Class of 2024 Early Action Thread

Hi all - it is that time of year again! This is the College Confidential official thread for Class of 2024 Early Action Discussion. Good luck to all!

Super nervous but thanks!

Here are the last EIGHT (8) years of UMich EA release dates:

Last year, the first post here on CC was at 3:01 PM EST. So, the guesstimate of UMich releasing EA decisons this year is **Wednesday, December 18, 2019. **

Best of luck!

Question. Does anyone have any insights in terms of the timing of applying for early action? In other words does it help to apply in September vs mid or late October? Just curious as Michigan seems to defer a lot of students. Thanks

From what Iā€™ve heard, timing doesnā€™t matter as long as it is in by the deadline

Re: Timing of application. No discernible difference has been detected.

FWIW, my kid sent the app in on Halloween and was accepted EA.

Yes, they do, but they also reject a few too. Just talking ball park numbers from the Class of 2022, 40,000 of the roughly total apps of 65,000 were submitted EA. Of the 40,000 EA apps, there were almost 8,000 acceptances. The grand total acceptances is about 15,000. So, UMich accepted around 50% of the total acceptances for the entire class during EA.

Iā€™m sure UMich could fill their entire class with EA acceptances, but they donā€™t. :smile:

Hereā€™s the current admissions profile for UMich Class of 2023. Details arenā€™t available yet.

They have them up on the site - 3.9 UW and 32-35 ACT (50th percentile)

Youā€™re right, the math suggests they turn down a lot of kids in EA alsoā€¦am sure there are a lot of 26-31 ACT students that apply EA as well, especially in state.

Yes, that is the basic admissions profile for the Class of 2023. What I meant to say was that the CDS and/or a news release has not been released that will give us the breakdown of OOS vs. in-state admissions and their corresponding acceptance rates. As well as other more detailed info. Also, in the past the stats of the websiteā€™s admissions profile has not always agreed with the CDS.

Ah i seeā€¦yes will look forward to seeing those as wellā€¦

Just an FYI for those of you applying to be in the Class of 2024.

Since I/we donā€™t have the a full breakdown of Class of 2023 statistics (although the class appears to be larger by a few hundred students), hereā€™s the breakdown for enrolled Class of 2022:

Looks like they are starting to issue acceptances to EA applicants. My daughterā€™s status changed to accepted today.
W-4.2 UW-4.0

Good luck all

Please disregard my previous post. Wrong forumā€¦ Sorry for any disruption

Hi @sushiritto ! I am currently a sophomore in LSA at the University of Michiganā€“Ann Arbor, and I heard back on 12/20/2017 at 3:03pm. Let me know if you have any other questions, as I am more than happy to help!

Applying to Ross Business and realizing that I have write a 500-word business case current eventā€¦

Ah youā€™ll get it done no problemā€¦

Can anyone give any tips for essays? Iā€™m applying LSA with interest in computer science, and writing my activities essay about teaching coding classes, my community one about women in STEM (with respect to a coding camp Iā€™ve done for two years), and Iā€™m stuck on my why UMichigan. The problem is that I have a million reasons why UMichigan, but the reason Iā€™m applying LSA is basically only because I donā€™t want to take engineering school required classes for an almost identical comp sci degree.

UMich has a lot to offer students. Research the website and some other related articles. If something interests you, then write about it.

BTW, you can always transfer in or out of the CoE or LSA, if you change your mind. Hey, there you go. Write about UMich making transfers/changing majors easy. ?

My advice on the ā€˜why michiganā€™ essay:

  1. Write with specificity. What particular courses or program attributes or philosophy towards the material are unique to the Michigan program that interests you? Are there specific electives or general distribution requirements that interest you? Why? Again, write with a specificity that shows youā€™ve dug into the on-line materials about your interests and know what Michigan has to offer.
  2. Have a strong close. This is whatā€™s toughest about the essay. If you do your research, writing about what attracts you in 1. will be straightforward. The tough thing is to tie it all together. Thatā€™s where youā€™ll have to be creative.

@sushiritti, that was said tongue-in-cheek, right? Transferring out of LSA is very difficult, at least for students hoping to land in business or engineering!

Transferring to Ross is very hard since they have 125 odd spots for cross campus transfers.

As long as you have the grades and prereqs moving from LSA to Engineering or other way is easy. They will never put this in writing but ask the counselor privately.

@hgrobel The fact that your preference is ā€œhumanitiesā€ instead of ā€œcore engineeringā€ as you pursue a Comp Sci degree is a good angle. Spin it in a proper way.