Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Hoping for some good news for your daughter after recent no’s. If she is bored, she could listen to Sting’s song Jock the Singing Welder. Also on YouTube Lee the Singing Welder on some kind of British talent show. Showing there are many people with talent who just need the right opportunity. Hang in there, glad you are sharing a good sense of humour?

Are Regular Decision applicants (BFA MT) hearing from BoCo and Emerson presently? Or are those older notifications from EA or ED applications?

Friends, please don’t shoot me… I did not want to climb through the posts again. Can someone who’s brain is not as fried as mine right now help me out please? Much appreciated.
For those kiddos that did not get an early Yes or previous No…
Emereson - When & How
Coastal Carolina - When & How
Rider - When & How

Rider notifications are rolling usually within 4 weeks of audition and in their portal. You get an email to let you know the portal is updated and snail mail letter to follow. They will let you know yes, no or maybe category where you will be waitlisted and updated later on as they start hearing back from their acceptances.
Coastal Carolina is supposed to be releasing results via email this week on the 11 th and 12th.
I don’t know about Emerson because we didn’t apply there.
Good luck to you!

I dug out the latest list (or I hope it was the latest list.) Updated info on Rider, Coastal Carolina from @CASAmom.

The Big List from late March 2019 and all 2019 information is in [BRACKETS]. Things may be different for 2020 - when you update with 2020 information, please remove everything in brackets and note the 2020 date in your update. Thank you!

American - [Notifying 3/18 via snail mail]
Arizona State - [3/14 and rolling via email]
Baldwin Wallace–[Fall early auditions have been notified. Will notify 3/7 via email for those who auditioned after Nov.]
Ball State— 2020 rolling - email and calls to accepted students. Email for rejection or deferral to another arts program, a few weeks after audition.
Baylor - 2020 rolling - email
Belmont - [some yes and no notifications already rolling. Everyone should know March 1st via snail mail]
Boston Conservatory— ED on January 31, 2020 via portal, RD no later than 4/1/2020.
BU - [March 23 via email and portal]
Carnegie Mellon—[Plans to notify 3/7 via Acceptd direct to portal (or just check the portal), all at once]
Catholic - [rolling]
CCM— 2020: Some rejections and acceptances have started coming out
Coastal Carolina University- supposed to be releasing results via email this week on the March 11 and 12.
Drake - [have seen at least one acceptance 3/14 - not sure if they’re rolling or all at once?]
Elon - [all on the same day, expected to be 3/15 this year]
Emerson— [3/14, email directing to portal, all at once for both artistic and academic decisions.]
Five Towns - 2020: Rolling, many acceptances/scholarships given on the spot
FSU—2020: FSU Acceptance phone calls began 2/24/20; waitlists will receive a letter in the mail; declined students will receive an email.
Hartt - February 2020: Rejections and some acceptances already rolling out. Rejections by email.
Illinois Wesleyan - [notifies via snail mail, some yeses reported last week of Feb.
Indiana (IU Bloomington) - Notifications started 3/5 via Acceptd]
Ithaca - 2020: Began sending acceptances through email directing to portal on 2/21
Jacksonville University - [3/17 email to check portal]
JMU - 2020: 3/04 for RD applicants via MyMadison portal. (Unsure of 2020 EA & ED notification dates. previous information said EA notification in 2019 was 3/01)
LIU/Post— 2/10/2020, rolling, snail mail and email
Manhattan School of Music— 2/24/2020
Marymount Manhattan - 2020 update: They try to send email notifications to check portal within 2 weeks of the audition, sometimes much sooner. Digital auditions will not receive a decision until sometime in March.
Michigan—[February 28 acceptance via phone call; portal change for others - notify all at once]
Minnesota Duluth - [email from head of the program - rolling?]
Millikin - 2020 update: acceptances rolling, snail mail
Missouri State - [rolling, via email]
Montclair - Rolling notifications starting 2/18/20, they’re still auditioning through 3/28. Portal updated before letters/emails are sent.
Molloy/CAP21— Acceptances and waitlists sent to everyone via email on March 2nd. Rejections sent a few days before by snail mail.
Muhlenberg - [decisions for ED 1 in Dec, ED 2 by Feb 28, and RD by March 19 - posted on portal]
Nebraska Wesleyan - 2020: Acceptances are going out through snail mail, still auditioning
Northern Colorado—[rolling]
Northern Kentucky—rolling
Northwestern— [3/21 email directing to portal, all at once]
NYU— [3/28 via portal, everyone, all at once]
OCU —[rolling now, via email]
Ohio Northern - 2020 update: confirmed snail mail decisions week of 2/24 [rolling]
Ohio University - 2020 Update: Confirm rolling notifications for this year (email followed by snail mail) - last year - rolling notifications - have head of a few acceptance phone calls thus far
Otterbein - 2020: Rejects sent by email, others still under consideration notified also
Pace— Phone calls to accepted students started on 3/4/2020
Penn State - [starting updating portal 2/14; started notifications for accepted students 2/26]
Point Park—[3/13 Emails to everyone, all at once, snail mail to follow up.]
Rider - 2020 notifications are rolling usually within 4 weeks of audition and in their portal. You get an email to let you know the portal is updated and snail mail letter to follow. They will let you know yes, no or maybe category where you will be waitlisted and updated later on as they start hearing back from their acceptances. [Portal change beginning 2/11/19. Definite Y to be posted on the portal and mailed out before 2/21; Committee meets 2/21 to discuss remaining applicants and then everyone else notified 1st of March 2019 via snail mail]
Roosevelt/CCPA— 2020 Check portal, notifications through portal as early as March 6.
SCAD - 2020 rolling admission; audition only for scholarship
Shenandoah—2020 around 3/2-3/6 via phone call (for acceptances); email for waitlist. Last day of auditions is 2/22, then will decide and call before their spring break 3/6.
SUNY Cortland [1/30/19 email]
Syracuse—[3/15 via email (not MySlice), decisions were sent in waves last three weekends of March last year]
SMU - 2020: rolling via email
SE Missouri St-[Rolling, via email]
TCU - [Notifications started 3/5 via email]
Temple— 2020 notifying now, rolling - portal update for academic and artistic admit, email for artistic admit (some have not gotten email for artistic, just saw portal change)
Texas State—2020 phone calls began 2/23. Phone calls to accepted students. rolling once auditions are complete, they meet each weekend and send notifications the following week. Could go late into April. They do not admit extra to yield fewer. If accepted students decline new calls will go out.
UArts— 2020: Rolling, taking longer than last year. 2-3 weeks after an audition to send snail mail. Portal does not update.
UAB - [email notification]
UAZ— 2/18/20 calls began for acceptances, updates to portal for rejections began 2/24
University of Miami—[3/22, via portal, all at once - navigate to the letter under “student center” and then “message center.”]
U Central Ok - 2020: Greg expects offers to go out around 3/6
University of OK - [changed to prescreens and auditions this year - notifications will be a few more weeks - 4/1?]
Utah—[notifications going out now (early March) via email mail and then rolling]
UC Irvine - [3/22 via portal]
UCLA—[3/22 via portal, all at once]
UNCG - [Everyone should know March 15 “give or take a day” phone call: 3/11]
UNCSA - 2020: Calls to accepted students started 2/23/20, emails direct to portal for “no” decision started 02/25/20 [W/L believed to be notified via snail mail or phone call]
USC - [3/21 will mail notifications, with portal update 3/24]
U Wisconsin Stevens Point - 2020 email to all auditionees between 3/7 - 3/13
Viterbo— 2020 via email, rolling now
Wagner - [3/9 rolling now - there have been some calls - more to follow]
Webster— 2020 - offers will be mailed end of March to be received about April 1st
West Virginia University-2020: calls to accepted students 2/26
Western CT State—[2-3 weeks after final audition day on March 2nd, all at once; snail mail 3/11]
Western Michigan - [3/20 - notifications rolling calls for acceptances, email for anything else]
Wright St - [discontinued rolling admission this year. Last audition day was 2/24, has started notifying 2/26]
Xavier — [Emailing acceptances now - 3/1]
Today at 10:42 am

