Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Hi guys! Has anybody else heard from ball state? I know they sent out acceptances and rejections but I still haven’t heard… thanks !

@user_752736 I saw that @onette had 2 yeses today from Molloy.

@dom323 We are also in the same boat. No word yet from 1/19 NY Unified audition with Ball State.

went doesn’t anyone seem to know much about Nazareth?

Is it a new program?
It doesn’t appear on many MT lists?
My d really liked it but I’m concerned since I cannot find much information about it.

@user_752736 I have two kids who were accepted today to Cap 21. Also, @Libish posted they have one that was.

@dom323 One of my kids was redirected to BFA Acting. He received a text from the department head Friday and asked to call his mobile. They are hooking him up with a current student so he can learn more about the redirect and what the experience will be like there.

We are waiting on UCO. Any ideas on if they call or email?


@NYKaren was mentioned. Apparently she has a son in the program. Hopefully, she can help answer questions for you.

@dizzynadrama I’m here! Yes my son is a freshman in the Naz program. He is thriving and loving his freshman year there. Please let me know how I can help. It is a very supportive program with a lot of opportunites. Happy to answer any questions you might have.

Utah is sending out emails!

@msco313 Greg said he would have them out around 3/6. Both of my kids auditioned there and liked that program (and Greg) a LOT!

@onette Thank you! My daughter loved it too! Good luck!

@Looney2020 when did your daughter audition for UArizona? The letter in my mailbox ended up being about housing. Still no portal update.

Still waiting to hear something from CCM auditioned at NY Unifides and waiting to see if Shenco starts making offers in the next couple of days. I see lots of people have CCM decisions!

@onette thanks so much for posting about this! I was about to stop checking for the day and THIS is the one we have been waiting for! Now to visit to make sure it is really THE ONE. My kid is over the moon! We got the snail mail today but it said “pre-theatre” BFA but just figured it was another “meaningless” academic acceptance but then we saw the email and it is very clear it is an acceptance into the BFA program.

@TenaciousC Thanks for confirming my Northwestern understanding. Since my D has had zero luck with auditions, I am hoping that she might have a chance there. Of course, as others have noted, it is still a super long shot because they only admit 8% but, ironically, that is higher than many of the BFA MT programs (U Mich told us they take 24 out of 1400 applications, so that is less than 2%, if I am doing the math right, and Syracuse numbers are also at about 2.5% acceptance rate).

@dramamamaCC To clarify, did your D apply ED this season and get a wait list letter in December? If so, does that mean that the theater seats are all filled and she is wait listed for that or that she is academically wait listed?

@cs01234 We are still waiting for CCM (Acting, though, not MT). Others have said that no news is not bad news since some rejections have gone out but I keep worrying that she has been rejected there is a communication issue because they never updated my D’s portal from MT to Acting after the redirect (even though she emailed them about it twice). Still, others have said that they got emails as well as portal updates and they have D’s correct email (which she checks daily). Would be grateful if others could post when (and how) they hear form CCM, especially BFA Acting.

@AnxiousNovice I get your strategy. Good luck with Northwestern (and all the rest!)

@NeensMom My D auditioned for U of Arizona at the LA Unifieds. She has gotten a ton of a mailers and emails from the school about regular admission. This email was regarding admission to the school of fine arts / MT.

@AnxiousNovice - that’s the crazy thing about how selective these programs are in addition to 13 audition schools, D applied to 7 non-audition schools - North-Western being one of them - actually, that is the most selective of the non-audition schools. She has a 4.3 GPA, 33 on ACT and has a lot of things even outside of theater - so she has a fairly impressive resume - when you talk to people who don’t know anything about this process they say something like of such and such school has a 15% acceptance and I’m like - wow great!! Most schools she auditioned for have between a 1-5% acceptance - they just can’t comprehend how difficult these schools are to get into. Anyway, we will see about North Western - if it were her top it looks like she should have done ED. On another note - and I am sure it is just like the NYU thing - but we are all here looking for any little clue - She did get an email from BU telling her to make sure she is “monitoring her portal” - which I am sure is just a generic email - but I can’t help thinking how mean if its a rejection - like we don’t want you searching for that login information - we want you to get that rejection as soon as we post it so drive yourself nuts and keep updating your portal. OMG - I would love for some of these schools to be on the other side of this and see how they come across!

Regarding CMU, last year I know that at least some acceptances were done by phone call during the day. Emails did go out in the evening after phone calls were made.