve said this before but my D once asked her UG teacher why she chose her expecting to hear about techniques etc. but her teacher said…something about you reminded me of me when I was young. My D did not try to be anymore than she was. She was just her…a young, enthusiastic vocalist…passionate about performing. Her teacher could see that bc she was honest.

In any artistic pursuits, it’s about the technique and skills and hard work that gets you through pre-screens but then…it’s about “connections”. I think the best thing you can tell a kid , besides tuck in your shirt and have your music super organized, is…BE YOURSELF. Wear your passion or your intensity or your joy on your sleeve. Then you will connect with the right teacher/school. There is no way to “game” it. Authenticity/vulnerability are the keys imho.

@bridgenail, THIS. Thank you–I told S what you said and you could see him relax visibly. At this point it’s about finding the fit. The hard work of years and years has gotten them to this point.

What are they looking for? In addition to @bridgenail’s excellent advice above, we were told that audition panels were looking for students who didn’t display “bad habits” in terms of technique. It’s nearly always better to choose audition rep that is appropriate for age/skill level and to perform it very well. At least for classical VP, overreaching on audition rep is discouraged. Demonstrate in your prescreens and your auditions that you have passion, yes, but also that you have a good foundation for growth and the discipline for the work ahead.

@bridgenail and @buoyant - excellent advice. I have passed them onto our daughter.

Well - more to report on our daughter wild trip that I am a willing? participant in. Oh boy. The plot thickens.

Our jazz bassist daughter has NOW decided that she really wants to go to the New School. God help me. This was the girl who was Berklee or Bust. My head is seriously spinning.

She has been talking to a lot of musicians lately - seems that she is getting advice in particular from two musician/educators from the Monk Institute whom she has had the unique opportunity of being introduced to at her school and taking a lesson with. She ran into these two at her Berklee mentor’s (Teri Lyn Carington) concert last night. After speaking with them and reflecting on what she wants in an instructor - she would like to study with Linda Oh at the New School. I think I have whiplash from this 360 degree turn. It makes sense - but I’m just a little bit surprised with her sudden turn. But heck, I’m just along for the ride, right? She thinks that Linda will have the same style of instructing as her current instructor because (get this) - they are both Australian. Oh dear God. (there might be some truth in this - I have no idea - but it just seems random). She has met Linda at Berklee this past summer, in fact, she was so excited that Linda used her bass for a concert so she obviously looks up to her.

So - (slight chuckle here) - the good news is that she has opened up her mind to more than one place, so that’s good. Thank you @SpartanDrew for helping to get that late night tour lined up and opening up her mind.

My latest mama angst is how in the world to piece all these auditions together. NEC (in her top 3) is ONLY on Feb. 3. Seems a bit inflexible - so I guess the others will have to fall in line with that one? Has anyone else seen any flexibility on the one date that they publish?

She is stressing about getting her pre-screens done by Dec. 1 since she has to line up her ensemble (pianist and drummer) and make sure that they know her tune selection. Luckily her instructor is supposedly helping her with that (I’m not so much in the loop on that). She was going to work on the apps yesterday - but she ended up doing two gigs instead (opppppsss!) You just have to laugh (or cry) - not sure which.

Meanwhile - I’ve been running interference with her triplet sister who is dragging heels on submitting apps for next year. Every time I nag her, she rages - not my idea of fun. She has gotten a few in. And we have spent the last week doing aviation college tours. Of course, she liked the most expensive one (we probably should have left that one off the list :slight_smile: We visited one small (WMU - Punta Gorda), one medium (FIT) and one large (Embry-Riddle) - the equivalent of a conservatory (only aviation) and two general colleges. Hoping to get some acceptances soon (and then of course, the wait for the packages which I hear will feel like forever and a day).

So - tripletmama still trying to stay sane through it all. It helps to check in here to see that I’m not alone. Thanks for listening.

@tripletmama you are a ROCK STAR For doing this with three kids at the same time! I am losing my mind with one!

Great news about the New School. It’s an amazing program – and good to have two offers to play off against each other. No advice on the auditions; we’ve got the same potential issue at Eastman. Seems crazy to take three 4-7 hour drives to northern NY State on three consecutive weekends in February (!), but I haven’t found a way around it.

@tripletmama where do we send the cape and the wine/chocolate/cookies!? I can’t imagine doing 3 at once! I’m really hoping my younger kid doesn’t want to audition for programs.

