Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Yes - I know in my daughter’s class, several kids were also accepted to Carnegie. There are at least 3-4 in her class who came off the waitlist. Hang in there!

@frisbee3 That’s my understanding. I have not heard of anyone getting the acceptance/WL notification yet though. Should be no later than tomorrow.

@frisbee3 , @NeensMom Last year for Cap 21/Molloy my D received her waitlist notification and later her acceptance notification by email. Hoping for good news for you all!

I recommend checking the Hartt portal frequently. My D’s acceptance letter showed up there one day with no email suggesting she check and with the letter dated a week earlier. The snail mail came days later.

I was really hoping to hear something from someone today. We’ve had March 1st as a big day in our heads but with no one here posting anything and it getting late on the east coast, it looks like there will be no phone calls from Pace, no email from Molloy, and no word from any of the other “any day now” schools like UofA or Marymount Manhattan. We are resigned to wait until up to April 1st for Miami, BoCo and NYU, but I am looking forward to hearing from at least Molloy tomorrow! I think my fingerprint is fading off my “refresh” finger. :wink:

BAL to everyone waiting for an answer from Molloy tomorrow!

@Cathy4511 UCF said they will send out acceptances this coming Friday. 16 MT acceptances. Mix of Freshman and transfers. There will be a waitlist. Sounded like 2-4 people from 2019 class were came from the waitlist.

@ElizaDoolittle Did you see your D’s acceptance on the site where the application checklist is located? Or is there a different Hartt site that they post acceptances?

Heard it from a good source that Pace hopes to start notifying March 5th or 6th.

D got an invitation to LIU Accepted Students Day. I am pretty sure that this is based only on academic acceptance because a number of other schools have also sent these invitations (e.g., Pace, Point Park) where I know that the artistic decisions have not yet gone out. However, since everyone seems to have heard from LIU over the last two weeks (and since we had a 2/14 email from them saying that they would “be notifying students this week and next, via email regarding the program decision” and we have heard nothing (email or snail mail)), I wanted to check in here to confirm. D was academically admitted on 2/13 and got this invite on 2/21. This is just academic acceptance right? Just weird that we have not gotten program rejection yet.

@AnxiousNovice, I think that it is just an offer that goes out to all accepted students. The BFA offer was a separate email (title, "Music Theatre Program Decision), and very clear that it was an acceptance to the BFA / MT program, but perhaps you should have your D call the admissions office to ask? It will show her interest and can’t hurt!!

Hartt posted decision letters in their portal recently. I got mine on 2/24.

@chrismill18 is it in the Uhart application portal? Mine has only has an application checklist that has shown complete since Oct and then simply says “submitted”. UGH lol. Not counting on good news anyways. Closure is nice tho :slight_smile:

Let me see. It was on the UHart application portal. It says there is an application status update above the application checklist. I wouldn’t count yourself out yet, as my friends who auditioned for Hartt that didn’t get in have already heard via email.

It was the portal for the application status.

Any news on Ball State or University of Arizona? Other than a few early offers, it has been quiet. Anyone received notification lately?

@PNWdrama One of my kids was redirected to BFA Acting for Ball State. He got a text from the Department Chair Friday asking him to call them directly on his mobile phone. I heard they were making calls – but possibly texts, also?? :slight_smile: TBH he didn’t expect any offer because it was on the last day of his Unified auditions and he was pretty rundown, sick and was losing his voice…Sad, because he had gotten a great merit package from them!

@PNWdrama We are still waiting on University of Arizona.

I have a small envelope from UofA and Pace in the mail today. Assuming we have 2 rejections coming. Pace is really going to hurt. Luckily no Molloy letter so praying for an acceptance email to come in before we have to give her the other 2 envelopes!

In past years, does the waitlist for OCU move around? I was accepted for a Bachelor of Arts in Music but waitlisted for the BM MT. It’s my top choice… how do I express interest? Thank you so much!