Class of 2023 undergrad/Class of 2021 grad: The Tours, the Auditions, the Journey

@HRoFan this is all totally new to us to. We only brought resumes and headshots if asked and only one copy each time. We just made sure we had extra copies of her music just in case and in fact our D last audition we realized she had put her French piece on the application and as the last song and it wasn’t in her binder as she was warming up. We had plenty of copies. Good thing as they asked her to do the French piece and not the English one she had as 3rd on her sheet.

Great news today: S accepted to Ithaca with a presidential scholarship! He’s over the moon — this is a top choice. Whole family rejoicing.

Two for two so far, and this is a big one for S! Now we can relax while waiting for the final tally.

Here’s to happy results for all!

@akapiratequeen this is fantastic news!!! Acceptance to top choice with a great scholarship!!! Congratulations to your S and your whole family.

@HRoFan - my son’s private teacher suggested he take a folder with resume, repertoire list and copies of the audition music numbered. He presented a copy to each person at the audition (most he had was three). Most handed it back after the audition was complete but a few kept the resume. One school did videotape the auditions.

@akapiratequeen - what awesome news about Ithaca! Congrats!

@DrummerDad18 - I too am intrigued by the numbers. My son was at FSU yesterday and the professor said he had 30 auditioning for 5 spots and he would probably make 8 offers. At one of the conservatories, we were shocked to learn that one professor only had two students and we have no indication of how many they’ll take.

So auditions are over and we join in the waiting game! Thank goodness my third child is not musical! :slight_smile:

Congrats @akapiratequeen!! Awesome news!!

@akapiratequeen - fantastic news! I am so happy for you and your son!

Woo Hoo @akapiratequeen - an acceptance with $$! Bonus! Congrats to you and S!

Thank you!! I credit the wonderful parents of CC with helping us get to this successful outcome. Just SO excited.

My son had two auditions over the weekend at local (2 hour drives) schools: Univ. of Kansas and U. MO KC. They both went well, which is great because these are two of his “safe” and “affordable” schools. Both schools have their strengths and he can see himself at both of them. KU is my alma mater, so I’m partial. The jazz program is small, but the sax prof. is top notch. UMKC is a solid affordable option in a great location in a fantastic city for jazz. He has 4 down now and 3 to go.

@akapiratequeen Congrats! This is my favorite post, when they get into a top choice with $$$! Which means your kid is their tippy top choice too!

Congrats @akapiratequeen ! That’s great news.

S got an email from Frost today indicating that the school would begin making decisions next week—much sooner than we expected given the relatively late scheduling of auditions. Fingers crossed for all the great kids who auditioned in Miami!

So wonderful for your daughter and family, Congrats

Congrats, Did you hear by email or snail mail?

Yayyyyyyyyy @akapiratequeen! Huge congrats to your S!

Thanks! @PAPDAD we heard through snail mail.

@akapiratequeen Congratulations to you and your S! So very exciting!

Yeah congrats @akapiratequeen!!! It’s all starting to roll in!
@jazzboydad My D got the same email from FROST. Just about gave us a heart attack asking her to make sure her application was complete…I’m assuming if it says complete it is, she has no messages. Is that what everyone’s said or do you think we should call?

@akapiratequeen Mazel Tov! Must be a truly happy house! Top choice with $ is just amazing. So happy for you and your S!

I think the frost mail is just a precaution sent to everyone. We got it too. And we’ve had a complete app since December. I’m not overly optimistic that they are going to notify any earlier than past years due to need for them to coordinate with UM schedule. I would guess they are just trying to avoid last minute firedrills of people with missing info. Or maybe they see they have more incomplete apps than they would like at this point in process and want remind folks. I still think we are in for a wait until end of March.

Oh and super congratulations to the originator of this thread, @akapiratequeen ! Best news I’ve heard today.

@akapiratequeen Mazal tov! Fantastic news!! Keep the good news coming!