Class of 2024 Admissions Decisions

What date did she apply?

Happy D20!
ACT: 35
GPA: 4.0/4.0 UW; 4.55/5.0 W (Honors, APs and DEs)
Rank: Top 5% /450
Extra curricular: 4 year varsity and year-round sport, robotics, theater, PT job, peer tutor, honor societies, leadership positions and volunteer
State Residency: OOS
Ethnicity/Gender: F
Application date: 8/19 (Transcript sent 9/23)
Decision date: 10/4
Major/College: College of Engineering

Hi @HappyNJOOS …we are from NJ as well…my daughter recently got accepted…have you visited the school yet?

Yes we did visit last spring. One of my personal favorites, but more importantly, one of my son’s favorites. Just had a nice positive friendly vibe. Unfortunately many of the NJ colleges we visited had none of that going on.

My DD applied to TN and received an email from her Admissions Rep that a decision was made on Friday, October 25th. He also said to expect the decision online or email. We should also expect something in the mail. Did anyone else get an email like this? She has still not received anything.

She should be able to see the decision when she logs into her Vol account.

Just received the email today!

ACT: 33
GPA: 3.931/4 UW, 5.12 W
Extra Curriculars: leadership positions in various honor societies and leadership position in community service clubs
12 APs and all honors
State Residency: OOS
Ethnicity/Gender: Asian, F
Application Date: 10/10 but received all materials 10/22
Decision Date: 10/31
Decision: Accepted!
Major/College: Arts and Sciences
Invited to apply to honors

Did you receive an email or just posted in the portal? My daughter did not get an email. UT did update the portal with acceptance (10/31), but my daughter does not know yet because she has not logged in. She likes to find out her acceptances herself - so I am just waiting for her to see it :slight_smile:

Congratulations. When did she apply? Can you share stats

@gobux DD received an e-mail that said an update was posted to her VIP portal! When she logged in there was a link to the acceptance letter; within a week she received the UTK admissions box in the mail.

D20 was accepted as well…
ACT/SAT: 1420
GPA/Rank: 4.0 UW and 4.5 W; rank 16/600
Extra curriculars: tons with leadership
State Residency: NC
Ethnicity/Gender: WF

Application date: 9/20?
Decision date: 10/4?
Decision: accepted with out of state tuition waiver. invited to apply for Honors and Scholarships
Major/College: University Studies (Undecided)

@gobux mine was the same! He wanted to wait for the thing to come in the mail, so I knew for about 10 days before he did :wink:

@rbc2018 and @1anddone She did not receive an email so I guess she will need to wait a week for the box to arrive :slight_smile: UGH… Hopefully she logs into the portal to see the Good News!!

DD admitted as a nursing major on 10/31 (applied mid-August).
SAT: 1460
GPA: 3.8 UW/4.0W
Extracurriculars: hundreds of volunteer hours in hospital, leadership at school
Major: Nursing

ACT/SAT: 1230
GPA/Rank: 3.26
Extra curriculars: Varsity Cheerleading, Soccer, and Track, Newspaper, Foreign language club, Interact Club.
State Residency: Indiana
Ethnicity/Gender: Female

Application date: 10/24
Decision date:11/4
Decision: accepted
Major/College: Arts and Science

GPA: 4.3, 51/691
Extra curriculars: Band, video journalism, multiple clubs, leadership in 2.
State Residency: Texas
Ethnicity/Gender: Female

Application Date: Oct. 13
Decision date: Oct. 18

Major/College: Accepted into 2nd major - Journalism but still waiting to hear about nursing. The waiting is driving us batty! How long does it usually take after being accepted to UT?

DD just received her admission package in the mail. She had checked online but wanted to wait until she had something tangible before celebrating. Very exciting times!

SAT: 1420 (770ERW/650M)
GPA/Rank: 3.89UW/4.15W/Rank 76/490
Extra curriculars: 4 years lacrosse, 2 years tennis, yearbook editor, SPCA volunteer, PT job
State Residency: OOS CA
Ethnicity/Gender: F
Legacy: Mom and dad.

Application date: 9/27 (transcript received 10/22)
Decision date: 10/29
Decision: Accepted with Volunteer Scholarship and invitation to apply to honors.
Major/College: Architecture (first choice)


Received the email last night

ACT/SAT: 1330
GPA/Rank: 3.6 UW/ 3.994 W
Extra curriculars: Lots of Sports; Captain. Work, Volunteer, Honor Societies
State Residency: VA

Application date:10/30
Decision date:11/13
Decision:Accepted with Volunteer Scholarship
Major/College:Haslam School of Business

Can someone tell me about the housing contract? What’s the best time frame to get it submitted? I know at other institutions once you pay your acceptance deposit then you are in the queue for housing, but it looks like at UTK maybe the submitted housing contract gets you in the queue? Is it binding? Thanks all!

The $250 enrollment deposit gets you in line for dorm selection. The housing contract can be broken, but the $250 is not refundable unfortunately if you decide to change your mind and not attend UTK.

February, 2020 - Applications for Living & Learning Communities (LLCs) will become available
May, 2020 - Select your room