Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

Quick recap of USC jazz audition experience, which S did yesterday. S arrived on campus 2 days prior to his audition and picked up a pass that allowed him into the USC practice rooms which are on the edge of campus, about 3 blocks from USC Village. He had a lesson with guitar professor that same day and liked him. The day of audition, he checked in 1 hour before his audition and was assigned a warmup room which was shared with other guitarists.

He played 3 of his prepared songs during the audition and then was given some sight reading. There were 6 or 7 people listening to the audition, including the teacher that gave him a lesson a couple of days before. He said that the rhythm section was the best he had played with of all of his auditions.

He took a theory test a couple hours later. He said it wasn’t bad—very similar to the AP Music Theory exam. We then both attended current student Q&A session which was very informative. We skipped the school tour as we toured when we visited last September and he had just spent the last two days on campus.

All in all a good day. Happy to be about to land at JFK and back to my regularly scheduled life with a couple of weeks off before his next audition at Peabody.

@lkbux64 My son also thought that the rhythm section was one of the best he’s had as well. The entire guitar faculty was there at the audition - including Bruce Foreman who is apparently considered one of the country’s best beebop guitar players. Quite a commitment to the audition process!

So here’s an interesting follow-up. I shared that my son decided not to apply at the Bob Cole Conservatory at Long Beach. His reasoning was he felt the guy picked him apart, wanted him to be something he wasn’t and he didn’t think he’d get in. So he decided last minute to not audition. The teacher emailed him and asked why and my son responded last night with a very honest description of why.

Well, today he got a very long email from the teacher basically saying he was sorry my son got that impression; that he thought my son has great potential; that he’s one of the better players, he thought they had chemistry, and that he would like him to consider auditioning again.

I had originally reminded my son that the professor was very complimentary of him, but my son didn’t see it that way. He felt the professor was trying to make him a “star” or something by reworking all that he was doing (but in the email, the guy said my son’s technique was flawlessly smooth).

It will be interesting to see if my son decides to reconsider. Also interesting how my son’s perceptions were so off.

@sbjdorlo In some sense, it shows how it’s easy to be mistaken by going off of expressions and perceptions during early lessons and auditions. It’s a reminder that our kids do feel judged, and it’s not easy to put aside an early impression.
On the other hand, I’m a firm believer that how our kids feel during the interaction is a valid decision point. They have to be comfortable with the teacher and the environment given they’ll be spending 4 years there…
As an aside, what’s your opinion of CSULB v. CSUN for jazz studies?

Congrats to you and your daughter @DrummerDad18–she was great! I was kicking myself for not recording it so yes I would love to get it from you. I’ll try to figure out how to send you a PM but I may not have posted enough times to have that privilege yet.

@dsinha, ah, I have no experience with the jazz studies at either school, unfortunately. My son’s a classical cellist, so that is my area of “expertise”, as it were. Both have really good reputations I understand.

There are a lot of lists so it’s kind of hard to tell…

I’ll just PM it to you @jazzboydad. It was great! Hope USC goes smoothly and you make it a solid two for two this weekend.

Wow. Just like that another audition weekend is over. Hope you all had safe and pleasant travels and good auditions.

CIM report: super well organized. Check in was easy, they had folders with practice/audition/interview times for each student. Lots of tour times and information sessions and even a coat/instrument “coat room”.

Every student was helpful, friendly and eager to help and answer questions. Admin/Staff roamed the halls and made it a point of sitting down to chat with families and students.

S said his audition went “OK” - he really has no idea how it went although he did play all of his pieces all the way through which is a first - most places ask him to just play parts. The interview was low key with one of the admissions folks just asking about S’ “perfect” school and other exploratory type questions.

The “ladies auxiliary” (really!) arranged a hot lunch for everyone and the professors made a point to sit with the audition students and their parents to answer questions.

S is pretty sure this is his ‘stretch’ school and would be surprised to be admitted. It definitely went up on his list. (and mine too)

@chollist - glad you made it out! Hope you make it back home safely. Hoping we can actually drive home once we land…

Only one more audition to go!

USC went surprisingly well for my D, pop/comm voice. In her words it felt very easy and comfortable, she sang 2 of her 5 prepared songs that were in contrast to each other followed by 15 min interview. She was well prepared for the interview and they seemed to click very well with her. FYI The interview Qs have theory in them. She understands it’s a long shot but feels like she gave it her all. I’m soooo proud :slight_smile:
For future readers I suggest taking the theory test, tour and student panel q&a the day before if you get an afternoon slot. I’m really happy we did, I think it would have been too much in one day. However if you get a morning slot then do it all in one swoop.
That’s it for us, the waiting game begins. I wish all of you and your kids happy auditions in the next few weeks and will follow along!

@dsinha Not the person you asked, but thought I’d weigh in on CSULB v CSUN in jazz.

The short version: they’re both very good music schools, both classical and jazz, equivalent to UCI overall, and even equivalent to UCLA in jazz (really). Of course, the UC’s are more selective universities in general, so there’s that.

I’d say the jazz ensembles at CSUN are a bit better known, but we’ve found (as have other families with HS and college-aged jazz musicians who looked and know students at both schools) that the range and quality of the performance majors is about the same at both schools: all are good to very good musicians as far as talent, but the level of seriousness, dedication, and attention to detail of the students to their craft is not as consistent as a group as those at more selective music schools (like, say, USC).

Just my $0.02

@WestOfPCH Thanks a ton for the response! We had an interesting weekend. He had a good audition at CSUN in the morning and USC the same afternoon. He was really impressed with the live backups at both schools.

@“Bay Area Mom 2016” what time was your audition at USC? We saw a few vocalists warming up during the 2pm hour at the Music Complex. Wonder if one was yours? :slight_smile:

@dsinha wow yes she was 2:45! That’s crazy! Black and white pants. You guys were guitar right?

Congrats on USC and Miami auditions! Sounds like your musicians had a great time and more auditions under their belt. Many of you are in the home stretch - what a relief!

Yes, congrats to all! Wondering how many people still have auditions in the works. S has one local one this weekend and then the wait begins.

Sounds like everyone had a great weekend - good luck to all as you wait for results!

We had a little family meeting yesterday and decided that son is done with auditions! It occurred to us that he would rank his remaining schools #4 and #5 (out of 6), so he is just going to bow out of “double whammy” weekend next week.

He has already been accepted to his third favorite school. His audition this weekend confirmed for him that his #2 school is indeed his #2 school and admissions are not that competitive (the instructor is trying to grow the studio, already knows my son, was excited to see him, said he would love to have him there, etc.). So after applying to 7 schools, he’s going to end up with 4 auditions (he ended up not sending a video audition to one school). Hopefully this is the right call. It will be nice to have a weekend off before all-state auditions.

Three auditions left, hoping it will drop to 2. But S has the flu. Out of school until at least Wednesday, probably Friday. The 2nd of the 2 auditions this weekend is realllllly important to him. He’ll never catch up in calculus now…

@“Bay Area Mom 2016” Yeah! We were 2:30 at the RED STUDIO :slight_smile:

@akapiratequeen my son has 3 auditions remaining: Peabody (2/18), New School (2/24) and NYU (3/5). He may drop NYU which will leave him with a total of 5 auditions.