Kid did his Lawrence Audition yesterday! It was a quick run for us, I wish we could have spent more time there. It was a lovely and supportive process. The conservatory admissions staff there is wonderful and upbeat. Appleton is a great little city and Lawrence has nice access to it. I guess I’m not very discriminating between small LAC’s because it feels to me very much to me like other LAC’s we’ve visited. Which is great, I have really liked all his options and financially we just need to keep options open! Kid doesn’t have a read at all on how it went for him and is now gone all day at a rehearsal today. We will see! His music teacher has a student a LU right now and feels like it would be a good fit for him. If he does get in and it looks like a winner he will definitely want to go back over and have a couple trial lessons. He had a trial lesson last year that was less than positive, but the VP department is large and we’ve heard good reviews on a couple other teachers.

Anyway - people are welcome to PM me on Lawrence too if they want or have specific questions! :slight_smile:

@MusakParent I have VP daughter who just started at Lawrence this year. Living in the Midwest, we also looked at a lot of these schools. We are super happy with her choice. They also gave great Merit $$.

I will be watching this thread. Along with D18, I have D20 who also wants to study VP. She will look at Lawrence, but am guessing she wants to stay far away from her sister.

Oh @3gigglinggirls I actually thought I PMed you last week after I saw on last year’s thread your daughter picked Lawrence after auditioning EA. And she is a theater person too correct? I spent too much time rereading that thread last week. LOL. If you have any insight on the EA process or VP faculty or Lawrence in general, you are welcome to PM me. Thank you for popping in! :slight_smile: We enjoyed our day at Lawrence yesterday. Lovely campus and community!

@akapiratequeen - we’ll have to sort it out because we can’t schlep to the East Coast from CA more than once. I’ll let you know how we sort it out. Of course, they probably don’t want to discuss it until they have reviewed the pre-screens. I’m sure we’ll figure it out. I just hope her favorite bass is still on the rental program in Boston. (she’s picky pants about the bass she plays on - which I understand). BTW, I only have 2 doing college auditions this year. Our son is at the school at the NYCB and will be there for the next 1-2 years - so luckily I get a pass on him this year :slight_smile:

@MusakParent - so jealous you have one audition under your belt - and that you liked it! Keep us posted. I love LACs.

@drummergirl - where is your daughter applying to?

Quick question for everyone - does anyone know if the SAT is required for NEC, Berklee or the New School? What about Oberlin (if I can get her to look at it?). She went “stand by” on the last one and didn’t get a seat. Not sure if it’s even worth taking at this point since it’s so late.

Awaiting Spotlight LA and YoungArts award announcements - I know that YoungArts should be around Thanksgiving but does anyone know about Spotlight LA?

@MusakParent I’m so glad you got to visit this weekend. It was this weekend last year when my D did her audition. Did you go to the Choir Concert? My D was one of the soloists in Cantala. Lawrence makes it super easy to watch the concerts from afar. Their live streams are great.

Lawrence was her #1 choice (her voice teacher went to school there). Applying EA was fantastic with Lawrence. They notify so early (December 15th last year). She was lucky enough to get accepted and get notified of the financial package before Christmas! No more travel and auditions necessary.

We did not know any of the faculty going in. D was assigned a Voice teacher. It has been a giant change. Like stepping into the Big League. Lots of hard work and to be honest…a few tears. I think the kids come into college thinking they are good singers…then realize they have so much to learn. It’s tough.

D is a double degree student with Theatre. This being her first term, she has not had the opportunity to participate in any theatre productions yet. The learning curve as a new Freshman is pretty steep, but she feel confident enough to get involved next term.

I am happy to answer any questions. And if your child would like a student to contact, I’m sure my D would be happy to help.

PM me anytime.

@tripletmama Berklee, New School and NEC do not require them, Oberlin definitely does (part of why S dropped the application). Same with Northwestern.

On we go!

@3gigglinggirls Boo! We did not get to stay for the choir concert. I do feel like we saw every member of the choir shuffling around in the con yesterday before we had to leave. :slight_smile: I do try and live stream performances when I can and I specifically watch for them. Congratulations to your daughter on her solo! I really wish we would not have been so time constrained.

Lawrence is a test optional school as an aside! I know Oberlin requires SAT or ACT.

@mom2clarinetobsessedkid I am also happy to talk about Lawrence. My D is a freshman there this year in Vocal Performance. Feel free to ask questions or PM me.

First of all, I’m really enjoying reading all the advice, ups and downs, changing paths, and honest feedback about each journey and appreciate some of the experienced CC folks stepping in to offer help. What a great parent community I’ve found! Thanks to all of you!

