Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

I think they are just uploading them as fast as they can. My D’s was uploaded on the 17th, and some were uploaded yesterday.

I really don’t think it means anything, other than completing a file. Seriously, there are enough people on here whose children have already had their video uploaded that it CAN’T be a “good” thing (based on the low numbers U Mich accepts). Maybe, as someone stated, it means they have finished reviewing files and are closing them out, or maybe some work-study student is getting everything together for files to be reviewed. Who knows. Either way, we don’t expect a yes from U Mich. Maybe some of you here will get great news, but we are not holding our collective breaths for our D on that one.?

If you auditioned on campus it could be that the faculty all already got to see your child. For those of us whose kids auditioned at unifieds the faculty needs a video to see the kids. Of course I’m just guessing, but other schools did mention this, I think we’re making too much of this video portal anyway. I got freaked out last night over this and now I just feel embarrassed for that. All of this is completely OUT of our control now. Our kids have done their jobs, it’s up to all of the faculties to do theirs now.

My D auditioned on campus, and hers is uploaded.

They could be going by date auditioned, by reverse date auditioned, by last name, by whichever video session they grabbed on the day…who knows!?

We didn’t do U Mich - that was the only prescreen my daughter failed - since I don’t have a “dog” in this fight here is my two cents - some student intern is loading up all the videos in the portal in some non-specific order - maybe alphabetical - so they will be available for the faculty this weekend when they get together and review them - because according to the list those acceptances/rejections should be coming out next week! BAL everyone!

It seems like there have been a lot of CCM No’s and some CCM Yesses starting this week. My daughter hasn’t heard anything from CCM at all. Are there many others in this situation? (NY audition)

@SingerDancerMom - my d has a male friend who auditioned at NY Unifieds also has not heard back

@SingerDancerMom , my son was at an early on campus audition and hasn’t heard anything yet. ?

My daughter auditioned for CCM in a Chicago and heard a no about a week later. So, I’d assume no news is good news.

Same situation here. NY audition for CCM but no word yet.

Auditioned in Chicago and already got the NO. So no news is good news?

I know it’s impossible to not read into things but we got a quick no from one audition in Chicago. But We haven’t heard back from the others so maybe it’s a positive thing? Who knows

Here’s an odd situation. My daughter received a no thanks from Temple for a live audition that she was not invited to. She also just received a rejection from prescreens from Oklahoma City that she submitted in October.

Looks like something fell through the cracks and they were putting a period at the end of the sentence. My only issue is that We spent money to submit the prescreens just to have them fall in a black hole.

@mtdadyo and others on the CCM waiting. We went through this a couple of years ago, and basically, CCM started releasing “no’s” weekly - on Fridays if I remember right. You were still in the running (limbo) until you got the notice. If they haven’t changed, I would guess that there is a wave on a weekly basis from now until into March.


@speezagmom , so just more nos come out weekly? Acceptances are done? Or some of both each week?

I think if all the yes were done, all the nos would just be sent out. My gut is they do it like Texas State, send out initial no to people they are no longer considering, and then hold back some “maybe” people. They start at the top of their yes pile and send out a few, then they follow up with them to see how likely they are to attend. Based on results, they send out a few more yes people and release more no people.

I think each week that goes on, the yes notifications get smaller, but there might also be a surge later (end of Mar., Apr, and possibly after May 1, depending).

I think with most colleges who have started notifying, no notice definitely means you are somewhere in the maybe pile.

I understand University of Arizona made some acceptance calls at the beginning of this week. Does anyone know if they also sent out rejections and how rejections are delivered? My daughter’s portal still doesn’t show a decision made, but she just auditioned last weekend. I think the acceptances that went out on Monday were for kids who auditioned in 2019. If anyone has any additional info I would greatly appreciate it!

I have not heard of any rejections going out…only yes phone calls.

Hi! I know that they’re not done sending out offers, because they do have one last audition happening on campus this weekend. Calls are yeses, and waitlist and rejections are gonna be emailed out.

sorry to double comment, but to add on, I’m pretty sure they’ve (UArizona) only called people who auditioned at Moonifieds! ^