Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@Propinquity4444 sorry my mistake. I thought it was from UMichigan. I know nothing about UMiami though.

Miami - my D also deferred. I re-read the website. EA is for the academically elite applying to U Miami. Most students applying to Frost are deferred to regular admission. Rumor has it that only 4 were admitted EA last year. The confusing part is whether the deferred student has to do a live audition. It seems that if you were deferred and not rejected at this stage then by definition you either rely on your pre screen or need to audition. It’s very confusing. That all being said, after everything I read, I didn’t read too much into the notice of deferral.

Question on Eastman. I saw some found in the portal their audition decision. Were these EA? I’m so new, I just learned what Ea is…LOL.

Question on Frost applicants, how did your child get a Canelink? DD applied through common app and slide room. She received an email from Frost confirming her application and a generic email from Karen Kerr,
Frost Director of Admissions but no info on setting up a Canelink. My DD and I are the blind leading the blind in the process. Thanks!

@Sunnysar Karen Kerr is the admissions woman from Frost. The Canelink account is connected with U of Miami. Once the Common App was submitted you should have received an email from the university admissions. Had nothing to do with Frost. They provide a username and temporary password. You then go in and set up the account. The email is sent to whatever email you used for the Common App. The subject line is “University of Miami Admission Application Received”. Hope this helps.

@sunnysar I went back and found the original email with the Canelink info in it. It comes from and it arrived about 48 hours after applying with the title: University of Miami Admission Application Recieved

I have a question - I see some posts saying DD or DS. What do these stand for?

I’m guessing dear daughter and dear son?

@DrummerDad18 Yes, it was EA. He applied to Frost for Music Business. I reread a letter in my email from last week explaining that there are 3 options for an EA student.

  1. admitted immediately without audition
  2. deferred because of audition
  3. denied, no further action to be taken
    So I think we are good. Seems like being deferred is normal under the circumstances. It was just the way it was worded on Canelink.

Thank you highnotes and Propinquity. She just checked her emails and hasn’t received any emails from only messages from Karen Kerr. She must have missed a step in the process… Yikes. It could also be that her ACT scores weren’t sent to Miami until after she submitted her application.

It is Dear Daughter, Dear Son. It’s what was commonly used on CC when my oldest daughter was preparing for college in 2011. It may be outdated but has become a habit. Some say Darling Daughter/Darling Son and depending on the day, it can also be Darn Daughter/Dang Son. My personal favorite is Dollar Drainer/Dollar Spender…

@sunnysar We found the Eastman invite on the portal…S is not early decision. They may be done by studio though — S is jazz sax — I know of many others in other areas who have not yet been notified. So I would say hang tight and don’t worry!

@sunnysar- Thanks for the explanation and for the much needed laugh!!

Hi guys! Did all of you Miami/Frost applicants figure out Canelink and the EA versus RD stuff? I’m happy to help. The cliff note version is EA for Miami is for the academically elite. I mean ELITE. Of our group last year I believe only @vistajay son was admitted via EA but still had to audition. I think the “no audition needed” is a new thing this year. The vast majority of EA applicants to Frost were deferred (like easily 95% of them) and were treated like RD applicants. So don’t worry about the deferral.

It will all come down to the audition. Believe me on this one. My D would never have been admitted to Miami on her lackluster academics LOL. It was all audition based and she got in with a nice scholarship in jazz. Also, be sure that the Canelink portal is set up. If you parents are like me, I had all of my D’s log ins since she was terrible at checking. The dates of notification of admission etc will very likely closely match when we all heard last year. And if history is an indicator (which it appears to be with all of these schools) you all should get emails on auditions a week from today from Karen Kerr.

Good luck to all of your talented kids and Happy Holidays! Try not to stress out too much! I can’t even believe I’m saying that after last year… :-))

Heard from Peabody that they’ll send their audition invitations the first week of January.

Thanks, @SpartanDrew, for the Miami Frost info.

Has anyone heard any more from Berklee regarding EA acceptances?

@BayAreaMom2016 this thread

Has anyone heard from NYU Steinhardt? S applied RD but we are hoping to hear if he passed the prescreen ?

@akapiratequeen I just talked to NYU Steinhardt this morning. The person with whom I chatted said not to expect anything until early January.

@WestOfPCH Thank you! I can stop obsessively checking!