Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Good Morning All! Grateful for your humor and generosity. Stay safe and healthy. Still haven’t heard any rumblings about moving the commitment date. Anyone else thinking of committing to a place their daughter hasn’t seen?

@Jasklo yep! Our final schools Are all ones we have never seen. Ugh, really stinks

@Jasklo @HAHCx4 Yes, same here. My D was able to visit the 2 schools that she is WL and did not get to visit the 2 schools where she is accepted.

Also posted this in the Acting thread, but there seems to be more conversation in this MT thread…

My S received a TXST Acting Priority Hold email asking about updates on other schools and he didn’t know he was in the PH group. Last he heard was a rejection in March. He’s reached out to them for clarification.

Also has no update from Purchase. Last he heard was they were going to update everyone my mid-March. Anyone have similar experiences?

Still waiting on Wright State result (from October). Anyone else?

Have you reached out to them? In your shoes, I’d reach out with a polite email to the program head asking when you might expect to receive a decision. At this point, I think it’s reasonable to be concerned you have gotten lost somewhere.

@GeddyMcNutty we still haven’t heard and reached out. Turns out the departmental application was missing for D, we sent it in on October 15??? Anyhow that’s why we never heard. Forwarded the original email with all the info back to them. I would definitely reach out.

@Jasklo My S has an offer from CCM and that was one of the few schools we didn’t visit last summer. We visited 10 schools total but CCM was just a bit too far for the time we had and the road trip we were on. We are extremely fortunate to have a few options and lucky to have been able to visit those places. It is really strange to think about committing to a place sight unseen, but I think in my S’s case, he’s ok it as he’s done more than 8 years of his schooling in three overseas locations… so lots of moving and arriving in places that become “home” having never visited before.

I have found that some of the virtual tours are amazing (CCM’s is very good) and more than that, my S has been able to connect with current students. These kids connect so quickly and easily. Those factors have helped.

Yes, sadly, we are most likely going to land in this camp. We were fortunate in that my kid at least got to lay eyes on EVERY OTHER school besides the one that I think is the best fit. There is one that is also a pretty good fit as well that she will not let go, I think because of this very reason. It is kind of maddening. She has connected with students in the program and those accepted/committed students of the class of 2024, she even has a roommate AND awesome room lined up. However, despite all of this, she is having trouble being comfortable committing to a place she has not been. She is haunted by the stories of " I stepped on campus and I KNEW." I will say, that her connection with the faculty of this school was immediate and I keep reminding her of this. Not just in the audition but from their info session. She was hooked but that missing visit piece is holding her back and keeping another school she visited and felt a connection to in the running. Sigh…this is so hard!

@Ontheverge I don’t know if it would help your D or not, but I think the “I Knew” feeling comes from the vibe of the people - not from the place itself. If she feels that connection with the faculty and with her cohort of accepted/committed students, she’s probably got the “I knew” without really knowing it. Does she have a great connection with the people at the other option?

My son and I visited last year for his audition. We were really impressed by CCM. The MT freshmen all stay in the same dorm and it is literally next door to where most of their classes are. My son had a friend there and she and her friends walked by us on their way to their 8am classes still in their pajamas (and heavy coats as it was December).

If your son is interested in D1 sports at all, There is one rehearsal space that is part of the stands at the Southwest end zone. The full-room windows look directly onto the playing field.

Cincinnati also has a very vibrant theater scene and I believe the kids participate in outside shows. The performance facilities are excellent, and probably the best tech program out there… so performance should be excellent.

My oldest D (not DD) goes to UC in nursing. She absolutely LOVES the campus. It is big but with hardly in roads through campus it has a very small feel to it. The surrounding area is fun and the kids seem to really enjoy campus and a couple streets right there by campus. Even when they move off campus most are still within walking distance of everything. My DD has a Very good friend who is a junior boy at CCM in MT. He also loves it.

@TexasMTDad Thanks very much for that information. S is almost as crazy about sports as he is about MT, so the chance to be in a place with D1 sports is a draw for him. Residence hall proximity to CCM is also a real plus.

and the CCM building / residence hall is right next to the area where all of the restaurants / shopping are. They just have to go up a big flight of stairs and boom, they are right there.

Oh and when there aren’t any games, there are no restrictions on going on the football field. While we were there, there were just a group of kids trying to make field goals. There aren’t any gates or anything… just walk in.

@Ontheverge Not sure if my experience helps, but I have to second what @speezagmom said about getting the vibe from the people more than the physical place. The schools all have a lot of ways to “see” the campus online, but those connections with faculty and other students are probably the best way to get a feel for what it would be like to attend a school.

I actually went to a college 3,000 miles from home that I HAD NEVER SEEN! I still can’t believe sometimes that I did that back in the day, when we didn’t have all these online resources. I based my decision on some brochures, discussions with my guidance counselor, and word-of-mouth from a slightly older friend who went to the school–seems totally crazy now! But it ended up being such a great fit for me. So it can happen!

@prarie - evidently the TXST Acting people sent out an email that sounded like a rejection several weeks/months ago but it was just a we will let you know email. My D didn’t audition for Acting so we didn’t get the email but we heard that from a couple of people.

@7Heartsong3 - thank you for sharing that about your S moving several times and having to go somewhere he’s never seen and make it “home.” I am an Army Brat so I did that growing up and I told my D that she can live anywhere for 4 years, to pick the training and program that she likes best because 4 years goes by so fast! Yet, when our plans to see schools fell through, I was crushed about her going to a college she had never visited. We have actually toured 20 colleges in the last 2 years for her so reality is that a college campus is a college campus. You just reminded me that it will be okay - home is not a place, it’s the people with you and she’s been connecting with accepted students at a couple of her schools.

@RMT549 thank you for sharing that. The March message was a bit cryptic… maybe they just didn’t want to commit to their Priority Hold list at that time?

My D just got the offer from UCO! Finally some good news in all this craziness!!
She loved the program and campus since day one. I feel I can finally breathe!

Wonderful news, @msco313 !!! So glad for you both!