Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

I tell you what one of the hardest parts is. The subjectivity and uncertainty on what qualifies as ‘good.’ Let me explain – in athletics (which we’ve also gone through), there are some universally objective metrics that kids can measure themselves against. (e.g. - Joe got an offer to play at Alabama, but he’s ranked as a 4-star recruit, runs a 4.4 40, benches 275, and had huge games against regionally televised competition this season…I know I’m not at Joe’s level, so I should look at maybe going to an FCS program). In MT, all of our kids are good…or they wouldn’t be here…but the comparison piece is missing because of the lack of good data, so we’re not really sure how our kids stack up. Plus, how the all the top MT programs are designed with conservatory / smaller class sizes and much more demand than supply, they’ve built the system to make our kids think they are not ‘good enough’…even if they are. Sorry, just venting with y’all. Only people who understand how painful this journey is. People outside of this world have NO idea…

Sorry I am just now seeing this. My son auditioned for CCM at Chicago Unifieds.

Got the no from Montclair yesterday, but at least we got the socks! Received an email for a portal change.

My Informed Delivery shows that there is a little envelope coming today from Wright State. My D was waitlisted last year and didn’t get notified until mid-March, so I have no guesses. Anyway, heads up, Wright State might be starting to notify (I know there have been a couple of early acceptances, but they do most of their decisions after the last audition date, which was 2/22).

@AbigCurveBall and @moosegirlemy2 Any more info from the school after this email?

Send me any questions you have about the MSU program- it is incredible!!

@HAHCx4 last year they were individual emails from Robert Westenberg and most came in late March.

@csuram1994 That is awful. Reminds me of the story that last Thursday, the Mayo Clinic medical school sent out 360 acceptances to applicants. By MISTAKE. Can you imagine the fallout in the admissions office, and them having to make THOSE apology phone calls? I hope you get some better news going forward.

I remember last year, right around now, I had to take a break from CC for a few weeks, the tension and stress was getting to everybody. Some posters would be resentful of other’s good news, some desperate for some light at the end of the tunnel, and everybody just exhausted from…waiting. And every few days having to be a parent therapist to your kid from a new rejection, when really you kind of needed a therapist yourself. And that was in a situation where we had some great choices. I commented last year that it would’ve been a better investment to have a psychiatrist on retainer rather than an audition coach.

Hang in there everybody. Sounds like a broken record, but your kids will end up where they are supposed to be.

so i didnt get the call from UMich… but i have no idea where the decision would be on the portal. Mine looks the same. Would there be a waitlist notification? A rejection letter? Where on the portal would I find it?

When we auditioned a few weeks ago, they said there is no waitlist - they get basically all offers to commit - they offered two over prior years, but all accepted this past year, so I doubt they are offering over this year. They said all would know on 2/28, per my notes.

Heard about first Point Park offer made yesterday. Package received in mail by this student.

@BrennaK My D received an early offer for BFA Acting from Wright State in December. (She auditioned for both MT and Acting; got Acting - which she loves, so that was cool.) Anyway, not that it would be the same at all for this timeframe of notifications, because I’m sure when sending out more notices they probably switch things up, but hers was a big envelope with a folder inside, and the envelope specifically said it was from the Dept. of Theatre. In case that helps at all. It might just be a regular letter from the school. Good luck!! We have an envelope from Ohio Northern in today’s mail… crossing fingers that everyone gets good news today!

@SeniorMom24 I know one kid from last year that chose to go somewhere else so don’t know if they replaced them or just were minus one?

Now that the notification process has started, one thing learned is that when we see XYZ University has started making acceptances, it generally means only to the “Sparkly Unicorns” as it has been described. These individuals have received acceptances into many of what people consider the top programs already. So just because we see they have started making calls, it is more than likely just to a couple of individuals, not everybody. If you have a “Sparkly Unicorn”, congratulations! Everyone else, just tell yourself to be patient with the process. Much easier said than done I know. We are waiting on 10 programs and have been on pins and needles since we ended our last audition last weekend. That program too has already started making calls. Holding our breathe…. but Ugh… This process is gut wrenching, stressful, not for the faint of heart. I would love to see all programs have a mandatory date say March 1 when they release all of their decisions at once, just like a cast list for a musical. I doubt it will ever happen, but it would sure be nice to know all at once and would definitely speed up this process.

With all of that said, I am one however that likes information. If you are not, please STOP reading here…

Heard two other programs sent offers yesterday. Penn State - call to one individual. Point Park - snail mail to one individual. Before you get sick to your stomach, RE-READ the first paragraph of this post.

Now that the majority of auditions are over, the process is just starting… Most importantly remember just to love your child! I can only imagine the stress they feel knowing how I feel. Even though this process is brutal, they are learning life lessons as hard as it can be. Hang in there… a month or so left. Praying for good graces to be shared amongst all of our kiddos!

@legitmt Last year I heard that Michigan made calls on 2/28; all portals were updated shortly afterwards (including my D’s with the rejection). Then on 3/1 my D got the email rejection from them. In the past UMich did have a short waitlist, but I have no knowledge about whether they will have one this year.

@legitmt I agree with the previous posters about the UM waitlist - I understand they keep it very short but in most years there is one, and it’s not clear whether they will go to it. My understanding was that they may make a few more offers than they have slots for but it is not very many. Their yield rate is high.

Has anyone heard from Ball State or U of AZ this week?

@CBSQandA No, not yet.

@TimeToFindInfo It was from IL Weslyan.

I also know someone who turned down U Mich a couple of years ago - their yield rate is VERY high (and why would it not be!) but it’s not 100%. I hope everyone not getting calls and packages today knows they are in the majority - lots and lots of talented, wonderful kids won’t get yesses from those programs. Stay positive! Lots of road ahead!