Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@dizzynadrama , email Corinne directly. she will set you right up! She does have senior showcase in NYC Monday & then they are on spring break next week, but maybe see if you can visit during the April showing of the Spring Musical Chaplin! Other accepted students tend to go then as well.

@LurkerMTMom Thank you for your insight! That is helpful and we will scratch that one off our list since there was not similar interaction other than them asking for an application for a decision. Glad to hear it was positive for your dd!

My D got the call from Pace. We are kind of stunned. Especially as it came a mere hour after the CMU rejection email. This process is an emotional rollercoaster like no other. It still doesn’t quite feel real.

@ElizaDoolittle WOO HOO!!!

Congratulations @ElizaDoolittle!!! Any sense of whether ALL acceptance calls are being made today?

@ElizaDoolittle – amazing. Congrats to you guys! My D just auditioned for Acting (and made the callback at Unifieds). Not sure what their notification timeline is. Good luck to the rest of y’all for the MT program!

My D said she’s not sure if they are making all calls today.

@ElizaDoolittle Woohoo!! So nice to see that ray of light appear. Congrats!

@ElizaDoolittle - wow congratulations to your daughter - was that a top choice?

@csuram1994 Keep the faith. No rejection means your D is still being considered. With specific regard to TXST, I know that is true. No news means the faculty is still debating you, or at the very least, you are a strong candidate for the wait list. No guarantee of course, but at this point in the process, no news is good news.

@ElizaDoolittle Congratz!!!

@ElizaDoolittle AMAZING news! Congratulations! All the kids auditioning in Chicago were incredible, time to celebrate!

@MTDadandProud Yep. Thanks. That’s what I keep telling myself
and her.

My D got accepted to JMU Musical Theatre today! It was one of her favorite auditions! She is over the moon! No email - just check the portal!

@DramaLove2020 that’s awesome!! Congratulations!! When did she audition? And was she an EA applicant?

We got the CMU “no” today, as well, but D was ready for that. We are still holding out hope, and I do believe that she will end up where she belongs ? She still has a bunch to hear from ?

Looking for news on how Coastal Carolina notifies yeses, and when.
I am over here doing a happy dance for the yes calls coming to you guys.

@DramaLove2020 -
Congrats!!! Just sent you a message about JMU

@Lilybird4 it was regular decision and she auditioned in November.

@ElizaDoolittle Congratulations to your D! Great news