Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Congrats @rickle1 !!! So glad this week brings an upward trend!

A huge congrats to everyone who received good news today! That is SO awesome! This whole process is so crazy - but moments like that are what make it so rewarding! Any word from TCU? My D thought that she would hear today, but it is looking less likely now.

@MTlover2002. No idea why
 but they are in my calendar to hear from next week. I have down Monday. But not sure based on what lol.

I hope this doesn’t come across wrong
my intent of what I say next is truly to encourage to help others keep the faith if they dont have a yes YET
I quoted @AbigCurveBall as a reference point, not at all to say my D is any better but we have 3 yesses, 2 waitlists, 1 yes from what most consider a top program & today we got a No from Roosevelt, I am truly happy for all of you who got in today, especially if this was your first yes! came in the portal w no email so not sharing yet, todays not the right day for that
We will be OK bc we have options - GREAT options, but I just want people to realize EVERYONE gets rejected
there is no rhyme or reason to why you get a yes from one program but a no from another despite perceptions of any programs
I read posts where people say you have to believe that the programs actually do have a rhyme or reason, there’s a method to the madness they say, but truthfully I don’t see it
will she be happy a year from now , I 100% believe that she will
do I believe everyone lands where they “BELONG”- NO I DON’T . they do end up happy and thriving in most cases
to blindly trust all these auditors after what I’ve witnessed done to these kids these past 6 months? sorry not buying it
I also don’t know how to tell the class of 2025 and beyond to craft a diverse list of fit schools
how would anyone know? what " fit is"?? I likely would have /could have eliminated a school that became an eventual yes or a wait list
I had a national coach assess her talent, they helped us craft our list and our coaches are completely perplexed at why some schools are a NO or why she didn’t pass the prescreen
again we have great choices so no pity for us, just an honest raw reflection on the process, cast as wide a net as you can afford is my opinion, if others disagree SO BE IT, you know what they say about opinions 

@NYYFanNowMTdad I think that’s why you cast a wide, diverse net. What was true last year isn’t true this year. Kid A, B or G last year got something but not true this year. I think that’s why it’s hard for coaches, many who’ve been doing this for 10+ years to know as well! It just is.

@NYYFanNowMTdad I think that’s a fair assessment and gripe. I think one of the many problems with this process is that we have no idea what they are looking for. In sports, they are looking for a certain position, speed, or size. You can at least narrow it down. In theater, they don’t say we need two women with brown hair who have 3 years of jazz and tap experience and are sopranos. We were at Elon today. 2 people in the program had 0-1 year of experience/ training coming in. Maybe they are just that good or Elon isn’t so great. Don’t know. I do know that my kid has talent, but needed training. Kid Has the drive, but needed the coaching to be better, and at a level top and mid grade programs I thought expected. But, the more I think about it, the colleges mostly want somebody truly unique, and they believe they will shape them in to a talented individual. If you are super talented and look and sound like everyone else, why bother
we already have 3 of those in our program.

Personally, I would like to know how much follow up and relationship building people have done post audition with the departments and admissions office beyond a thank you email or handwritten letter. We have done nothing other than a thank you, and I wonder if that might be affecting our results. Hate to second guess, but hard not to.

@AbigCurveBall - beyind thrilled that your D got that first YES - so happy for her!!!

@AbigCurveBall @rickle1 and anyone else who received an acceptance today
Woo Hoo! Congrats to your D’s! Celebrate and have a great weekend!

@MTLover2002 Pretty sure TCU is on Spring Break next week. But that doesn’t always mean anything with notifications. Hope it’s sooner than later for those waiting!

I don’t think this is necessary or common. I think they are evaluating the audition. Many programs also have essays asking about interest in their program. When my D auditioned for BFA in MT programs, nobody at these programs ever heard of my D, she had not attended any workshops/mocks, etc. with department reps, and she wrote no thank you notes after auditions. It was solely based on her audition and her submitted application materials. I’d say she had very good results. Try hard not to second guess. Simply, the acceptance rates to these programs are very low and they cannot possibly accept all who are qualified. Being denied at a program doesn’t imply you don’t have what it takes. After all, someone gets into UMich but not Penn State, or into CCM but not Emerson, etc. etc. etc. This happens with highly selective regular colleges too that have extremely low admit rates. It goes with the territory.

@csuram1994 @Lilybird4 and @BloomingGirl - acceptance vibes ~~~ are still coming your way! The group got two first BFA “yesses” this week - I am hoping the next few weeks brings the same to all of you. It’s a horrible waiting game, I know - but stay positive, we are all pulling for you!

I don’t think much relationship-building goes on after audition, but in a few cases it does. I know both of my students were given cards by a few people at auditions. Some of the adjudicators they saw up to three times over several auditions. They all wrote thank you notes. Only 1-2 for each have kept in ongoing contact with them. I don’t think it is necessary or expected but if they want to get to know you better to help assess your fit, that’s ok, too!

@onette, I understand what you are saying you have observed on occasion. So, perhaps experiences differ. The schools you have mentioned (this cycle) that your students were admitted to are not schools my D applied to, and so maybe they do it differently. She also never saw any adjudicators more than once
just at the on-campus auditions. Your students attended some other types of auditions that my D did not. So, maybe some students have had ongoing contact with some auditors, but I just want people to know that this is not necessarily the case across the board, at least based on my own kid, and other students whom I have advised in this process in my work over the years. Obviously, that sounds like a great opportunity, but I am not sure it is typical or even possible, particularly at schools where the number of applicants is huge. Just so people don’t worry if their kid is not building a relationship with an auditor, it is not required or typical overall, but maybe happens in some cases at some schools.