I needed some time to decompress after our crazy weekend, so apologies for the delay, but here is my lengthy report on Saturday’s Loyola New Orleans audition.

We experienced quite the travel nightmare which put our visit plans in jeopardy. The original plan was an ambitious-and risky-one, but we scheduled a Friday night flight from Buffalo to New Orleans with a brief layover in Charlotte. Planned on late arrival to New Orleans Friday night then Open House and audition at Loyola from 8:30am-2pm with return to Buffalo that evening. Originally wanted to do a nice long, relaxing holiday weekend of Thursday-Monday but had several conflicts so the “short and sweet” (and turns out extra stressful) visit was the only option.

When we got onto the Buffalo flight, things started to go wrong. We were stuck on the plane for nearly 2 hours before we even took off due to a mechanical problem. This caused us to miss our connecting flight and the soonest they could get us to New Orleans was 11am Saturday. The airline put us up in a hotel but we went to bed at 2:30am and had to be up by 7:30am, so we were pretty exhausted and not ideal conditions at all for my daughter prepping for a vocal audition. We connected with Loyola during the delay and when we knew the less-than-ideal resolution and they could not have been more understanding and accommodating. That definitely helped to reduce the stress for my daughter. Needless to say, we missed the Open House and had to head straight to the audition with no down time (vocal warm ups took place in the cab-our driver probably thought we were nuts.) She ended up being their last audition. They greeted her warmly and talked to her for a bit which relaxed her. From my vantage point outside the audition room, everything sounded like it was going very well. She performed an original and a theatre song (“Breathe” which was ironic given what we’d just gone through!) They asked her many questions about her songwriting and interest in the Commercial/Popular Music Program, had her work on some scales and take a music theory test (both of which she reported were pretty easy) and it was done. I spoke with some of the department heads afterwards to apologize for our delay and thank them for being so accommodating and they were very nice and offered many positive comments about my daughter, hinting that they’d love to have her at Loyola. My daughter and I sure appreciated the warm fuzzies after our travel ordeal.

We had a very positive impression of the music faculty (who were so welcoming and helpful) but couldn’t really get a total vibe of the campus without a tour or open house activities. However, we were able to speak to a Freshman student (a connection through CC actually) who chatted with us for about an hour and answered a ton of questions about life at Loyola-which was wonderful and extremely helpful.

After the travel headache (more like a migraine) perhaps I soured on my daughter going to a school so far away (18 hrs by car and no direct flights) and she seemed a bit leery too. However, she did have a great audition experience and loves the Commercial/Pop Music Program they offer. So we are keeping an open mind and would consider scheduling a longer campus visit if she is accepted and it ends up being in her top 3 when all auditions are complete. So thankful I had off from work and she had off from school today. We really needed a recovery day!

So the moral of the story is: leave plenty of time for delays when scheduling travel and flights for auditions. In retrospect, I probably should have just planned the audition for a better weekend where we had more time to ensure an early arrival. Luckily, everything still worked out for a successful audition, but boy was it stressful!

Great advice and it sounds like the experience turned out okay. The stress, though! I feel for you both!

@AmyIzzy - yikes! Sounds like a very stressful time! But glad the audition went well. Did you meet up with Dlglass’s daughter? So glad to read about all the auditions and know we are all in this together.

@akapiratequeen - yeah, sad to say, but I think that requiring the SAT has also put Oberlin and Northwestern at the bottom (maybe off) her list as well. She also looked at the pre-screening requirements for Oberlin and she said it doesn’t even make sense for a jazz bassist. Not a good sign. Just read Downbeat’s recent article about it and in the photo there is not one female - also not a good sign (for my daughter at least):

Luckily - I’m having her lean heavily onto a Monk Institute guy that wrote an article “Getting The Big Scholarship” for Downbeat magazine. When she asks me a question, I respond - "here’s my opinion - but go ask Dr. Dyas :slight_smile: . Here’s his article that might be helpful to your kids: I’m hoping that our daughter follows it to “t”.

She’s kind of annoyed with me because she just spent several hours learning a tune for the Oberlin audition - and she’s now decided that she doesn’t want to do it. I did tell her to “ask JB Dyas”…I suspect he would say to audition there - you never know where you will end up liking (and them you).

Just sent that to my kid, @tripletmama! He has got to up his practice game. He has a really good ear so he can skate sometimes but to really get it right, you need to practice and practice more. Love love love this advice about knowing the important versions inside out as well.