Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@secondtimemt - congratulations !!

Roosevelt CCPA is on the portal. Itā€™s a BFA MT YES for us!

After 4 "No"s and 3 redirects (2 rejects today alone), my D got her first BFA MT offer from Roosevelt. I feel nauseous after this roller coaster rideā€¦

@AbigCurveBall That is great to hear! Bottle of the bubbly is in order to make the nausea disappear!

@MTnervousmom and @AbigCurveBall - I know nothing of this program - but I have been sitting here hitting refresh because I have somehow become invested in the results - I am so happy for both of you - @AbigCurveBall - this is your first - I am so excited for you and your daughter - have a great weekend celebrating !!

Congrats to everyone who got a Roosevelt acceptance! It was a NO for me unfortunately but canā€™t let this stuff get ya too down right? ?

@justavery, Iā€™m sorry it was a no. My older daughter went through this 2 years ago, and this year my youngest and my niece are going through simultaneously. It is a crazy process - but most students I know ended up someplace where they are learning and thriving and happy, whether itā€™s a BFA or a BA and whether it was their top choice or not. My older one is in the BFA MT at the University of Tampa and super happy there, and her high school friends have all landed somewhere that makes them happy too. There are so many great programs spread out all over the place!

Congratulations! I logged in just now specifically hoping to see good news for Roosevelt auditioners!

@MTnervousmom and @AbigCurveBall, congratulations!

@justavery, Iā€™m sorry it wasnā€™t better news for you.

Woohoo!!!@AbigCurveBall I have been rooting for you nonstop. Your story feels so much like ours and I could feel the stress coming off your posts. I am so glad your D has a BFA MT offer!!

Congratulations to ALL the Roosevelt YESā€™es!!! Hereā€™s to MORE ā€œyesā€ in the next few weeks!

Has anyone gotten a No from Roosevelt BFA MTD? My ddā€™s portal still says awaiting decision.

We just heard from Roosevelt in Chicago unfortunately it was a no for my daughter

My D got a No from Roosevelt

@AbigCurveBall and @MTnervousmom congratulations!! I am so happy for you! Especially @AbigCurveBall !! So EXCITING!! We are still waiting for our first yes to BFA MT. I think if it actually happens, it will be surreal! So happy for you! Have a great weekend celebrating ?:heart:

CCPA MTD no for us. No email, just a portal changeā€¦Dā€™s spring break just started and Iā€™m surely not going to spoil it without an email notification.


Congrats to all who have heard ā€œyesā€ today! @AbigCurveBall I am so happy you got your first yes, and from such a great program! I am holding my breath for all of you who are still waiting for this moment. It will come!

D got the Roosevelt call! What a difference a week makes. Last week was so bleak. To the point where she was questioning her talent, self worth, etc. This week, 2 yeses and a waitlist. A few nos too, but she doesnā€™t even care about those anymore. Wow!

YAHOOO! So happy for you @rickle1 !!!

So excited for everyone! Congrats to you all!