Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@Transymeg - prior posts that I have seen indicate that Syracuse sends out notifications the last 3 Fridays in March. No particular order of yes, no, maybe - each Friday is a mix. No info on whether the order of release is tied to audition date or is just random.

Anyone waiting on Niagara? We have something in the mail today from Fine Arts. I know itā€™s the decision but donā€™t know what size envelope means whatā€¦ anyone else?

S went through this process last year, and has a friend going through it this year, and since heā€™s home for spring break, we chatted briefly about the process. S has been singing since before he could talk, and so his strength was def voice. Last year, he really didnā€™t want anything other than a BFA MT, and he was very blessed to have had options. However, looking back, he now realizes that he def should have considered Acting. Come to find out, his Acting is right up there with his voice now! He also thoroughly enjoyed being in his first non-musical (non-comedic) play! Who knows how things would have turned out if he had considered acting, but I wanted to share a thought from his experience.

There are so many ways to the end goal, and itā€™s very difficult to see any other path than the one you want (especially at their age). Try to keep a positive vibe and try to find all the different pathways!!

Best of luck to all on this journey! May they each find their path! :smile:

@secondtimemt not sure if this helps, but last year my dd heard from Miami on March 22. Best of luck!!

Posted in Sharing, Ventingā€¦ thread but wanted to post here to say D had a portal change, no email notification from University of Arizona.

re: Coastal notifications - students are on Spring Break this week, but perhaps the staff are working overtime to get you results! (Unfortunately, I donā€™t have any insightā€¦I believe last year we heard on the day we were ā€˜supposedā€™ to hear).

I am cheering on and sending those YES vibes to those waiting for their their first, and wishing for clarity on those starting to review their options.

BAL to all!!

Yes! The Arizona notification finally came! was a noā€¦but at least it came :wink:

We also received the Arizona no today. Ugh. Waiting for a BFA yes : (

So sorry, @PNWdrama and @StanfordAI2019 . Sending you all the good vibes!!!

Thank you @tsamuique !

@MTMamoo I would definitely be interested in a separate thread for looking at Plans B and C. This has been a gut wrenching process and Iā€™d like to be better prepared next go around.

Same here, AZ finally came!! But - also a no here. So sorry to @PNWdrama and @StanfordAI2019 too. @PNWdrama right there with ya and sending positive vibes!!?

Thanks @Lilybird4 . Weā€™ll ride the roller coaster together! Sending lots of positive vibes your way as well.

A good authority has shared that MT/Acting decisions were sent to Admissions for Syracuse Class of 2024. They will start notifying this Friday 3/13. So, make sure all your financial information is uploaded. They will not send a decision until all documentation has been received via myslice. Fingers crossed for everyone that is waiting on an answer!

@MTSthistime When did your DS audition for Ithaca? We still havenā€™t heard anything and the application portal hasnā€™t changed at all yet. He auditioned in NYC Unifieds.

@chenggang , he auditioned for Ithaca at Chicago Unifieds and got an email directing him to the portal on 2/22.

Has anyone been in contact with the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland? My D has it her in mind that thatā€™s her ā€˜dreamā€™ school (for whatever reason), and she did digital auditions for MT, Acting, and Contemporary Theater. I canā€™t find anything about them on CC that isnā€™t over a few years old. Am wondering if anyone on this board ran into them at Unifieds or has any perspective. Thanks!

@stanforda12019 one of my kids auditioned for them at Chicago Unifieds and got a callback. I know she liked them very much! Her mom visited with them and I believe there was a parent meeting. Is there anything particular you wanted to know?

@StanfordAI2019 My daughter did a spur of the moment walk-in with them in Chicago when someone did not show up for their audition because she thought they were just wonderful people. I guess she had been sitting there waiting for her audition for another program, which was postponed, and chatted with the alumni outside the door. She thought they were super nice and was initially determined to apply afterwards even though she knew nothing about the program. She said it was her most relaxed audition because she was cluelessā€“LOL! But, in the end, she decided that she did not want to go to school quite that far away just yet.

@onette @sarahsmom02 ā€“ thanks for the commentary. I guess I didnā€™t have any ā€˜specificā€™ questions. More just looking for some perspective and chatter to round out a general composition. A reader can do that for most schools by just looking at dozens of posts. There just isnā€™t a lot on that place, even though itā€™s supposedly a ā€˜Top 5 Global PA school.ā€™ Figured thereā€™d be more info over the years.