Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@akapiratequeen – thanks for this encouraging post! It seems like the years from 0-17 with my son flew by, but this application/audition process seems to be going at a snail’s pace. I cannot wait for it to be over and for all of our young musicians to end up in a school that will be a great fit where they can thrive.

To survive this seemingly never-ending waiting period (for both prescreen and EA admission results), what I do is to spend most of my spare time searching and reading old threads on CC to discover or reread others’ stories. I found that it really helps me get more mentally prepared for the worst scenarios while keeping my spirit up to hope for the best!

@Compojazzmom I do some of that, but I think it might be more helpful for me to focus on something else completely! lol

Thanks @akapiratequeen for the encouragement. It’s super frustrating the wait - especially when we know we will have to book travel if/when they come through. On a happy note, S did hear from Indiana yesterday - but they still haven’t confirmed the date. (S did a summer program there, so we were pretty sure he’d get invited) Keeping fingers crossed for everyone.

Reading these posts are very helpful in helping me realize I am not alone in stressing out over the waiting with these auditions and screening results :slight_smile: . My D seems to be handling things waaay better than me, possibly because she has more things on her plate than I do, and all I have on my plate right now is getting her situated.

She received a letter from Rice U on yesterday indicating that she was not going to be offered a live audition and she was so matter of fact about it! (Granted, we did know that it was a Reach since they are pretty graduate student heavy there and the instructor is like one of the top three in the nation.) I was all broken up on the inside, but followed her lead. I know she’ll end up somewhere great and that’s meant for her, but sheesh… this is emotionally wearing me out! Three of her seven schools required pre-screens. So far we are one and one. I think as long as she made it pass one of the prescreens, her esteem will remain in tact since they are all top programs. Once she has accepted an offer to a school, I think I may have to take a mini vacay!

@Compojazzmom- I do the very same thing! Nothing like torturing ourselves even more, right?

I think what’s so tough is that my D is the only kid at her school and in our town who is majoring in music, so this crazy process of applying to music schools can feel a bit overwhelming and isolating. Thank goodness for all of you here on CC for your words of wisdom, advice, and support!

Oh man why am I subjecting myself to this PTSD waiting for all of your kids results this year??? Wasn’t last year enough for me?! HAHA! Hang in there parents. It will all work out!

@hesmall Agreed! All of my Ds friends have been accepted to schools and are making plans. She’s frequently asked where she is going, but won’t be able to provide an answer for possibly another 3 months. Non-music majors can’t really relate and even friends of mine can’t relate either. I’m often asked, “Has she picked a school yet?” Then I’m left explaining that that’s not quite how it works at this point for music majors.

@SpartanDrew Lol… At times like this, I’m glad I only have one child. I can’t do this again, lol

At least we have each other! And I seriously mean that. I live in an area with lots of musicians, but for some reason I don’t know anyone else going through this right now. CC (and especially the wise words of parents who have been through it) has been a lifesaver. This is my third and last kid, six if you count my three adult stepkids, but first musician – I thought this would be a snap by now! Joke’s on me!

@bassoonmom Same here - both on the friends all knowing where they are going…and on only having one!

The waiting IS FRUSTRATING!! I am so glad this is my last child . And how different this experience is from the NCAA recruitment process. My oldest was recruited by about 6 colleges and received a scholarship knowing where she was going by October… let alone all the rules/laws governing that.

The music route is so different with the prescreens and all. As of now, she has heard from 3 school… 4 if you count no prescreens. The latest was a nod from Rice last night… the horn studio there being possibly the best in the US. 4 more to go… yikes!!

Congrats on all the live audition invites and in some cases the EA/ED decisions. You shine the light at the end of the tunnel for me and all the other anxiously waiting! Thanks and congrats!!!

@hesmall. I couldn’t have said it better myself!

Well…the roller coaster ride continues! S got his first acceptance. EA to Berklee.

Financially I don’t think we can swing it but a big confidence builder nonetheless. He’s going to college!

@akapiratequeen. Mazel Tov!

Yes, just got our Berklee acceptance today as well. The predictions about this week were correct. Now we can head into the holidays with one in the books and should help settle nerves on the next set of auditions in January. Congrats @akapiratequeen!

Congratulations @akapiratequeen and @DrummerDad18 . Great news!!!

Congrats to @DrummerDad18 and @piratequeen on the Berklee acceptances! And agree with the other sentiments expressed re: the helpfulness of this thread.

Congratulations!! Just curious when did your child audition and how were you notified?