Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@DramaLove2020 My S did get accepted into Montclair’s BFA MT program in early January. He auditioned at Moonifieds in November. We were not expecting to hear from them that early. It was a wonderful surprise.

@TheatreDad69 That’s great. My D also got an acceptance to two BFA’s in November - it was a great surprise! We are waiting on a number of them now, including Montclair!

@gold24 My D auditioned for SCAD last year at NY Unifieds and got an email acceptance on 2/6. The financial aid offer came by email on 2/19.

@MTdreamin thank you! I appreciate the information

I see that Ball State did rolling acceptances last year, and I did read one person’s comment that their child received an email with an MT BFA rejection along with a redirect acceptance. But I’m wondering… has anyone received an ACCEPTANCE yet to Ball State’s MT BFA?

@SingerDancerMom I don’t know about Ball State (others with direct knowledge, please chime in!) In general you can look up a school’s last audition date and then figure rolling notifications will start after that. There are always exceptions, of course, with everything regarding this MT BFA circus! #WhyWeAreHere

OK I know we aren’t supposed to read into the auditions but I can’t help it! Today at LA Unifieds, my daughter was asked by the University of the Arts to sing a second song and “stay a minute to talk” which ended up being a short interview about herself and her goals. Does anyone know if that is standard or if it’s an especially good sign?
Montclair asked the auditioners to prepare 2 songs and two monolgues but they didn’t ask her to do both monolgues. Anyone know if that is a bad sign?

Updated to add info I got from Hartt at LA Unifieds.

The Big List from late March 2019 and all dates are 2019 dates. Things may be different for 2020 - we can all wiki-edit as the craziness unfolds!

American - Notifying 3/18 via snail mail
Arizona State - 3/14 and rolling via email
Baldwin Wallace–Fall early auditions have been notified. Will notify 3/7 via email for those who auditioned after Nov.
Ball State— 2020 rolling - email and phone call to accepted students. Email for rejection or deferral to another arts program, a few weeks after audition.
Belmont - some yes and no notifications already rolling. Everyone should know March 1st via snail mail
Boston Conservatory— ED on January 31 via portal, RD no later than 4/1/2020.
BU - March 23 via email and portal
Carnegie Mellon—Plans to notify 3/7 via Acceptd direct to portal (or just check the portal), all at once
Catholic -rolling
CCM—3/9 has notified yes’ - email notifications for those still in the pool weekly through out Feb and March
Coastal Carolina University- emails started 3/6, trying to notify everyone by 3/15 - may be spread out over several days/week
Drake - have seen at least one acceptance 3/14 - not sure if they’re rolling or all at once?
Elon - all on the same day, expected to be 3/15 this year
Emerson—3/14, email directing to portal, all at once for both artistic and academic decisions.
Five Towns - rolling
FSU—Acceptance calls made 2/27, there is an alternate list - look for notification letter next week.
Hartt - 2020, Rolling notifications snail mail by mid-March
Illinois Wesleyan - notifies via snail mail, some yeses reported last week of Feb.
Indiana (IU Bloomington) - Notifications started 3/5 via Acceptd
Ithaca - Starts notifying typically last week of February/first week of March vis portal - notifications have started
Jacksonville University - 3/17 email to check portal
JMU - March 1 EA. 3/13 for RD applicants via MyMadison portal.
LIU/Post— Rolling beginning mid-February, 2020
Manhattan School of Music— 2/24 (2020)
Marymount Manhattan - 2020 update: They try to send email notifications to check portal within 2 weeks of the audition, sometimes much sooner.
Michigan—February 28 acceptance via phone call; portal change for others - notify all at once
Minnesota Duluth - email from head of the program - rolling?
Millikin - rolling
Missouri State - rolling, via email
Montclair - Rolling notifications, they’re still auditioning through 3/23
Molloy/CAP21—started 3/1, email (confirmed for 2020 too)
Muhlenberg - decisions for ED 1 in Dec, ED 2 by Feb 28, and RD by March 19 - posted on portal
Nebraska Wesleyan - rolling - still auditioning up until April 1.
Northern Colorado—rolling
Northwestern— 3/21 email directing to portal, all at once
NYU— 3/28 via portal, everyone, all at once
OCU —rolling now, via email
Ohio Northern - rolling
Ohio University - 2020 Update: Confirm rolling notifications for this year - last year - rolling notifications - have head of a few acceptance phone calls thus far
Otterbein - Notifications going out now thru mid-March - calls to accepted students, getacceptd for no and waitlist
Pace—3/1 has started to notify, phone call for accepted students and/or snail mail, rolling more calls 3/7
Penn State - starting updating portal 2/14; started notifications for accepted students 2/26
Point Park—3/13 Emails to everyone, all at once, snail mail to follow up.
Rider - 2020 Update: Rolling and can be as quick as a few days after audition - Last year: Portal change beginning 2/11. Definite Y to be posted on the portal and mailed out before 2/21; Committee meets 2/21 to discuss remaining applicants and then everyone else notified 1st of March via snail mail
Roosevelt— 2020 - said trying for 3/15 - last year they started notifying 3/15 email was sent out to check your portal
Shenandoah—2020 around 3/2-3/6 via phone call (for acceptances); email for waitlist. Last day of auditions is 2/22, then will decide and call before their spring break 3/6.
SUNY Cortland 1/30/19 email
Syracuse—3/15 via email (not MySlice), decisions were sent in waves last three weekends of March last year
SE Missouri St-Rolling, via email
TCU - Notifications started 3/5 via email
Temple—notifying now, rolling - portal update for academic admit, email for artistic admit
Texas State—phone call to accepted students, rolling once auditions are complete, they meet each weekend and send notifications the following week.
UArts—starting about a week after audition; snail mail, rolling
UAB - email notification
UAZ—Rolling notifications have started 2/28
University of Miami—3/22, via portal, all at once - navigate to the letter under “student center” and then “message center.”
University of OK - changed to prescreens and auditions this year - notifications will be a few more weeks - 4/1?
Utah—notifications going out now (early March) via email mail and then rolling
UC Irvine - 3/22 via portal
UCLA—3/22 via portal, all at once
UNCG - Everyone should know March 15 “give or take a day” phone call: 3/11
UNSCA - Rolling out now through the end of Feb - calls to accepted students, email direct to portal for “no” decision.
USC - 3/21 will mail notifications, with portal update 3/24
Viterbo—via email, rolling
Wagner - 3/9 rolling now - there have been some calls - more to follow
Webster— snail mail acceptances go out around 3/8 (info from this year) - some calls have been reported for “yes”
Western CT State—2-3 weeks after final audition day on March 2nd, all at once; snail mail 3/11
Western Michigan - 3/20 - notifications rolling calls for acceptances, email for anything else
Wright St - discontinued rolling admission this year. Last audition day was 2/24, has started notifying 2/26
Xavier — Emailing acceptances now - 3/1

