Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

last year NYU was very late in prescreen results and auditions – my son didn’t audition until March 1st!

Still waiting on UCLA, Oberlin, and Frost :confused:

Still waiting on UCLA, Oberlin, and Frost :confused:

Only a few more hors of waiting on UCLA! Can’t speak to the rest. . …

UCLA audition invites are out – S received Global Jazz Studies audition Feb 2.

All admissions offices are now closed. Well, now what are we going to talk about??!!

Looks like UCLA just posted

I can use some advice on how to approach an audition scheduling issue. S has audition on 2/1 at Michigan with no time set yet (it could be anytime between 8:00am - 5:00pm). His UCLA audition is scheduled for 2/2 at 9:00 am. Is it appropriate for my son to reach out to Michigan and request a morning audition so that he could take an afternoon flight from Detroit to Los Angeles? And, if that’s a reasonable request, should he state in his email that he has an audition in Los Angeles the next day, or is it best to stay quiet on that?

@lkbux64 - we have a similar situation (although not an audition, but a performance…) and I’m asking S to request an early enough audition time so we can catch our 5 PM flight home (of course he probably still hasn’t done it yet). You might also want to reach out to UCLA and see if they can do an afternoon one, just in case UofM can’t move it too much. Lucky you have the time zone working for you.

Personally I would not say that it’s another audition - I think of this process like dating, you want all the schools to think they are super special. Just say he has a commitment the next day and needs to catch a flight at x time. Others with more experience hopefully will chime in.

We have similar problems. My son’s auditions at Michigan is 1/31 and Austin is 2/1.

Similar situation here… We have UCLA on 2/2 at 4:30p and SFCM on 2/3 at 12:00. Also had a performance scheduled on 2/2 at 7:00p that will have to be cancelled.

On a side note, SFCM says there’s an evening discussion on 2/2 that is ‘mandatory’ even though audition is on 2/3 (Sunday). Does anyone know anything about the mandatory meeting the prior evening? anyway to skip that since we’ll be in LA the previous evening?

It won’t hurt to ask – usually they accommodate!

Is anyone else waiting to hear from Oberlin? My S applied Jazz Studies Guitar. Saw some posts from others about acceptances from Oberlin, but no news here. Are rejection emails being sent out later?

My son was rejected from the TIMARA program, he heard the other day

question, has anyone who applied to BOCO early action, heard anything back?
my S is dying to hear

My daughter just heard yesterday (I think it was sitting there for a day - she doesn’t check the portals) that she passed pre-screens for San Francisco Conservatory (they have a new Jazz program).

Does anyone know when NEC typically notifies about pre-screens? It is unlikely that my daughter will pass NEC - she looked at her application yesterday and realized that she not only submitted one of her tunes in audio format (which she thought was the right thing to do given last year) BUT - get this, she submitted the wrong version. The version has about 2 or 3 false starts that she thought she had edited out. Oh boy. At least her application was on time (we won’t go there about MSM which was 2 hours late!).

Our daughter is a good musician but very flighty. I’m not sure if it’s a jazz musician thing - or a bass thing (they call them space basses) but it’s driving me to distraction. I used to get miffed - but now I just laugh. I seriously wanted to laugh when she discovered her audition tape mishap but I stifled it since she was so upset. Although I won’t be laughing if she is living with us next year. Does anyone else have flighty musicians?

@tripletmama - Congrats on SFC! More to follow I’m sure. The NEC tape may still work. I think she could try to send in a note asking them to listen to the tape from xx:yy point etc. Can’t hurt trying I suppose. Fingers crossed!!!

Re. NEC prescreen / live audition invite date : My S got the email on Jan 8th of 2018. I believe they did say on the portal to expect notification in early January - so this would be as soon as they reconvened after the holiday break.

Hi all. First time posting here, although I have been reading posts for a while. Such great information. I am so thankful for all the previous posts which I have read!

DS (composition) has been invited to interview at Oberlin and at UCLA so far.

Can anyone comment on what that process is going to be like? For instance, UCLA says they will assess keyboard skills. Looking for information on what that might consist of.

Also…no word from USC Thornton yet. A previous poster said that Thornton doesn’t send out information for composition majors until March. Can anyone else comment on that?

Thanks so much!

MMRose, PM’ed you. I don’t know UCLA’s process personally but like Oberlin, it looks (on the website) like they do an interview rather than an audition for composition applicants. Often the theory tests and keyboard assessment is for placement purposes, not admission. You could ask to make sure. The composition interviews range from a nice chat to a more rigorous session with questions about your intent in your pieces, questions on your knowledge of music history or contemporary classical music, and so on.