@Dance3Looks3 , son’s BoCo acceptance was from early action, the December audition.

@Transymeg @AbigCurveBall

Ditto. Call with head of BFA Acting on Thursday to feel out a redirect. Said decisions should go out soon.

anyone else waiting for USC decision, and get the 2nd SDA Open House Invite?

Getting in the home stretch here, hang on everyone! Wishing you all good news over the next few weeks:)

@frisbee3 My DD is on Indiana WL. We have no idea how the waitlist is ranked or however it moves!

Anyone have any updates on University of Miami BFA MT? Reading dates anywhere from 3/22 to 4/1 depending on what forums I look at. I think academic is 4/1, but it sounds like maybe BFA is coming out first? Just curious if they gave out any dates at unifieds or anywhere - my D auditioned back in October…

Any news about PACE? they are still calling My D is waiting for a few days and did not receive a No but not anycall either. Is that normal?

@secondtimemt Miami will be academic and MT together all on one date with all other students. Usually the third week of March. Two years ago it was 3/22 or whatever Friday was close to that date. Via portal.

@Dance3Looks3 BoCo is always one of the last (except for ED of course) and close to 4/1. Everybody all at once. Via portal.

In both cases there will be a lot of chatter - you won’t miss it!

@miguelbo Pace calls their acceptances and sends a snail mail letter when it’s a no. So, as long as you don’t have a no letter, it might still be a yes? Hope so!

@BlessedNStressed. Emerson said they would notify end of March/ early April.

Any word on Syracuse (both MT and Acting), Ball State or when Kent State would send out offers? Kent State just had their last audition this weekend -so we do figure the end of the month for them

Has anyone gotten a snail mail “no” from Pace yet? Perhaps they just haven’t sent them out yet.

@Transymeg Kent told us results by snail mail around Mar 21.

My D was fortunate enough to receive a call and was told that the portal update would take a week or so (which means end of this week), so I would guess they same for both yes and no in that regard.

@Transymeg Kent state said they will send letters out to everyone and that it could be this week but no longer than 2 weeks after the last audition which was Saturday.

@Transymeg My D was at the Kent State audition this weekend and I can confirm with @DancerMTMom and @wishiknewtgen that they told her 2 weeks from March 7.