Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@SingerDancerMom - my D auditioned for Michigan at the NY Unifieds.

@SingerDancerMom I am wondering the same thing as my D has been academically accepted with a generous scholarship, but nothing on the portal indicates artistic acceptance. Wondering if it’s a personal call that confirms acceptance to MT.

@flippedout I don’t think Ball State has sent any acceptances yet. Only rejections.

Have any of those Ball State rejections come from Chicago auditions or just on campus and NYC?

@Looney2020 Did your D apply for Acting, MT, or both?

@Looney2020 I meant to edit the above comment but can’t do it for some reason. I am literally asking for a friend who is in the same boat. I am so sorry to hear of the “no” your D got today. This journey is not for the faint of heart and I appreciate you sharing!

@Looney2020 when you say portal where do you mean exactly, sorry about the no! Onward to the next one!

I am so sorry to hear this. We have heard nothing from U Mich. Did you get a notification to check a portal, or were you just looking around? Honestly, I would not even know where to look. She seems to have 2 different portals for them. This process can be so confusing.

@WDWMom - “D” got an email to check “Enrollment Connect” - the email has a button to click to connect to the portal. I know the process is confusing, but if you get the email, you should be able to access the portal easily. She auditioned in NY at the Unifieds so they may not be rolling out all decisions yet. Good luck to all!

Thank you so much!!!?

My son just got a “yes” from CCM today!


Is it just me, or does it seem like boys are hearing sooner than girls? I have heard of a LOT of boys getting offers from schools that have not finished auditioning people. I guess it would make sense to do that
grab those boys early before someone else does.

I just wondered if anyone else has noticed this as well

@WDWMom - I feel like it is true that boys hear back earlier, but I could be wrong! My feeling is that there is less of them auditioning and therefore easier for schools to decide on who the top picks are. It happens sometimes with the girls too, but you don’t hear about it as often. Again, I could be wrong! My D auditioned for 17 schools and has only heard back from 3 - one yes, one waitlist and one no.

CONGRATS @bokunkas !

My D was at Montclair on 1/25 and we heard the following week that it was a “no” so I’m thinking you are still in the race there! Good luck. Really nice campus.

Is there anyone out there that has not heard anything from Otterbein? My D’s friends all got emails saying either 1) they were out of the running, or 2) they were still interested in them. My D has gotten no email at all. She auditioned in LA at the Unifieds (so did friends who got emails). Anyone else not hear anything?

@tsamuique - sorry, I did not see your question earlier - my D applied to Michigan for acting.

@bokunkas CONGRATS to your son!!! How did they notify him?

@Looney2020 Thank you for that. Same with my friend’s D. :frowning: Best of luck to your D with the rest of her schools!! I’m glad she’s got one “yes” in her pocket!