Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Got the “no” from FSU also. :slightly_frowning_face:

starting to wonder if FSU accepted anyone - sorry to those who got the “no”

@Lilybird4 - honestly on the very long journey home D and I both agreed we were both ok with this not happening. I believe we have another no coming today kind of the same thing - we are location snobs - that has been a big problem in this process - we cut ourselves off to a lot of schools that way. It can be a two-way street - although it feels very one-way :).

Sending positive vibes to all who got the FSU “no” this morning. <3

So we’re winding down our decision making process. Despite the disappointments of 3 MT no’s, we are good with offers to 1 BFA MT, 1 BA MT, and 1 redirect to Vocal Performance. Still waiting decisions on 1 more BM MT and 1 Vocal Performance. I think the choice is clear, but my D needs to finally decide which path she truly wants to follow. I can’t wait for that final decision to be made. This is truly one of the hardest experiences I have ever been through. I applaud all of our kids for being so strong during this process. They are all truly remarkable.

Has anyone heard recently from Ball State or Wright State?

@MT85 Hoping to hear next week. They are both on spring break this week.

@DancerMTMom Thank you! I do remember seeing that. If I wasn’t senile before, I sure am now.

@MT85 we heard from Ball yesterday afternoon with a redirect. I know some No’s went out as well. Good luck!

@chipmunkmom - I woke up this morning and thought about how in awe I am of all our kids. Back in the day applied to a few schools, wrote some essays, maybe went on an interview or two, sat back and got my results. I didn’t have to sing, dance and act. I applied to maybe 5 schools and got into 4. D applied to 20 schools - only 13 were audition which is actually low for a white female - I know some people’s kids did almost 20 auditions! And then all the rejections - wow - these kids are getting so prepared for life in general.

Has anyone heard from Baldwin-Wallace?

@VBMomof4 I saw on a college audition coach’s page that BW will notify on March 10th.

Thank you!

@DivaStageMom & @Lilybird4 It’s so funny how different people have different reactions. We had the exact opposite feeling about traveling to FSU. Flying into and out of Tallahassee was the easiest of all of our travel experiences. Super quick, inexpensive, no changing planes or layovers. The airport is 10 minutes from campus. And the campus is beautiful… plus it’s WARM.

Am I the only one who has to keep a written list handy of which schools we’re still waiting on? I feel like I have already blocked out the schools that I’m sure are going to be a “no!”

Just a general question but any idea how many MT kids LIU Post is taking this year?

@MT85 Ball State started making calls last week but they are on spring break this week and have senior showcase going on. I did hear of a few people getting calls yesterday, so I guess they are working through spring break! But the department head texted my student asking him to call them directly. It was a redirect, but he wanted to discuss why and why they felt they wanted him. Spent much more time than just a response. (Which I thought was amazing, considering how busy they are!) He is going to assign a student to contact him to provide answers to questions he might have.

@SingerDancerMom - we had to change planes so it was kind of an all-day event. It’s a great program and I don’t want to take anything away from anyone who got in - but it wasn’t the best choice for us. My husband and I plan on going to all D’s performances wherever she is, and this would have been a huge hassle. The options she is weighing at the moment are all one quick plane ride or a reasonable drive - this would have been a hard program to turn down - because I do think the program and school are top-notch. Sometimes fate lends a hand :slight_smile: But yes once we made all our connections it was a short ride from the airport.

Nope @Dance3Looks3 , I’m right there with you!!!

This process is so complicated and grueling, and many of us started with so many schools that I’m sure I’m not alone in having multiple page spreadsheets to keep it all straight.
My daughter has been super fortunate to receive some acceptances that she is over the moon about, so even though we are waiting on decisions from some schools she no longer cares about, and really only one that MIGHT challenge her other offers, I am constantly checking the portals and mail because I need to get that column on the freaking spreadsheet filled in with no blank spots so that I can move on with my life and put this part behind us!

Waiting on:
Point Park
Roosevelt CCPA
Coastal Carolina

Ball State did send out more responses last night. They are on Spring Break NEXT week, not this week (verified that yesterday!)