Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Past week was a tough week for "no"s. Think she got 4. CCM was the worst because she got a no for both MT and acting after they said only 75 made it past both prescreens. But then they were of course just based on the individual program. Ithaca and Hartt were the others.

Just believe in the process…

I actually believe that. Unrelated but kind of sort of…son just got an awesome internship at a top asset mgmt firm. This was also quite competitive (he had 9 interviews with them). Had applied to tons of things and just wasn’t getting anywhere and then it happened, so…good luck everyone!

@rickle1 I’m sorry for your daughter’s “no’s” but congratulations to your son! I hope your d has similar good news soon!

Is it normal to have not heard back from Ithaca yet?

@universitygirl44 Don’t know how Ithaca handles decisions. D got the email / portal update / whatever early in the week. My guess is no news is good news. Good luck!

I so agree with Lilybird4 that the kids are taking this wayyyyy better than the parents. My daughter took the first rejection last fall very hard as it was her top choice AND her BF of 3 years is a freshman there. Suffice it to say the grieving process culminated with burning ? the letter. It was very cathartic and allowed her to let go.

Since then, she has wisely chosen not to get too attached to any program. Once she has all her acceptances and rejections, then she will decide where her top choice is. In the meantime mama will fret in silence or vent on College Confidential and DD will wait patiently and continue to trust in the process.

Have a wonderful weekend and I hope the next few weeks bring more good news than bad news.

@universitygirl44 - We didn’t apply to Ithica - but I heard from past years that they keep a small pile of “waitlist” candidates that they just don’t respond to. I know they have sent out acceptances and it appears from this thread they have sent out rejections - so if I were you I would double-check the portal - but if you don’t believe you got either you are more than likely on that small list - good luck :smiley:

Does anyone have insight into when the BFA decisions for Columbia College Chicago might be coming out? I think the program is new this year so there isn’t any history as to when they usually notify.

@TimeToFindInfo - on another site I am on, a coaching site, that lists acceptances I do see acceptances for Columbia College MT - not sure if they are rolling or any additional info.

@DivaStageMom - thank you!

@TimeToFindInfo I saw one acceptance listed for Columbia on another page too. We are also waiting for Columbia BFA. I was wondering if the person got an early offer or if they listed Columbia on their schools list bc they are accepted and Columbia has a BA you can just choose to major in. Originally Columbia was supposed to be our non-audition safety school but then we found out we had to audition. When we were there I asked about it and they said they’ve had the BFA for awhile but kids would start out first year in the BA and then after a year they could audition for the BFA. We were expecting an answer by now based on what they told us that day so hopefully soon.

@StephKK - thank you for the info. It was our non-audition safety as well, for the BA, but now that they have the BFA as an entry point, my D auditioned for that as well. Best of luck!

If Webster is your dream school and Lara has been in touch with you by email, NOW is the time to reach back out to him and let him know how much you love the school/program and that you would accept if offered. (If that’s true for you)

Does anyone know if Oklahoma has completed their acceptance phone calls?

@rickle1 So sorry to hear about your week of 4 no’s.We have had three weeks in a row of 2 no’s per week and that was brutal enough. Toughest for us was when they came within 24-48 hours of each other. Hang in there.
If you do not mind me asking , how did CCM notify you and was it MT or Acting? We are still waiting on them

@AnxiousNovice for CCM it was both (ouch! - guess they really don’t want her :smile: ) It was either an email or an update to a portal in letter form.

@rickle1 Ugh. Nothing like hitting you when you are already down.

I wonder if Indiana does their acceptances in waves or if someone didn’t get one on Friday, the rejection email is coming on Monday.

@SingerDancerMom - on the other side, if we have NOT heard from Lara, is that a bad sign do u think? We actually DID hear from the Acting side, but not MT at Webster post audition (my D auditioned for both)

@MamaBear2020 - that’s excellent news about NWU! My D actually applied to them via video late in the process. They have exchanged a ton of emails between her and the department head, MT head, and even an MT student. They have been incredibly nice and helpful. My D got a long email from the department chair a few days ago, asking her to come visit campus. My D has to respond with — “My audition travel budget has been exhausted, but if admitted, I will definitely visit.” (True. Dad shut it down after 4 plane trips). He responded that he understood and knows TX is far. That’s the last we heard. Hopefully still in the running

@StanfordAI2019 When my D was applying last year, we were told that if you haven’t been in continued communication with Lara (not just his response to your thank you email), you aren’t going to get an offer. That did prove true for the people we knew last year. Webster reaches out before they make the offers to touch base with people and find out if they are still interested. Last year we knew people who were called, and people who received personal emails. We were in touch with the parents of 2 students at Webster (sophomores now) who also said Lara will make sure you’re interested before giving you an offer. As usual, can’t confirm that for this year, but it’s probably true this year as well.