@NeensMom It’s impossible to know what they’re thinking. It really is the best advice to not read into anything. Kids leave rooms thinking schools hated them and get offers and leave others thinking they loved them and get fast rejections. You really just can’t know.

@NeensMom, at NY unified, one of the schools only asked my D sang two songs, stopped and asked her several questions, then let her go. My D felt that she failed the audition. She was so sad and almost wanted to skip the dance call. She got an acceptance three days later. So I won’t worry too much.

I have an odd question and am not sure if it’s appropriate to ask… is there anyone who can compare the following programs - maybe not even compare, but just maybe give insight as to how they are different from each other or similar to each other?
Ohio Univserity
Long Island Post
Ohio Northern

@DramaLove2020 Respectfully, that is such an open ended and broad question. All of the schools you’ve listed are different and similar in MANY ways. Each of our kids is looking for something different, and we come from different parts of the country with different economic situations. To respond to your question would mean summarizing our own extensive research with our own slant. Maybe you’d get more information that is relevant to you or your student if you research these programs and then pose specific questions about these schools.

@SingerDancerMom - yes I know… I guess I am trying to put them in some kind of rank order but I am not sure because I am pretty flexible. I thought maybe someone would have more insight than I clearly have

@DramaLove2020 - I think people here could be much more helpful if they knew more about your priorities and situation. Can you afford them all? How much does “location” matter to you? Where are you coming from and is it important to you to get home often? Does an established “name” matter a lot or would you prefer to be part of an up-and-coming program? How much do academics matter to you in college? Do you want a traditional college experience or more of a conservatory experience? Do you like city life or rural living better? What’s your strongest suit: Acting, Singing, Dancing? What’s your weakest suit and do you want to work on that more or less that your strongest? What are your career goals? Do you want a more competitive/professional or more nuturing studio envionment? I’m sure there’s more but all those things roll into decision making with finding a good fit college and it’s hard to even start with that list without knowing more about “you”. :slight_smile:

@SingerDancerMom - yes I know… I guess I am trying to put them in some kind of rank order but I am not sure because I am pretty flexible. I thought maybe someone would have more insight than I clearly have

@DramaLove2020 it’s impossible to rank schools for someone else when you don’t know what it is they are looking for in a program. On your list you have a mix of BA and BFAs, big schools and small schools, new and established programs, rural/urban/suburban, some with a lot of Broadway alumni/some with none. As @CaMom13 said… if you can explain exactly what it is you’re looking for, this community could be more helpful.

Does anyone have info on the MT program at Nazareth? I cannot find much listed on this site.

@SingerDancerMom. I guess I am simply overwhelmed with this process at this point.
I am looking for a strong dance program, a place I can dance a lot. I will come in with a lot of AP credits so I am told that will help free up my schedule for more electives. I am looking for a place I can learn and grow. I don’t really care so much about Broadway alum but knowing that there are connections would be useful. I am not picky about big or small school or geography. I know I will spend most of my time doing theatre. I have a few acceptances to BFAs on this list and a few others I am just being hopeful about - I am really just trying to find out quality of these programs and how respected they are or may be? Syracuse I know - the rest I am just not sure of.
If no one can share that I understand. I am just looking for other peoples experiences, not for someone to guess what mine will be. If anyone does have any input I would love to hear it! Thanks in advance.

@DramaLove2020 Rider has a reputation for being a strong dance program, my D has a friend there who is very happy @El-Cee is her mom. She has another friend who is very happy at temple this year, @lovetoact is his mom …for JMU @KatMT is active on CC she is the head of their MT program & always very insightful. hope that helps

@NYYFanNowMTdad thank you! I actually got my acceptance to Temple this morning so that is good to hear!