Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@MTdreamin - good to know. My D is following up as we speak. May be too late, and indicative if he hadn’t followed up with her, but it can’t hurt. Thanks for the counsel. Of course, if Acting ‘did’ follow up, we don’t want to mess up her chances there either. Ugh. Such a sordid state of affairs

I don’t know if following up with Lara if he hasn’t been communicating with you will help, but I guess it can’t hurt.

Ours has not, but I heard that some JMU portals have been updated. Maybe Early Decision deferred applicants???

@MTnervousmom I wondered the same thing about Oklahoma. It sure would be nice to know if they were done making accepted calls.

@StanfordAI2019 My D is in weekly contact with Lara - he sends out acceptances late in the process and it’s clear he will not give an offer he doesn’t think will be accepted which is fair enough - every week he asks if she is still interested - my feeling is if you are not in that pool, you are no longer under consideration - even being in the pool is no guarantee - but he is working off a shortlist. With that said, reach out and see what he says - can’t hurt.

@SingerDancerMom at JMU the portals of EA academic admits have been updated with program admission decisions, and those have been released.

RD academic and program decisions will be posted to the portal and released together at the same time in March.

I wish we could fast forward to mid March so most of the dust will have settled.

@KatMT I am sure you have posted it somewhere - but you comment on JMU’s Gen Ed requirements? I know someone mentioned something about that before but we cannot find it!

@DramaLove2020 I am unclear on your question about GenEd requirements. Do you mean in terms of admissions?

@DramaLove2020 Here is the link to JMU’s MT program that shows 41 credits needed for General Ed.

And here is a link to the list of Gen Ed “cluster” courses and a breakdown of choices for each cluster.

@KatMT I guess I meant how many gen Eds do you take at JMU - I think @cgcparent link is what I was looking for ! Thank you

The Webster constant contact - ridiculous. How much sucking up do you need these kids to do. They pay to apply, pay to travel, torture themselves with the waiting. No thanks, Webster.

@MTnervousmom - I don’t see it like that - in this entire process Lara is actually the only one who is keeping people up to date and wants the candidates to do the same - it’s not sucking up on either end - the gist of the emails are we are still interested in you, are you still interested in us - and if your not - no hard feelings - but would you please let us know so we can free up the spot for somebody else - I think that is very fair, and I actually would like if every school did that so parents like us wouldn’t have to stalk these sites searching for a shred of information to try to figure out what these schools are thinking.

I agree with @DivaStageMom, but it’s funny, my husband dislikes Lara’s communication. I feel like it’s been helpful to know that she is definitely very high on his list (his first email came the same day as her audition) and he’s always very complimentary and personal. My husband sees it as someone who is afraid of being turned down and he doesn’t respect that. Very different reactions. NOW… I have heard of people going all the way through this, with multiple communications with Lara and NOT getting an offer and then no emails to explain, and I’m sure those people are bitter. I know I would be. In our case my daughter let him know she is no longer interested and has removed herself from consideration. So I guess she’s opened up a spot.

@cgcparent thanks for posting! @DramaLove2020 many/most students come in with some AP, IB, dual enrollment credit that meet some of the GenEd requirements. On paper the Musical Theatre major breaks down as close to an even split between major and non-major course. In practice it is more like 60-70% in the major 30-40% outside of the major because of AP, IB, dual enrollment credit, and the number of additional electives students take in the major. There is also room for students to take other courses of interest outside if the major if they so choose.

@cgparent and @DramaLove2020, since my daughter is a theatre major at JMU, I can comment on them from the perspective of a parent. Of all the schools my daughter looked at, JMU had the most GenEd requirements. And, they have turned out to not be a problem at all! My daughter did have some dual enrollment, but with foreign language needed about 14 classes (and this is because she is starting over in a language). JMU is awesome in that they are pretty flexible with how you take these. For my daughter, she likes doing 2 gen eds a semester and the rest theatre and dance classes. She should finish up by junior year and will have about a 70/30 split. She will also take one or 2 classes online over the summer so she has more time for theatre classes and she can reach her goal.

The GenEd classes, for the most part, are pretty fun for most of the students. And for my kid, learning about the world somehow makes her better able to perform. Since we homeschooled, I did have her finish her math requirement because that subject has never been fun for her, but the gen eds are pretty manageable for most of the theatre and musical theatre students.

Anyway, feel free to message me if you have any questions about the curriculum. I am quite familiar with the clusters and how they work :slight_smile:

@DivaStageMom - thanks for the advice. My D probably didn’t make the cut. We will probably double down on the Acting side where she has had some communication. Good luck to your D the rest of the way!

@artandtechmom and @KatMT that is very helpful. My D will have 8 APs and 2 DE classes so she is hoping IF she gets in that she may be able to do the extra year for the ED degree. I know at temple they have given her that option and it is out of state so that was her main question. Of course it is very competitive so we may be thinking way ahead of ourselves, but she’s a planner !

No one has mentioned UCF… anyone hear yay or ney yet ??

No one has mentioned UCF… anyone hear yes or no yet ??

For Molloy/Cap21 are WL and acceptances sent via email? No’s sent snail mail?