Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Thanks, @AnxiousNovice. My D submitted a video audition in mid-December. So far I have heard of one video audition acceptance and one rejection. There’s no way to make sense of it now, we just have to wait. But as you well know, the waiting is torture!!

@NeensMom @PNWdrama @csuram1994 @wishiknewtgen One of my kids got a text last Friday and then asked to call the department head back on his mobile. He spent some time talking with him. (It was a redirect.) So, I think they are not just running through the lists, but actually taking time to acknowledge and discuss with them. I was genuinely impressed with this attention!

@NeensMom my D got waitlisted by Marymount Manhattan today from a video submission, so the responses should be coming!

@AnxiousNovice Congratulations to your D on the SCAD acceptance! I’m really happy for you all!


Re: Indiana…we know a boy who was waitlisted (Fall audition) and got the call last Thursday morning that he got off the waitlist.

@ElizaDoolittle I’m sorry to hear the news about TX ST. Did your DD receive the email from Kaitlin on 2/24?

Anyone hear anything from FSU? Last post over a week ago was they were making calls (which seemed a little early given it was the day after the last audition and the last post from FSU said they were hoping to get out results between 2/27-3/2). D hasn’t heard anything: acceptance, rejection, or wait list.

We are also waiting on FSU.

@wishiknewtgen thanks! Another girl at our school is also waiting. Really wouldn’t be wondering if there hadn’t been a post that someone got an acceptance last Monday. Wondering now if it was someone with an acceptance from the summer program… I’m guessing we’ll be hearing something any day now. Best of luck!

a friend told us they heard that others got no thank you emails from TXST today. Has anyone heard about any acceptance calls today at all.

How can I send you a message?

@MT85 just sent you a message about TXST

@jupdancemom @wishiknewtgen I read a post on another thread today that said all acceptance calls from FSU have been made and that admissions was delayed in sending out emails. They said to expect emails tomorrow or Thursday. My D hasn’t heard anything from them either.

@dizzynadrama you have to have 15 replies I believe before you can message another person…I think I read you can receive messages though even if you can’t send yet

@chipmunkmom does that include waitlist too?

@wishiknewtgen I don’t know. That’s all it said. Originally they said waitlist would find out via letter in the mail and declines via email. I’m assuming that’s still the case.

My D got an exciting call from Univerity of Oklahoma today so they are in the process as well. Good luck to everyone. This was super exciting especially after a terrible week last week. I will continue to say… this process Is brutal.

Does anyone know how CMU sends notifications, through calls or emails? Somehow my kid told me her friends’ friends got calls today.

CMU made their 12 phone calls tonight for MT. Not sure about acting.