@NYYFanNowMTdad - I think there are a number of factors - least of which is follow up - unless its Webster - that was discussed at length in another post. But fit goes both ways. If you turn this around we just had a discussion about my D’s rejection from FSU - we didn’t love it there - didn’t love the two plane rides, didn’t love the vibe of Tallahassee - we just weren’t feeling it. Other schools had us at hello. Going in we had boxes we wanted checked - great training, location, clean and updated facilities, great faculty and my d’s boxes are different than your d’s boxes - we could both leave the same campus tour and information session with a completely different opinion. It doesn’t mean it isn’t a top school, and it doesn’t mean that a person couldn’t be successful there - but it just isn’t what my d or your d are looking for - and often you know right away. I think its the same thing with the schools - they get a vibe, a feeling about one applicant over another - it’s not a true “talent” competition - it’s just fit. I work on Wall Street and we have a saying when people have different ways of evaluating the same product - “That’s what makes a market”
 I think for the most part it’s the same thing here - you can’t overthink it - although of course, we will :).

@CaMom13 you actually made me cry this morning, surprisingly I think the first tears I’ve shed in this process (but ulcers, grey hair, stress eating, randomly kicking puppies and small children - well that’s another story.) Thanks so much for the support and for pulling for my daughter!


No argument here but Unless you are going to visit all of your schools in your junior year which I am NOT suggesting how can anyone expect applications to be less than 20+ maybe even 30+
You don’t know vibe and fit till you go through this process All the way to the end ehivh includes sitting in on classes. Meeting professor and students. Seeing a show etc
My points were 2 things

1)hang in there if you haven’t gotten a yes yet. It’s more than likely not about your kids talent

  1. this idea of a well crafted list of schools that is repeatedly mentioned on these threads is nearly impossible to figure out

why do I say this?? As I’ve stated before dozens of times on these threads-we passed prescreens & got yesses from ”top tier” schools & Nos from ones that after TONS of research. Hundreds of hours would have been viewed as fits or “ mid tier” ( call it whatever you want)& they ended up as Nos- so how could I honestly tell people not to apply to so many schools?

@NYYFanNowMTdad - I 100% agree - we were actual victims of this - my d decided very quickly that she wanted to go to one particular school - she has a friend two years older whose talent is very similar who got in ED, her coaches told her they thought she had a very good chance so she applied ED - unfortunately she applied to very few other schools. Mid-December she didn’t get in - we only had 3 other auditions scheduled - and we scrambled.

We were soooo behind in the process. Some schools had closed their audition window - I called a few who were closed, and was able to get an audition - I still had to submit a prescreen. At the end she applied and auditioned for 13 schools - did some walk-ins but didn’t end up applying to them. And, she applied to another 7 BA academic programs. Somehow do have 3 acceptances, one deferral and one that she is in weekly contact with - so we are kind of landing on our feet. She has a one very good BFA option and we are waiting on the new "dream school " a little later in March.

But my advice to the class of 2025 - don’t do what we did - cast a huge net, don’t fall in love and have a wide range of schools on your list in terms of selectivity. Another Wall Street phrase - past performance is not indicative of future results - you have no idea what a school is looking for THIS year - don’t take chances.

@BloomingGirl @Lilybird4 @csuram1994 and all others waiting for your first BFA acceptance - we are all routing for you - I feel in my heart that this will be your week! We got some exciting first-time yeses this past week. Your kids are in my prayers, and I have a very good feeling good news will come soon!! Please keep us posted - I can’t wait to virtually celebrate your good news!

@DivaStageMom Thank you so much!!


The same thing happened to me. I had my eyes set on this one dream school. I had done my research and set my focus solely on this one school. I wanted to get in this school so bad— all my time and effort went to catering my CommonApp around what I thought this school might be looking for. When the time came to apply, I applied ED knowing that despite applying ED, my chances were still low but higher than applying Regular.

So, I applied to my safety schools instate— most of which didn’t have great programs (Or programs that I got excited about) for Acting or Film Acting. Got into all those safeties.

Mid December my ED School updated my portal and my heart was broken. I’d fallen in love with this school and now I was being told I didn’t even get in?

My mother and I were left scrambling to get our bearings. I applied to one other performing arts school, passed their prescreens, flew up and auditioned at the end of January and now I sit everyday hoping I get that one phone call. That one yes— or else I’ll have to try again next year.

I most definitely agree with @DivaStageMom for the class of 2025. DO NOT FALL IN LOVE (lol) !! Apply to many many schools and have your eyes set on many many programs or else you’ll end up in this horrible place where you have one more chance to get a yes or it’s back to square one. Because you didn’t give yourself enough opportunities to be said yes to.

In our n=1, I can share that the thank you emails sent are not at all associated with acceptances/rejections received. Actually, in our n=1, I have support for the hypothesis that sending an email hurts one’s chances of acceptance (all schools to which an email was sent were rejections, all non-rejections did not follow thank you emails) 
 which I think we all have enough logic left to know can’t possibly be true?