Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

thank you EVERYONE, I really just wanted to post so others were aware of activity on the WL, I hope I didn’t make anyone feel stressed or feel badly, it sucks when you are waiting for that yes, WE KNOW, but its nearly as bad, dare I say worse, being in a black hole without any insight of info… fingers crossed for everyone including our remaining 3 WLs!

@NYYFanNowMTdad, Congratulations on Ball State!!!

@NYYFanNowMTdad Congrats! I’m getting the good vibe from you for my D’s WL movement!

@7Heartsong3 Congrats! Best luck to his new journey!

Congrats on Ball State @NYYFanNowMTdad !

Congrats @NYYFanNowMTdad - what great news!

@NYYFanNowMTdad CONGRATS on BSU!!! We are hoping for that call to get off the waitlist!!!

D got the call too. She released her spot as she has narrowed down her choices to two other programs. Hope this helps someone else… Especially if BSU is your top choice!

@MT85 was your daughter priority waitlist or regular waitlist?
Congrats on your other choices!!

@wishiknewtgen PWL… Thanks!

Congrats @NYYFanNowMTdad on Ball State!

Congratulations @NYYFanNowMTdad on Ball State! One less WL is a great thing! Hoping for WL movement soon too on some NY schools, but looking like it’s not going to happen with the upside down world we now all live in. Be safe all!

Congrats @NYYFanNowMTdad on Ball State!

Congrats! @NYYFanNowMTdad, fingers crossed for more WL movement!

Congrats @NYYFanNowMTdad on Ball State. Hoping for that PWL call here too - so it is nice to know that have at least moved to that list now. Do you mind me asking what other WL you are on?

@Transymeg no problem as I think I posted our waitlist on other threads:

We are waitlisted at Indiana, Arizona & Baldwin Walalce.

With the previous yes from OCU & the recent one from BSU we may release 1-2 of the waitlists this week.

hope that helps?

congrats to all what a crazy, difficult and still exciting time!

Thank you @EmsDad for your incredible info on these forums–DS just came off WMU waitlist for MT and we are all so happy! We haven’t been to campus but know the program is amazing because of all that has been shared here. The wait lists ARE MOVING everybody!

Can any past Otterbein BFA MT Parent identify any hidden expenses that were not included in the tuition costs that you had to incur? I mean like books, paying for accompanists or Private lessons… things directly related to the educational processes.
Trying to make a decision and have all the facts I need . So very much appreciated!

Can I also include any past FSU BFA MT Parent who can identify any hidden expenses that were not included in the tuition costs that you had to incur? I mean like books, paying for accompanists or Private lessons… things directly related to the educational processes.
Trying to make a decision and have all the facts I need . So very much appreciated!

My D just came off of a waitlist with Point Park University with more scholarship than I anticipated! I’m crying now!

Sending all good vibes to everyone who’s been waiting!