Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Like many other schools BoCo had a high yield last year and are taking fewer this year.
Know two boys got calls yesterday. (Maybe its just to certain people)

A friend of ours got into NYU Steinhartz today with a huge scholarship so it does happen: BAL to all still waiting!

Congrats @rickle1 ! My D definitely changed her idea about dream school/fit during the process as well. Glad to hear your D has options and at a lower price point! Win!

@allfour1 - Funny D applied to Boston College - didn’t get in, didn’t care really but we kind of wondered the same thing - why did we even apply - I don’t know how that made sense - panic buying - I like that!

@StanfordAI2019 thanks for the info!

Crazy and stressful times are an understatement. Need some advice knowing that there is at least some time to think things over. Very grateful that S got a Yes from NYU today. He selected All Studios so
 and this is where I have to admit being somewhat ignorant of the process (hopefully that doesn’t offend so many here who are incredibly well informed and worked hard to be so).

My S is thrilled and I think NYU is his dream school. That said
 I didn’t fully comprehend the decision to choose All Studios. I simply though it meant that they would place you in one of their studios upon their decision to admit. It seams the placement comes after you make a commitment to attend. I honestly know that not understanding this must make me sound like an idiot to many here.

S is extremely lucky to have acceptances from MT programs at CCM and PPU and a Theater and Performance admit at Emerson. Any thoughts on how to help guide S towards making a decision? I really appreciate the thought and care this community puts forward. Really wish I had known about CC sooner. We have lived much of the last decade overseas and which left us (and S) a bit disconnected. As always wishing everyone the best.

Something for all to enjoy the Barricade Boys lend their voices to the cause

Congratulations, @7Heartsong3 !! What fabulous choices your S has!! I can’t speak from veteran, in-studio experience but I have an MT son who applied “MT-All Studios” to NYU last fall. He says he prefers MT but if you were to force him to make a choice he’d tell you he’s an actor first, singer 2nd, and hopes someday to dance but moves well and with rhythm. He knew it was a “fit” school for him because, as much as he loves MT he knew he’d be happy getting training in any studio. I’d ask your S if he couldn’t attend A, B, or C school how would he feel?

DD was accepted into NYU Steinhardt for MT Vocal Performance! They did offer her a scholarship too!

@allfour1 My DD is on the WL for Tulane too and I agree with your panic buying! lol

Congrats @MadameT .

BoCo decision in the portal! (We got a “no” and that’s a wrap!!)

Got a “no” from Boco. D is inconsolable. That was her dream program. Ugh!

I’m so sorry @StanfordAI2019 :frowning:

@StanfordAI2019 So very sorry for your D and for you. It’s hard to watch your kid hurt.

@MTSongbirdMom @BloomingGirl --thanks for the words. As her dad, I actually think the Point Park program is a better fit for her anyways. This will at least make that decision easier.

@StanfordAI2019 BoCo was my daughter’s favorite, too, but having acceptances she is very excited about definitely took the sting out of this rejection. We also had told her early on that unless they gave a huge amount of financial aid (which we had heard was rare there), it wouldn’t even be on the table if she got in, so she adjusted her expectations accordingly. It does sound like your daughter has a GREAT option at Point Park (was also high on my daughter’s list), so hopefully after she has her good cry and period of mourning what she feels was lost, she will begin to get excited about where she’s headed. Sending lots of support and optimism your way.

I got a yes from BoCo! Keep in mind that I was flat rejected from PPU, Pace, and Roosevelt so I really think that the adjudicators are trying to find the best place for each person. ALSO I did not receive a call in advance, so that is not an indicator of acceptance/rejection for future students.

@StanfordAI2019 sorry to hear this. From everything you’ve shared, you’ve got a talented child with exceptionally sharp wit. From just what you’ve shared, she is going to make an incredible addition to any program.

@StanfordAI2019 , sorry to hear of the BOCO outcome for your D as I know it was the one she favored. it’s hard in the moment. Right now, all you guys are in the midst of this admissions saga, but I can assure you that when your kid is happily involved wherever they land next year, all these results and details won’t matter anymore. Things will work out!

@StanfordAI2019 I feel for you Bro, you have been a light of humor throughout this torturous process & your D has seemingly taken after you, THIS SUX!! but she will be in a great place next year
hang in there
did I mention THIS SUX???

@StanfordAI2019 and @Dance3Looks3 aw, so sorry about BoCo. You each have great choices and talented kids. Can’t wait to see where they end up, after a brief wallowing sesh, of course. Completely earned.

@justavery I thought you were a little crazy applying to so few schools (am I remembering right?) but you have defied the odds. Good for you. I’m sure it felt stressful, to wait all this time, after the no’s. Wow congrats!