Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

I’m pretty sure Carnegie is all at once via Acceptd (from what I grasped that is how it was last year). I want to say its later this week or early next week. Somebody said March 7th I believe?

Has anyone heard from Oklahoma?

@chrismill18 We are also waiting on Oklahoma. I heard that they made some calls, but I don’t know if that’s just a rumor.

@MTnervousmom - I know for sure that one of the kids that I met at Chicago Unifieds got a call from Oklahoma. But they did say that they were going to be making offers into march and they only started offers on Friday from what I’ve gathered. Let me know if you hear anything! <3

@MTnervousmom - D has a friend that just got an offer - a boy - not sure how they informed him but that’s where he is going - he announced on SM - I believe just very recently. I can ask if you would like.

CMU told us end of March at Unifieds. Portal says March 28

@DivaStageMom I heard they made some calls, I just wish we knew if they were done. The portal is hard to navigate and no MT mail from them!

Molloy emails are out!

When my S went through the process (in 2015), CMU sent out offers toward the end of March. E-mails/Accept’d first, followed by mail.

Well no more waiting for Molloy…well wait, it was a WAITLIST …so technically it is a lot more waiting! ?

@NeensMom I have been following your posts. I hope you got good news today!

Molloy - S waitlist. Does anyone know how many they are putting on the

It was a waitlist for us. Trying not to be too disappointed.

Congrats @NeensMom @MTDad2024 and @IStressSoDWont! Although a WL isn’t exactly what you were hoping for, it’s still a chance! I have no idea how many they include in the WL, but contacting the school to express your excitement and interest is always a good thing - and you can sneak in the question of “how many”.

Edit - I’ll try to get my kid on the phone tonight and see if he knows anything. I know he helped with some of the on-campus auditions.

@NeensMom - waitlist IS good and my amateur opinion ,this year more than previous years, there will be more waitlist movement than ever. I could be 1000% wrong but every program we spoke to said there were more applicants than ever this year, to me that means that unless you are CMU or Michigan there will be a huge domino effect as each kid only gets one slot in the end…anyone can tell me Im wrong but we have no waitlist currently so its not like im wishful thinking, just seems the math points in that direction…

Does anyone have information on University of Wisconsin Stevens Point? I haven’t heard much about them here, but wondering if anyone can speak to how many they take for MT each year and provide any other specifics about the program. The only threads I could find on CC were at least 5 years old. TIA!

Here is what I know about Northwestern, some of which contradicts what has already been posted but I am pretty confident about my info because I have very good sources on this.

The school insists that the theatre program admission decision is 100% academic. This is not to say that it is entirely GPA and scores. Extracurricular activities, letters, etc. count but the ADMISSIONS office, not the Theatre Department make the decisions so any song/mono/dance submission will only be looked at as an extracurricular, not measured by relative talent to other applicants. The Theatre Department takes the first 150 academically admitted students who have applied to the Theatre Department. (I do not know if this 150 is for the entire department or just for the Theatre major or also includes the Dance major). There is an optional MT submission which I was told is not really “optional” but that seemed weird to us because you cannot audition into the MT certificate program until you are already at Northwestern and they insist that there is no artistic component to the admission decision. So, even if it is optional, not clear why they even have it, other than to demonstrate serious commitment to that extracurricular? In any case, Northwestern is a big ED school (they admit 50% of their class via ED) so there is no way to know how many slots are still available for Regular Decision. In terms of ACTS/SATs and GPAs, others have cited these numbers. To be clear, they publish stats on each year’s new class. For the class of 2022 (latest I can find) they report that the middle 50% of students admitted had ACT 32-35 (SAT scores of 1440-1550). They do not publish the average GPA (just say that 90% of admitted student are in top 10% of their high school class). Hope this helps.

NYU sent some confirmation emails to check to see if students had committed to any other colleges yet before they finalize decisions. Did everyone get this email?

D got put on the Molloy “Priority Waitlist” . Don’t know if that’s spin or a thing. The email said something about going to that list immediately if a spot opens up.

So how does waitlist work? Making up numbers here: Take 50 for a class of 30 (they assume a certain yield) and if only 27 accept you take 3 from the waitlist? Which means lots of accepted kids would have to choose other schools before waitlist got involved?

@StanfordAI2019 I hear what you are saying in post 719!

Still there are plenty of very talented singers/actors/dancers who are very strong academic students. I know of many. I don’t think these are so hard to find.

In terms of whether there is an audition or not…such as with Northwestern that does not require an audition…they still manage to admit some very highly talented students in MT. My D went to a theater camp for 8 summers, called Stagedoor Manor. There is no audition to attend the program, unlike some summer theater programs. Nonetheless, I was blown away by the talent there the very first summer my D attended. I’m not saying that every kid who attended was tippy top talent, but there were plenty who were. I look back to the friends my D made at that camp over the years (many whom she is still very close to as young adults) and where her friends went to college and where they are now in their careers. Of her friendship group, all attended very well regarded BFA in MT or Acting programs, or a few chose to go the BA route (but had the level of talent to go the BFA route) and chose Northweatern, Brown, Yale, and the like. Every college my D auditioned at (all well known programs for MT), she had older friends from Stagedoor Manor attending the BFA program who we met with on our campus visits.

Fast forward to today when these same theater camp friends are all out of college and working…I can count numerous ones who have been on Broadway or are on there now, major movies and TV shows (including lead roles), Off Broadway, national tours, major regional theaters, and so on as performers. A few are now directors, writers, composers, or choreographers. So, here were all these kids who went to a summer theater program that didn’t require an audition to get in, yet included a wealth of talent, who got admitted to all the top MT/Acting programs, and many who have done well in this field professionally. As well, a great number of my D’s cohort from this camp were very good academic students.

Frankly, if I were an admissions officer for a BFA program, I would very much consider the academic profile of the applicant (in addition to their artistic talents) because the level of motivation to excel and the drive are very important to success in this field. As well, being an educated and well informed actor can help with…acting! This field requires skills beyond singing, acting, and dancing, such as being a go getter, mover, shaker, driven person.

Just sharing my observations.