Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@flippedout We are. My daughter was accepted academically in early December. Auditioned at NY Unifieds. No artistic decision. I’m not expecting to hear anything from Ball State for a while. I’m actually surprised that there are multiple schools giving out decisions before auditions are over. When I went through this with my older daughter I don’t remember any schools notifying until March. Now I’m all caught up in the crazy of trying to search for any nugget of information. UGGHH!!!

Anyone have any information on decision dates for Texas State?

@yeet814 At the information session Kaitlin said it could be as late at April 1st. She explained their process. She said they don’t make any decisions until all of their auditions are complete and their entire faculty is involved in the discussions for each candidate so it takes time. Also they make their initial offers and then they wait for their commitments before extending spots to anyone else. She said she does not want to exceed 14 students so she doesn’t do as some programs do, give a percentage over hoping to yield a smaller amount. In the case of TX State she said she extends exactly the amount they want and then they wait. So definite “yes” and “no” candidates will hear but it’s possible to not hear anything throughout April and even May if you’re next on their list.

@NeensMom - I scrolled to the end of the last post (I thought) with the list and copied it. I did not make individual updates to single items that were posted. Personally, I think keeping last year’s info mixed with current info is extremely confusing (unless it is perhaps in another color? or specifically called out by year: 2019 - Acceptances started rolling out 3/19, 2020 - TBD) For my “day” job, I am a User Experience (Information) designer (LOL), so that just goes along with the way my brain thinks…

@NeensMom I agree with @onette that continuing to repost last year’s dates is confusing, and will get more so when we get closer to March. Can we just keep one copy at the top of the thread with 2019 dates and then repost the list, wiping the schools clean of all 2019 dates and start adding the 2020 dates as they come in? That’s the information we are all going to need.

@SingerDancerMom @onette The reason it is important to keep the 2019 info until someone is able to update it to 2020 info is that part of what we are doing is making a list for the next incoming class. If you don’t use the most recent list, old 2019 info will be shared and new 2020 updates won’t be included on the list you post. When you copy the most recent list and add new info, please write 2020 for the school you are updating. That way, we all know if we are looking at the acceptance info for 2019 or if it has been updated for 2020. So in summary,
-Always use the most recent list
-Always add 2020 to every school you update

Any school that doesn’t have 2020 listed in the description is assumed to be 2019 information.


@NeensMom I understand the importance of keeping info for the next year, but in the past, we have linked to the old threads when we need to reference the past. I think it is a lot for people to try to decipher and keep up with, and to be honest, it looks like a lot of schools are changing their patterns and methods this year. So, I think current info is the most important with a link to the old “historical” reference. I know that last year, some schools that didn’t notify until March have already shaken that up and are notifying now. At least some of the students. I think this is important info because I was able to (from posts here and on a MT Parents FB group) direct my kids to checking some of their portals instead of simply relying on email or snail mail notification. One of them found an email in spam. If a school is calling, they likely need to know to not “ignore” particular out-of-state phone calls thinking they are a robocaller. Knowing how a school is delivering that info right now is important.

@onette I totally agree! So if/when you learn that schools are doing it different this year, please update the most recent list with that info and make sure you note it is for 2020. I have been deleting 2019 info and replacing with 2020 info when I get it.

@NeensMom I know you are trying to be helpful and sincerely appreciate that. I’ve been through this once before with an older daughter so with that experience in mind, I’m respectfully sharing my opinion that I think keeping the 2019 list going here is confusing now and will get more and more confusing as 2020 decisions begin rolling in. As @onette said many schools are changing this year and we can access 2019 information on old threads. We are on this thread to find out one thing… IF any schools our students auditioned for have released acceptances or rejections yet THIS YEAR. That’s really it. How about we just start from SCRATCH? A total blank slate, and only list a school when they actually send a decision for this year and then say how they sent it. Then people will find out in real time what it is that we all really want to know. I hope you do not feel offended. I know you started this to be helpful!

I actually like having a look at what happened in 2019 right here in the same place as the updated information, until we know what IS happening in 2020. For example, if Emerson began notifying via email on March 28th last year, I like being able to see that today and mentally prepare to not hear anything from Emerson until the end of March, unless someone hears from them sooner and updates the posting about Emerson with real-time info from this year.

DD Received an email from Hartt saying “offers for entry into the 2024 class have been made and based on the quality of her audition they would like to place her on the waitlist.“ They asked if she is interested in being waitlisted to respond to admissions and let them know. Very nicely worded letter.

@MTquest24 Did you receive that today? We still have not heard from them since our audition in Dec. I just checked the portal it looks the same as it did in October…

My daughter auditions for Hartt this weekend. I wonder if there are any spots left?

@MTnervousmom @modanb Goodness I didn’t want to ruffle any feathers … Maybe they are notifying wait list first. I don’t usually post maybe I shouldn’t have:/
I have no idea what they are doing, that was just what my email said. I hope I don’t worry anyone!!! Who knows how these things roll out. All will be as it is intended to be. I would take the post down if I could, I don’t want anyone more stressed. I am sure they have spots left they wouldn’t make you come for no reason. I had no idea they were still auditioning … ugh I wish I could remove that … it’s true but probably better left unsaid :frowning: so sorry

@MTquest24 lol no feathers ruffled. It is clear that there is no exact way this all happens. What is meant to be will be. Best of luck to your D!

Hartt does rolling admissions. There are “spots left” for students going this weekend.

@SingerDancerMom I agree with @Dance3Looks3 on this one. I guess everyone is going to have their own opinion about how it would work best. I would prefer to just keep doing it the way we have been doing it up to this point rather than start from scratch with a new system. Since we can’t really take a vote to see what the majority wants, I’m going to suggest we keep updating it the way we have been so people can still see what the 2019 protocol was until we have updated 2020 info.

@MTquest24 I definitely don’t think you ruffled anyone’s feathers!! It’s helpful every time someone posts an update about a school notification, sometimes it just brings up additional questions! Don’t worry about it. My daughter just auditioned for Hartt on Saturday and I was glad to see your post, even though it also made me wonder how many spots are left! :slight_smile:

@NeensMom , you actually could take a vote if you wanted to. Create one post saying you will leave it the way it is and one saying you will start from scratch and people can vote by liking one or the other post.

Perhaps if you did something like bracket 2019 practices and then remove brackets when you replace them, it will be clearer to the group.