Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

? @StanfordAI2019

@Dance3Looks3 can you commit to a school, deposit etc and if she gets off the wait list at a school she’d rather attend ask the scholarship if that’s ok? I’d at least ask, it’s not that unusual a situation.

@Libish – got the same. From what I can surmise, their BFA TA program is similar to SMU’s TA program and Boco CT’s program. Actually, RCS and Boco CT are my D’s top two choices, so this may be a fit for us. We shall see. [I’ve watched her interest vacilate from MT to Acting to Theatre making about 20 times over the past year]

We’ve heard nothing from BW so far.

@intheburbs Unfortunately, no. Most families who are eligible don’t engage until the 2nd year … applications open on November 15. If she had majored in anything else, we’d have committed somewhere already and had all of this wrapped up. The scholarship amounts are determined and shared with families in early May so they can plan their allocation of resources. A wait list would be a huge problem for us!

@Dance3Looks3 OUCH! That sucks!

I guess it sucks, but it’s also free money so I try not to look a gift horse in the mouth. :smile: And so far, all of the not-yes responses have been very definite nos! This is my silver lining!

TCU has cancelled all campus visits until at least April 3. The campus will be strictly online until that time. My guess is that the April 3 date will be extended.

I think somebody said Ball State would be notifying this week. Has anybody heard anything from them?

@wishiknewtgen a friend of ours got a WL call earlier today. It seems they are issuing decisions daily. Two of our friends emailed no’s a week ago. Another friend hasn’t heard and we haven’t heard either.

Is emerson today or tomorrow? Last 2 years they’ve been released on a Thursday. Does anyone know?

@runnernyc I wrote down during the Emerson information session that we would hear after 3/15 but today would be great! Maybe they will push things given everything that is going on

I disagree on your BW waitlist comment. All they need is enough kids of a certain type to say No before they go to their waitlist. If they have offered three brunette sopranos and all three say No then offers will start going to brunette sopranos on the waitlist.

Check your Junk Mail folders. My S’s rejection email was in the Junk folder…

Any Coastal Carolina decisions?

@MTDad2024 Don’t know if any decisions are out - but I did see that they are one of the colleges extending their spring break and will not be going back for classes until the 23rd. My older daughter’s college is the same and I will not be surprised if they don’t go back on March 23rd and switch to online.

I know that acceptance phone calls went out, but has anyone received a “No” from Pace? If so, how did it arrive (email, snail mail, school of performing arts page in the portal???). Hoping to close the book on the last few pending decisions…
Coastal Carolina

@SingerDancerMom re: Pace, my S has not received a no yet either. Last year, when my D was going through this process, the snail mail no’s came mid-march, a couple weeks after the yes calls were made. And my D’s portal never updated until after she received the snail mail “no”.

anyone know when ccu decisions are coming out?

In case it’s not approved, my daughter started a petition on change Dot Org to Push Back 2020 National College Decision Day to June 1, 2020 . If not approved, look for it.