Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

My D just got Baldwin Wallace MT waitlists. She is very sad. Does anyone know how long is the MT wait lists? Anyone has gotten off?

We are in the same situation!
On FOUR waitlists & no words from Paceā€¦ or a few others.

We are on the waitlist for BW too. I would love to hear more. Our says Music Theatre with Voice primary. Is there more than one type or do they all say that?

@Jenny1993 my daughter was just notified of being on the BW waitlist. The email said last year they had 89 students on the waitlist and they ended up offering 8 of those a spot and three of them accepted. They said they will be in communication weekly with waitlist students to make sure they are still interested and if they want to offer them a spot. All offers will be made by May 6.

@ MTDad27, thank you! I think that 89 is for entire music school. The letter didnā€™t mention how many for MT?

My D was waitlisted as well and it said the same thing.

Waitlisted as well. Itā€™s BM not bfa so guess thatā€™s why it says Vocal Prinary.

D got the no from BW. Totally expected as it was her first , and according to her, by far her worst audition. Too bad because it was her top choice going in. Auditioned in Tampa in December. Couldnā€™t get in sync with the accompanist so she was off a bit and never caught up. Should have spent more time up front telling him what she wanted but was intimidated (I think). Anyway, not upset, she has good choices.

Good luck to everyone. BW looks great!

@Jenny1993 its interesting, My D just received the BW waitlist and we are THRILLEDā€¦a program like Baldwin Wallace waitlisting her, we feel is an affirmation of her talents & with everything else in this process at the end it becomes a numbers gameā€¦too many qualified candidates for too few slots.

re the waitlist, Vicky Bussert told us at the audition /parent info session that they accept about 30 people for their target class of 20 equally split by gender and then have a small waitlist BY TYPE not by rankingā€¦so if your kids is a ( just for example) brunette soprano she is on the waitlist behind a similar type, if they go elsewhere your number is upā€¦she was clear its not ranked 1-20.

hope that helps & congrats, on the BW waitlist, your D should be proud of her accomplishment!!

@MTdad27- based on past threads on CC that waitlist of 89 is for the entire music conservatory not just MT.

music theater voice primary same hereā€¦

D just got a voicemail concerning ā€œYour potential future at Pace.ā€ Should we read too much into that?? Damn kid wonā€™t pick up her phone!

@StanfordAI2019 LOL I donā€™t even pick up my phone and Iā€™m an ā€œold.ā€ I think itā€™s so amusing (but sweet) that programs are still calling kids on the phone.

@StanfordAI2019 Royal Conservatoire is a fabulous program, headed up by Andrew Panton. It was actually a top pick for my daughter prior to gaining acceptance to Michigan. It seems many people learn about it just by doing a walk in but we researched British programs and RCS is one of the most highly ranked performing arts schools in the world. Alexandra Silber is a grad of their MT and my daughter is a big fan so it was definitely on our list. They actually accept very few Americans and my girl was so excited that she was one of the few. I was excited by the fact that is a 3 year program (for a Bachelorā€™s degree!) and so inexpensive compared to US universities. There are drawbacks however, because the school year runs later, (until June) American students are unable to audition for summer stock in the states and they are prohibited from working in the UK. Also, although there is a growing community of grads working in New York, contacts usually end up being in Europe and you may not have the same network after graduation that you would have if you attended an American institution. I think you have to balance that against your other offers. Itā€™s also not insurmountable and the program is considered very strong.
If your daughter loves Europe and the West End - Iā€™d definitely give it serious consideration. Congratulations if she gets the admit!

Pace has called a couple times pertaining to admitted students day for those who were academically accepted. Such a tease when that phone rings! ? But keep us posted if it was ā€œtheā€ call. Good luck!

@cheechmaz, thanks. Odds are that it was a marketing call, which is just brutal. Theyā€™ve not called her in over two months. Starting again this week? Thatā€™s beyond cruel

I remember one of the Pace people commenting in the overview that ā€œthe callā€ comes from a 212 number. Marketing calls come from a different exchange.

@singoutlouise ā€” thanks for the response. Very helpful. My D is mostly interested in the CT program, and she felt her audition went really well, and her examination essay was strong. (I made her redo it 3 times :)) we will see though. Never know with these unicorn programs. Congrats to your D on Michigan. She must be amazing

@ElizaDoolittle - her call tonight came from a 212 number. Oh well. Have to wait it out. Thanks for the perspectives yā€™all

@NYYFanNowMTdad just a minor clarification on waitlist math. When they offer 30 to get a class of 20 (yield of 66%) that means 11 kids have to decline before they go to the waitlist. They expect 10 declines going in. So if they get a class of 20 to 22 (expected yield or higher) roughly balanced by gender and type, theyā€™ll stand pat - no waitlist movement. If they land at 18 accepts and find themselves short on a brunette soprano, then that person is next. If they are short a lead male tenor, that person is next.

The lower a schools historical yield (acceptances to offers) the more variability and more potential waitlist movement. A school with 95% yield (high commit rate from offers) means that they go to the wait list once every other year.

@Jpkcmo yes thanks for the clarification, on the glass half full side, we made it this far from September when there were what?800-1000 BW contenders. and now there are 50-60?? time for the movie quotes:

so we got that going for us which is nice- caddy shack
so you are saying theres a chance- Dumb and dumber