Class of 2024 BS/DPT Decisions

are decisions out?

My daughter received her acceptance letter for the direct admit DPT program at the end of December. A copy of the letter was also posted to her admissions portal. We were very surprised because we thought she wouldn’t hear anything until end of January.

Congratulation to your daughter!!! My daughter received her admittance to Marquette University College of Health Sciences. However, she is in the second step of her admissions process to the BS/DPT Program. No letter in the regular mail yet. Hoping she makes the cut for the BS/DPT program. Her GPA was 4.02, 7 AP classes, excellent extra curriculars and recommendation and a rhythmic gymnast athlete for the last 10 years. Hoping is just enough!

Any advice is appreciated!

@Chuti63 Thank you! My daughter applied and received her initial acceptance into the University/College of Health Sciences in early October. The acceptance into the DPT program came the last week of December. Her stats are: 3.85 UW GPA/4.61 W GPA, all Honors level classes including 7 AP (like your daughter!). Also had a wide variety of ECs and Community Service. I think the two things that might have helped her most with the application for DPT program was that she was able to do PT Observation in 3 different settings and that she took an Anatomy & Physiology class JR year in which they were able to participate in a 4 day “field trip” where they performed dissections and studied human cadavers. These experiences helped her when writing her essay.

I don’t know anyone else who has applied this year to the MU DPT program so I haven’t heard if anyone else has received notification one way or the other. The waiting is so stressful, isn’t it? Good luck to your daughter!!

Accepted!! and going…thank for you help!

Congratulations!! I’m going to try to send you a message - if I can figure out how, I’m new to this site - would be nice to connect with another PT parent.

Did anyone get an email on the “Scholarship and Scholars Program Review Process Complete”? Apparently, I was selected to be reviewed for the Ignatian Distinction Award of $8,000 ($2,000 per year for four years). Is this a good sign?

My son did not apply BS/DPT, but he also received this notice. Hoping he hears before Friday - really want to have closure on his application.

@kabh25 Congrats on your daughters acceptance! My DC is also interested in applying for the direct entry programs. May I ask whether she wrote about all these in her main essay? Or the supplementals? Thank you.

@Herefortwo I’m so sorry, I haven’t been on this site in months and just now saw your question. Hope you will still see this! Since Marquette requires a separate essay for admission to the direct-entry PT program she talked about those experiences in that essay rather than her general essay for the Common App. Good luck!!