Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@DivaStageMom – exactly. I told @Jasklo that her D sounds like one of those unicorns that could probably just take a bus to Broadway tomorrow and find work, so maybe just skip this altogether. LOL

@Jasklo @StanfordAI2019 - OMG - right I agree - with that talent she should skip the college thing and go right to Broadway - that is actually the CRAZY thing in this process - we are stressing over schools and basically you don’t need a degree for the actual job these kids are looking to do…

Shoot, @NeensMom - that’s a bummer about BoCo. But UArts does sound awesome! That wasn’t even on our radar two years ago. My sister lived in Philly and absolutely loved it. We had many fun visits there. It’s more affordable to live there than in Boston, that’s for sure.

@Jasklo congrats - you have a very talented kid there, clearly, even if you are humble! Can’t wait to see where she lands.

@divastagemom your HS (he who must not be mentioned) musical director story reminded me of this absolutely perfect cut-for-time SNL skit:

@StanfordAI2019 Oh sorry! I thought I remembered a post from you a while ago about how you were wondering why you guys didn’t apply to UArts. Must have been someone else. My apologies!

Hello! In case this helps anyone, I just wanted to post that my daughter has just released BFA MT spots at these schools:
BoCo, Roosevelt, UArts, LIU, Millikin, and Viterbo. She has also released her Priority Waitlist spot at Baldwin Wallace and regular wait list spots at Ball State and U of Arizona. I hope someone from this board is able to benefit from this movement.

HumbleBrag :)

@Back2B4 With a list of releases like that I can’t wait to hear where your D is landing! Hope you will post in the Final Decisions thread once she had committed!

Incidentally I know the thread was started last semester, but seems like by now we have a few people who have posted final decisions. Last year we had a few in the fall. Always my favorite thread to read!

YEP. As for posting this, you’re darned if you do and darned if you don’t. I’m just peddling information, which everyone seems eager to obtain at this stage in the process.

@MTSongbirdMom We’ll gladly post our story later this season, but it’s my D’s news to announce and she doesn’t want to do that yet so I have to respect that.

@Back2B4 I can tell you most people are very appreciative of the info AND YOUR unselfish willingness to release at this stage Thank you for sharing

@NYYFanNowMTdad curious if you also got an email from BW talking about a zoom session this week?

So we finally heard from Syracuse and it is another MT waitlist. She has some options she likes, but is also VERY interested in Syracuse and Ball State (priority wait list there). Does anyone have any knowledge of movement on these lists??

My D is also a WL for BFA Acting. Syracuse is a top top school for her and she would jump at the chance to go. Would love info on how their WL moves.

@Jasklo Thank you! And congratulations to you, wow you sure have some amazing offers on the table! How will you choose?!

@Back2B4 It’s definitely her decision when she’s ready to share her story! I will look forward to it when that time comes! ?

I empathize with you about having to possibly eliminate your child’s first choice due to cost. I am struggling with that issue as well. His top pick looks amazing but I just don’t know if we can swing it! I am having him really look at his other choices with fresh eyes and an open heart. Best of luck in your decision and congrats on all the acceptances!

Does anyone have any experience with the OCU or Point Park waitlist? Anyone know if it moves? Thanks :slight_smile:

Just settling down after a busy day.

Thank you @StanfordAI2019, @MadameT, @DramaLlama18 , @tsamuique, @theatrekidmom

I don’t know how this is gonna shake out. Great probelms to have, but an emotional roller coaster nonetheless. D Still hasn’t seen some of these places.

When this is all over is there a big reveal so we know how to look for each other in the real world?

No notice of a change in decision date, correct?

Some schools have changed them. Some have not.

Just a little levity… I certainly was not trying to shame you. You should definitely be proud that these are the ones you released.