Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

My son is asking me to just point him in the direction he needs to go and what piece he should play. I think the audition process broke him :slight_smile:

@sunnysar I did the same! NO school musical. I mean c’mon really?

@UniversityMomOf2 holy cow that’s late! We’re still waiting on NYU but at least it’s fairly local.

Also: merry Christmas to all!! Hope you’ve been able to relax and enjoy!

@sunnysar & @akapiratequeen We told S no Youth Symphony this trimester as they rehearse on Saturdays and he will miss too many of them. And of course they are doing a piece that requires FIVE percussionists…

And so far the schools have been super accommodating of our travel schedule with respects to audition times. I had S email the coordinators and explain that he had to catch a 5 PM flight and they assured him he would be done in time. Going east from the west coast is super challenging - especially in winter. I’m still debating for the CIM audition to risk changing planes in Chicago or fly direct to Detroit and drive 2 hours…?

So happy we don’t have to fly to anything as S wanted to stay in the region. Not looking forward to the back to back audition days with 4.5 hours drive in between, but I’m glad it all worked out. 7 auditions in a 5 week period with scholarship interviews and other music stuff thrown in. Maybe we can all have a “virtual drink” together sometime in March!

@dsinha we’re from SF too :slight_smile: did you ask for Miami auditions or LA?

@“Bay Area Mom 2016” Hi Neighbor :slight_smile: We asked for Miami auditions because it’s the one school we applied to that we haven’t visited. So the plan was that if my son got called for the audition we’d go check out the school. If he didn’t, we’d have saved ourselves a cross-country trip.

@Lendless, my very strong opinion is that anyone needing to get somewhere at a particular time should NEVER fly through Chicago in the winter. Between icing and ground level wind shear, flights will never come in or leave within even an approximation of the scheduled time.

@KatzHerder trust me… when this is all said and done we will all need more than virtual drinks! ?

If they pass the prescreens, it feels like we should reward them by taking them to each live audition. It’s hard to say No when they’ve done so much work to get to this point!

@highnotes2018 - oh dear - yes! Our daughter was a bear over break. She wanted to practice and was chomping at the bit. She did play at our church on Christmas eve (last night) - and has already headed back to LA (she lives in a room there to go to a top notch jazz program) so she can practice. (they have re-auditions for big band and ensembles at her high school after break). I keep telling her that everything should take a back seat to college auditions but she doesn’t want to lose her spot in the top ensemble and big band. Oh my!!! Since she’s only doing 4 auditions (maybe less) - she really needs to be in top form. Luckily, she is feeling better (she had a virus followed by a cold) - she is driving to LA by herself (from SF) tonight which makes this mama very nervous. She turns 18 in January - but still! I hate the “alone” thing and at night. She is very focused on music and can’t do much with her triplet siblings here (eldest flew back to SC last night) and all the fighting. Their eldest sister (19, nearly 20) seems to have matured a lot and doesn’t fight as much - but she did have a few moments when they annoyed her. A little too much togetherness I think.

Bay Area Mom 2016 and dsinha - we should get together to since we are all in the Bay Area. I’m in Marin - how about you dsinha?

Anyone know how long it takes to get the NYU id number for Steinhardt once you submit the common app so my son can submit audition video?

@Leao114 we received the info within 24 hours after the common application was downloaded and processed by NYU. To check if they’ve downloaded and processed it, go to the common app and click on NYU.

It took quite a while for them to download it but he sent in the common app very early — presumably they’re more on the ball at this late date.

@Leao114, BU had something similar - they needed an ID number to process the prescreen, but the deadline for the common app was way after the music app deadline. So, if you wanted to submit the music app without the common app, you had to call the music department and have them waive it.

If you haven’t heard from NYU yet, call them asap and try to speed it along. As you know, auditions are first come first serve… so the later you get it in, the less choice in audition date.

@Leao114, My S sent in his music submission for jazz by email before receiving his NYU ID which we then later added his NYU ID to once we received it.

He is applying for music technology so his video is considered the audition.

@Lendlees I would drive from Detroit. I’ve been commuting for seven months and even when the weather is good, I’ve had issues. Sadly, there are no direct flights for me. It’s not worth the stress and risk.

Yes-- there is better energy on an on-site audition. The regionals at least have someone from the admissions office working the camera, but they can be held in discouraging circumstances, as you report. Remember, even if they say they don’t discount regional and recorded auditions, it’s hard to compete with the students who show up, play for, and interact with the panel. Every year students are admitted from regional auditions, but it’s better to show up in person if you are able, if the school is important to you.

@Leao114 I think it comes pretty quick. My son’s NYU ID showed up in a few days.

Unfortunately, we don’t really have a few days as my son has left this to the very last minute. It’s due 1/1/19.Never sure if that means 12/31 midnight or midnight of 1/1? Nothing like being down to the wire to create stress!!

Quite a few posts back, I saw the comments on numbers of schools. For many (not all), it could go something like this:

Summer prior - your kid has WAAAY too many schools…maybe 12+
First semester - a few drop off as time, money and energy wane and reality sets in…maybe 9ish schools will be good
December - list drops a school due to a bum pre-screen or audition…now you are at 8
January - you can’t be in two places at the same time so you’ll “live” audition at 5 or 6 and do a couple video auditions
February - exhausted, your kid drops another school and does some half-hearted video auditions
March - a rejection or two and/or an acceptance with NO money!! The video auditions will never work and give money (not true but that’s what you’ll think)…now you have ONLY 2 maybe 3 schools that could possibly accept him/her at a reasonable price! You need MORE schools!

Of course not everyone feels this way…and it’s not a bad thing…the list needs to narrow down. It’s just scary since you think that you will have lots of choice…and in the end it comes down to only a few. My D did have a number of acceptances but in the end there was really only a school or two in play due to the finances…and her gut.

Don’t be surprised if you go from 9 to 5 to 1 in a matter of weeks at some point. You just need that one.