Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@PNWdrama I thought they were on break this week? (according to a current student)?

@PNWdrama but good to know they are still sending responses, either way!

@MTDad2024 - Re: LIU Post, not sure how many they are taking this year, but it will be a question we ask when we visit. There are several posts regarding the current lack of proper facilities for theatre classes. That being said, there are also many posts about what a wonderful and upcoming program it is.

Not sure which thread to post this question on, or whether to start a new one, but it involves artistic acceptances so I figured Iā€™d try here.

My question is, once you have committed to a school, are you supposed to formally decline any academic acceptances to schools that you had to apply to in order to send a prescreen? My S accepted an ED offer in December and he withdrew his outstanding applications, and notified all of his schools about the withdrawal from the audition process. However, heā€™d been admitted academically to some of those schools (2 of which he failed the prescreen for.) Iā€™m now hearing from someone on a school-related thread that he was supposed to formally decline the acceptance even though heā€™d told the schools he was withdrawing from consideration for the BFA. Even with the schools where they declined him. Is this true? We are mortified that we may have missed a step. The school did not tell us about formally declining offers - just about withdrawing applications, and we assumed that by telling them he was withdrawing the rest of his application that that was enough. Grateful for advice! We hate that we might have missed something important!

@TimeToFindInfo According to the person I spoke with at the school yesterday and their school calendar, itā€™s next week (as is Arizona).

The department head at Ball State, Bill Jenkins, is just wonderful. We have had such nice communication from him, his faculty and students about their program. I can see why his students adore him.

@PNWdrama Thatā€™s what my student was told also by the department head last Friday. He told him to expect more communication from them next week?

@PNWdrama - that is so strange! The calendar I saw online said it was this week. Trying to attach the link below. Maybe they are as confused as the rest of us!

Anyone hear from TCU?

@Looney2020 Thanks. We are visiting at the end of this month also. I have heard a lot of good and it is a top school for my S. Looking forward to the visit.

@tsamuique unrelated to MT but my older kid was accepted at a couple of schools we did not pursue one acceptance and continued with enrollment at another school. The other school proceeded like he was going to go there sending us bills etc. so my advice would be to call the admissions office and decline just to be safe.

@tsamuique Yes. We had to do separate notices to admissions for the schools with academic acceptances. Sometimes there is an option in the portal to do the declining.

@TimeToFindInfo Weird! Maybe I misunderstood what they told me yesterday. Either way - they are still communicating!

@Collegegame2018 Thank you. He did withdraw all of his BFA applications and we assumed that would take care of it. Some of those schools did update his portal to say heā€™d cancelled (No Montclair socks for us!) but Iā€™ve got a line out to the guidance counselor to make sure we tie up loose ends if that wasnā€™t enough.

Sorry to hijack the thread, all!! Iā€™m good!

Thank you, @Sarahsmom42 ! We will go through the portals tonight when he gets home to see whatā€™s what. Iā€™ve reached out to guidance, too, to get the next steps. Oy vey, this process is mindbogglingā€¦ and I am well aware we are very fortunate not to have gone through the worst part of it. Thatā€™s one of the reasons Iā€™ve been so quiet about it. I feel everyoneā€™s angst, I have students and a dear friend going through it right now, and I am just rooting for everyone. But I panicked today! So grateful for your input. Thank you!

University of Central Oklahoma notifications are going out!!!

Roosevelt CCPA decisions will be emailed after 5 pm today. This info is from the CCPA Office of Enrollment. BAL!!

@MTDad2024 I had asked the same question earlier because literally everyone we know that applied there and auditioned was accepted and that seemed odd to me. Donā€™t get me wrong, my kid hangs with a bunch of super talented kids, it just seemed unlike everything else I have read about how this all goes down. Then someone on here explained that they are aiming for a class of 80 so lots of acceptances to achieve that yield, knowing that many wonā€™t accept ( pretty sure with a class of that size, it will be a no from my kid regardless of the reputation) but I was really impressed by the faculty and everything I have read about the program. If we did not have other schools on the list that checked all the boxes including a program with less than 30 per class, it would have been something we would pursue. We visited a couple of weeks ago and found the campus quaint and the students very pleasant and happy about the program.

@MT85 My D got a no email from Ball State yesterday.

Got the yes we were waiting for this week with Shenco. Still waiting on point park, baldwin wallace and CCM. I know the first two will come out soon. Still have no word from CCM after NY Unifides audition so not really holding out much hope for that one. Anxiously awaiting Point Park!