Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@Propinquity4444 The way I understood it from the information session, Frost and UM admissions folks sit together and make a joint decision based on the needs for University and the Music department. So we’ll only get one common decision from UM/Frost mid-end March.

@BassoonMom2019 , I saw Leslie Odom, Jr. perform at Jazz Fest in New Orleans a couple of years ago. He was amazing and so engaging in person! I need to get that book. Thanks for the tip.

My DD applied to Frost last year. They only send one notification, University admission and Frost decision at the same time. It should be clearly stated on their website.

@dsinha Got it! Thanks! I thought it was the other way around! S has been accepted to a few schools without auditioning yet, and I thought UM was the same process. Those schools just explained that although they are welcome to matriculate into the University, they will have to wait to see if they are offered a spot in the music school for their first choice major. I guess it was wishful thinking that UM did this also.

@BassoonMom2019 We just visited Baylor this weekend because we were in the Dallas area. What a lovely campus! If it wasn’t so far from us, I would have had S apply. I haven’t seen the other Tx schools, but loved Baylor! Good luck!

@BassoonMom2019 Good luck to your D! It was a shock to hear how few bassoonists schools take and made my S widen his search. And it’s been interesting how criticized we’ve been for auditioning at 8 schools!

Greetings from the Polar Vortex of Michigan! OYE - this weather is NO JOKE. Enjoy Miami all of you folks headed to Frost auditions. My D visited her friend there a couple weeks ago and for sure enjoyed the weather but still had no regrets about her NYC decision.

@Propinquity4444 the Miami/Frost decision all happens at the same time. Mid March. Check last year’s thread for the date when we heard. It will be close to the same this year. Believe me I remember well thinking that March stretched on for an eternity.

I saw the funniest Detroit Free Press facebook post yesterday. Pretty much sums it up here at the moment:

Antartica current temp -13 “We are the coldest place on earth!”
Detroit current temp -13 “Hold my beer”


Looking back to the acceptance thread from 2018, looks like we should expect Frost around 3/23, although they were off by over a week on prescreens from last year to this year, so I’m going to plan for April 1st and hope for the best!

This is the link for the 2018 thread if you want to check for approximate dates of the schools you’ll be waiting on. I suggest you bookmark it so you don’t panic in March.

@SpartanDrew I never thought I’d be grateful for the whopping 4 degree heat wave we are enjoying here in Rochester!

Currently entering hour seven of the Eastman audition process with two more to go. S is a double major in jazz and music ed, and the schedule is pretty intense: intro/welcome followed by theory test, then a performance audition (including site reading and improvising — this was with his potential studio head and didn’t include any of his prepared pieces). Then an admissions interview with the person who would be his advisor if he was admitted. Then a music ed skills assessment — he had to improvise to Bingo, among other things. Now a break, followed by his jazz audition (four pieces) and then a group jam with the other sax applicants.

Aside from sitting down for a minute after lunch and falling asleep in his chair after 30 seconds, S is loving it. The other students, the faculty and the admissions people are all impressing him no end. He saw a number of people he knows from summer programs and had some great conversation. He was asked where else he is applying and answered honestly; the studio head knew some of the other program heads. At lunch he told me he’d forgotten how much he liked the city and that everyone he’d met was wonderful.

Color me a bit surprised! My S tends to be very laid back so I forget just how driven he is under the relaxed exterior. I’ll get a final report at 6 when the day wraps up. Hope everyone else is enjoying their day!

@akapiratequeen Wow! Such a nice day so far. Fingers crossed for the rest to go as pleasantly as well. Thanks for the update. All the best.

Wow - being heads down at a work conference made me way behind. Good luck to those in the Polar Vortex zone. A bunch of folks were severely delayed getting to the conference from the frigid zones. Stay warm!

Son got his 8th acceptance (Cal State Fullerton), but still needs to audition to get into the BM program at 6 more schools. Fullerton is tomorrow. He’s nervous as it’s only his second audition. It will be raining hard on the drive up. Hopefully, his cello can stay dry!

I’m so proud of him given the incredible amount of adversity he’s faced in his physical and mental health. Not sure he’ll actually make it to the finish line, but he’s doing a great job of persevering.

Hats off to you who applied/auditioned at 6+ schools thus far. That really is a testament to persevering and energy. Wow!

@BassoonMom2019 Thanks for the tip about the book “Failing Up” - considering that our daughter is just starting her auditions for 4 very competitive conservatories, I just had it shipped to her. It will come in handy, I’m sure!

Glad you all liked Baylor - I love Chip and Joanna Gaines - so it must be a good school. :smiley:

@akapiratequeen :ar! - So glad that Eastman is going well - sounds like your son will have tons of choices!

I only got two phone calls today from my daughter: “Mom - it’s so gross how they pat you down in the airport” (she got her bow on the plane, no problem) and “Mom - put more money on my ATM card - I need to buy gloves”. 8-X

Report from Michigan SMTD - My S got arrived in Michigan yesterday after only a 90 minute flight delay from NY which we were grateful for. He said he loved Ann Arbor and could totally see himself there notwithstanding the Polar Vortex! The audition was at 10:00 this morning. They started a little late and the audition lasted all of 15 minutes. He got to play one of his prepared songs and then they asked him to play a chord melody. The head of the jazz program, who he had met when he visited the school last April, was in the room. He was told he sounded good and one of the faculty member’s gave him a pointer on his solo fingering technique. About an hour later after his audition he went to a jazz program information session. There was an admissions information session later in the afternoon that he couldn’t stay for because he had to get to the airport for his flight to Los Angeles in time for his 9:00 am audition at UCLA tomorrow morning.

1 down and 5 more to go!

Thank you. He seems to be taking it in stride.

S auditioned for Frost today in NYC! Tight quarters, but after auditioning on the main stage of UMD’s opera hall a few weeks ago, it probably felt very cozy for him. Met a number of very nice parents/kids, even one mom/daughter that remembered S from the UDelaware audition yesterday! It was great to chat with folks that were going through the same experiences. We hired an accompanist to meet us at the audition and I was glad we did. He took a Music Theory test when he was done. Fingers crossed!

Congrats to @Propinquity S, @lkbux64 kid and all other auditioners! Sounds like all is going well. I got to chat with some terrific parents at Eastman today, including the lovely @mperrine and her super talented French horn player D; the mom of a female bass player who greatly impressed my S in the group jam…and several vocalist parents. Made the day go quickly!

We were pretty wiped by 6 pm but jumped in the car and made the 1.5 hour drive to Syracuse. We got a second wind and sang all the way! This is the stuff I’ll miss. Now ordering Chinese food and hunkering down at the hotel. Going to hit 15 degrees tomorrow, “shorts weather” as my S calls it. To all a good night!

My son had his audition at UT Austin today. He was the last one of the day and the audition was less than 10 minutes. The viola professor told my son to meet with him in his office at 4:30. He gave him a mini lesson of 30 minutes and told my son that he’d recommend admission to the school for my son and my son would get his acceptance letter in February and scholarship information in March. Is it considered an acceptance? He did ask my son what other schools he applied. My son told him that he applied for Michigan, CMU, USC, UCLA and UW. S also told him that he’d already received an offer from UW (University of Washington) and they wanted him to be a violin major instead of a viola major. The professor also asked him why Austin and he said because of the strong CS program.

That’s great @pdxtigermom. Did he like the teacher?