Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

My kid also applied dual degree wherever possible. It is possible he could choose to do a BA over a BM at the end of the day depending on options available in April. We will see!

@Lendlees Sorry to hear about S’s result at UofM. Do you know when/how S got the news? D is also waiting for UofM results. Still have other loose threads, but UofM is the last big one we are waiting to hear about. Found out last night she passed the prescreen at Rice. Now trying to work around schedule conflicts to schedule the live audition.

@PercussionMama - S heard yesterday via email. My guess is if your D hasn’t heard, then she’s probably getting the audition so fingers crossed for you. Congrats on Rice! That’s awesome news.

Thank you, @Lendlees . Hope you are right. The waiting is nerve-wracking. I wish they would send out all the notices for the studio at the same time. But then, who knows–maybe they did and my D hasn’t found it yet. It took her a day and a half to find the email from Rice.

S heard from UMd late this afternoon. He has auditions in Piano and Music Ed on Jan 26. So apparently the notifications as going out in spurts. Still waiting on Eastman.

@PAPDAD Check the Eastman portal. My S has not yet gotten an email either, but the portal contained his invitation to audition in music ed and jazz on Feb. 1. It would be on the application status page. They seem to going up in drips and drabs.

On that subject, has anyone heard from NYU/Steinhardt? That’s S’s only outstanding prescreen at this point.

@akapiratequeen my D - VP heard from NYU last week. She passed pre screen audition on 1/12. We heard from Maryland today. Her audition there is 1/25.

@Lendlees So sorry about Michigan. They are one of the only schools who don’t invite for auditions if the academic application isn’t up to their standards, perhaps that’s what happened? It might not be the percussion teacher(s) who rejected him. Also, i’m surprised they are sending out responses since they have been so backlogged with EA (non-music) applications this week!

@Music2023 That’s super interesting about Michigan. I have a typical not high achiever (grade wise) kid with stellar test scores. So, it definitely could be his academics - especially as the state we live in doesn’t weight grades. So his low-ish GPA is all comprised of APs, Honors and dual enrollment - whereas if he took regular classes he would have the GPA (and would have been very bored). Oh well. Good to know. Thanks.

Yes, UMich says straight out that if you ARE invited to audition, that means you are definitely accepted into the University and now it’s just a matter of whether the music faculty want you. I wish all the schools would do it that way!!!

We just heard from Eastman and she is due for an audition in February. Also got a no from Colburn… she is very sad about this. It was her reach and dream. They take graduate with the undergrads so it is very hard to get in… Congrats to all the others

Hello, everyone. Been following along with this thread for a month or so and finally am getting around to my first post.

My son is a jazz drummer. Top 5 schools (not necessarily in order of preference) are USC Thornton, Peabody (Johns Hopkins), Miami Frost, NYU Steinhardt, and The New School. All applications were sent in before Dec 1 for regular decision. As most of you know, all but Peabody required pre-screen videos. (Looks like we may bump into @DrummerDad18 on the audition circuit).

He got the invitation for a live audition from Thornton last Friday and was ecstatic to get the first one out of the way. He got the invite from The New School yesterday. Was told by the others to expect something “in late Dec or early Jan.” Really hoping it’s sooner rather than later, both for peace of mind going into Christmas and also so I can book some flights, especially for Frost since we asked for the Jan audition.

Best of luck to everyone.

Welcome @WestOfPCH! My son is a jazz guitarist and has applications in or soon to be in at 4 of the 5 schools you list (Frost being the exception). Good luck!

A little bit of good news on our end – S found out he was admitted to U Michigan LSA yesterday. He has his audition at U Mich SMTD on 2/1, so we don’t know how that will end up, but our collective stress level has gone down a few notches with this first acceptance under his belt!

@lkbux64 congrats to your son — great news and definitely takes the stress level down a peg.

Welcome @WestOfPCH! My son is a jazz sax player and is also waiting to hear from NYU. See you along the trail!

My son found out a few days ago that he was admitted to BERKLEE (for fall, 2019). And he received a scholarship.

Starting his junior year in high school he started taking Berklee’s online courses because he needed more challenging classes/instruction than was offered at his high school or in the area we live. Credits transferred to his high school and we’ve been told they would transfer to Berklee’s undergrad program too. Glad we made the investment. The classes he has taken so far have been EXCELLENT!

He auditioned in Chicago in late November. The website was accurate as to what to prepare for the audition. We paid for two online lessons from this person: She was fabulous (a Berklee alum). She was spot on with what would happen during the audition and helped my son make decisions about what songs to audition with and what areas to work on prior to the audition. G;ad we did this - worth the investment.

My son toured Berklee, Belmont and USC. He decided not to apply to Belmont. He will be applying to USC over the holiday to see what happens there, but his first choice is Berklee, so he’s relieved. :slight_smile:

@pepalley congrats to your son on his Berklee admission! As for USC, did he want to apply to the Thornton School of Music? My understanding is that, with the exception of Arts Leadership, the application/materials were due on 12/1. Fingers crossed that he’s an Arts Leadership guy!

Yes you are right. He was missing some necessary info and needs to complete it over the holiday. :slight_smile:

My DS19 got a notice from UMiami saying he was deferred to RD. Does that mean they didn’t like his pre-screen enough for EA or that they just can’t give him a decision as an EA candidate because he still needs to hear back from Frost regarding an audition? It wasn’t totally clear.

I made a separate post about this as we got that mail too.
Even though my D didn’t apply EA. She applied on December 1.
So maybe there is some glitch this year or maybe they send that out to people they need to schedule for auditions?
Super confusing. I’m assuming you guys actually applied EA (unlike us)?

@Propinquity4444 Is your S applying for dual-degree there? I think there’s no EA for music so the defer must be from his academic major application.