Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@Leao114 He auditioned early action on December 1 and received an email today inviting him to visit the portal for his admissions decision. (He was at school and did it on his phone – said it was quite nerve wracking as he had to go through several screens to the acceptance.)

Thanks, my son auditioned same day EA so hopefully we have good news by the end of the day. Fingers crossed.

Thank you @Leao114 and everything crossed for your S!

My D applied back on November 1 and auditioned on December 8 and she got the mail at around noon today. Mail told her to check portal, and the merit offer info is on the “next steps” screen. So you can’t tell much from the mail other than telling you to check site. Good luck to everyone else waiting to hear!

Best wishes to all of you waiting!!! Don’t forget to check those portals! Sometimes the information shows up there first… I have a feeling that a number of programs will release prescreen results on Friday; as they often like to prevent a million phone calls from parents, they give you a weekend to process, lol!

@dramasopranomom you are a genius!! Checked the Eastman Portal and S passed the prescreen! He’s invited to audition on Feb. 1. Big day!

Congrats to @akapiratequeen and @DrummerDad18! My daughter also received her acceptance to Berklee today. What a relief! She auditioned December 8th and got the acceptance email today around noon. Even with a generous scholarship and shockingly decent financial aid, it would be hard for us to justify sending her to Berklee. She does love the school (how can you not?) but is definitely keeping an open mind to all her options. If Berklee ends up being THE best place for her, can we make it work? Yes. But it would involve loans and much sacrifice and creativity (probably involving 24 credits at a local college for year 1-which they allow-so 3 years would cost much less than 4 years!) But I must say this was a needed and welcome confidence booster for sure, not matter what comes of it!

As far as financial aide, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount, which was about 90% higher than what we got from Saint Rose and Columbia College. The CSS-which was required by Berklee- was a pain to complete, but I’m guessing that’s how we were given so much extra money, so I’m glad we put in the effort. Having said that, even with the great financial aide and talent scholarship, our cost for Loyola, College of Saint Rose and Columbia College is much lower (and could go lower with some merit awards which won’t be announced until February.)

Hang in there everyone! This waiting game is TOUGH but hopefully we all have some of these happy moments which definitely help make the wait worth it!

Yay, @akapiratequeen !!! Big congratulations to everyone hearing good news this week! And to those who are getting some bad news, it is true, as @bridgenail says, that the not-so-good news often comes first. So, hang in there!!!

Congratulations Berklee acceptees! That must be so nice to have under your belt before the holidays. Wonderful!

Still waiting on ALL the prescreens here.

What do you think it means if you heard nothing today, Applied before early action deadline, auditioned 12/1?

@Leao114 No news is good news!

Congratulations to @akapiratequeen , @DrummerDad18 , @AmyIzzy and other acceptees yet to chime in. S also got good news, from Berklee today and Lawrence last week. Let’s disregard the financial concerns for the time being and celebrate their talent and hard work being recognised!!

Congratulations @Compojazzmom, @DrummerDad18 , @AmyIzzy and all! And amen! Trying to breathe, and celebrate, and not immediately rush to worrying about finances. That is for another day, or as S says, “that’s a problem for future mom.”

Congrats to all! So exciting for you. Yes, worry about the financial stuff later. And, remember that you can negotiate packages. If one school offers you more than another you can use that to your advantage (up to a point). There are also outside scholarships as well…

So very happy for all of you Berklee admits: @akapiratequeen, @DrummerDad18, @AmyIzzy, @Compojazzmom - what a boost before the holidays!! And glad to hear that Berklee gives out financial aid - I wasn’t sure if they did. I will definitely do the CSS (been avoiding it like the plague :slight_smile: Our daughter’s audition isn’t until Feb. 2 so plenty of time - so I need to give myself a deadline before that or I’ll put it off forever! I wonder since she got admitted in the summer if they will be able to tell me financial info before her next audition (which she is doing to hopefully increase her merit scholarship). Probably not I would guess. Got to keep the parents on the edge of their seats. (and yes, I’m there right with all of you waiting for pre-screen results). Never fun!

And congrats on the Rice admit (can’t remember who it was) - great place!

We should hear from SFCM by Friday. Our daughter will be with us in SF beginning tomorrow and they are open until Friday so I’m hoping that if she gets good news, she can do a small tour of the facility. Would also show interest, I’m sure. They have a newish jazz program so she doesn’t know much about it. Better go check their portal. I have two girls going through this process - and they don’t even check their email. I had to get their log in - and have told our other one (the aviator) about her acceptances! Yes, I think that parents are definitely more nervous than they are! My great fear is that they will be living with us next year - so that’s my great motivator. (and yes, I do want them to have a good next step, too).

We followed the advice here and left the money part out of the conversation and just focused on celebrating yesterday and figure we don’t really need to get into heavy duty financial stuff until April when we are moving towards final decisions.

IMPORTANT CORRECTION TO MY LAST POST: After connecting with @SpartanDrew, I realized that I totally miscalculated the financial aid piece for Berklee. The amount I was looking at INCLUDED the talent scholarship so it was only the $5500 student loan in financial aid-so it was actually LESS than the other 2 schools who gave a little more in grants. Obviously, the CSS form can’t be avoided, but didn’t want to give false hopes of extra aid via the CSS schools.

If students auditioned EA for Berklee and did not get an email yesterday, it doesn’t hurt to call or email the school and ask about the status or process of sharing admissions decisions.

Good luck to all and continue sharing prescreen and admission notices! For any prescreens or admission decisions that don’t work out, try to see it as a sign that it just wasn’t the right fit for your child and focus on the ones which give and get the most positive attention to/from your son or daughter. They will all find the best/right place!

Just found out S did NOT get an audition at UofM. Kind of bummed, but not totally surprising as we added it in late in the game…not sure how many percussionists they are looking for this year. And, thanks @AmyIzzy for reminding us that fit is soooo important.

Ugh @Lendlees sorry – was it a top choice? How is S feeling?

As others have said, even though this process can be excruciating, the final result will be worth it. Meanwhile, try to put those “not meant to be’s” behind you and look towards your S’s exciting future!

Is anyone else’s child applying to universities as a dual degree candidate as a performance major plus an academic area? I am wondering how, if at all, that may change the chances of admission to the music school, the arts and sciences school, or both.

@akapiratequeen - definitely not a top choice (McGill still holds that spot), but he thought he’d at least get an audition…he’s pretty pragmatic so not bummed, but it’s always disappointing.

@lkbux64 - my S is planning on double majoring (or at least a very strong minor) - we figure he’ll do that once he registers as some schools actually frown upon it (Indiana) so we are hedging a bit by not applying. He will have a lot of transfer credits between AP’s and dual enrollment classes via Running Start so we actually think double major is totally doable for him. It’s the second major that he’s very undecided - Psychology, Life Sciences, Poli Sci are all appealing.

The only school where he’s ‘officially’ declared is Cleveland Institute of Music/Case Western dual program.