Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@StanfordAI2019 that’s weird!!!

@acroman39 When my D was accepted in December she did receive a scholarship but it wasn’t nearly enough to make it affordable. We had done the net price calculator and was expecting much more in the form of scholarships. The next week the financial aide package came in and it was amazing! It is costing us out of pocket much less than it is to send our oldest to his school which is a state school. Hopefully everyone else gets good news with their financial aide package.

my D is now tied with yours …
4 MT Wait lists now. Shall we compare lists?! ? and here I was thinking the waiting would be over.

@MTDad2024 - I don’t know how you guys are supposed to make decisions without visiting. I just don’t know how that’s possible.


I read the notification from Pace as a no for all programs D read it as a no for MT only

Based on careful evaluation by our faculty in the School of Performing Arts for the BA Acting-International Performance Ensemble, BFA Acting, BFA Musical Theater program, we have determined that we are unable to offer you admission to the BFA Musical Theater program for Fall 2020.

@shmyers – I think YOU are right. Ours had the same language:

Based on careful evaluation by our faculty in the School of Performing Arts for the BFA Acting, BFA Acting for Film, Television, Voiceovers & Commercials program, we have determined that we are unable to offer you admission to the BA Acting - International Ensemble program for Fall 2020.

She didn’t even apply to that program…so I think they are just saying…‘no’ to all unfortunately.

@shmyers Well that’s certainly a confusing word salad. I think it means a “no” for MT but sheesh - did they all have to weigh in on that? So sorry I can’t help clear this up - just validating your mystification. :confused:

Also a No from Pace for our S. He’s ok. He’s lucky to have a couple of good options which is an absolute relief. Congrats to those getting a positive response from Pace. Good vibes to all.

Received a snail mail letter from Wright State. Another no, but D still has great options so no complaints.

@StanfordAI2019 - We didn’t audition at Pace - so I am only getting what I hear from the group - but you would think they would have the decency to create separate rejection letters - I mean they took two weeks to send them out - is that so hard?

@DivaStageMom well this is coming from a school who knowingly makes spam calls from students to prospective students to gauge their interest still in the school, the same week the calls for program acceptances are being made…it’s not OK; and frankly cruel.

Nope for Pace too, although D kind of knew that after the audition. 3 more still to go.

@modanbsmt001 , @ozmommy Re: the West Conn waitlist. I know 2 people for sure who came off the West Conn waitlist last year (there might be more: I just don’t know.) My D’s letter also said “high on our waitlist.” Our understanding last year was that the waitlist was not very long: don’t know about this year. Communicating continued interest seems to be important to this program, so make sure you stay in contact with them if you still want to be considered. My D’'s letter also said that she may not hear until May 2nd, but she got off the waitlist about a week before Decision Day last year (via email).

For Pace I’m guessing it’s a bad word merge template! They plunk the programs you audition for then list the outcome, although the spreadsheet was messed up for yours @StanfordAI2019. Ours was same but WL fo BFA FTVC and BA Acting IP. I wish we could opt out of those calls! We opt in because they call for Yes’s but it comes with so much more ?.

What happened to Emerson notifications??? UHHHH this month sucks… Btwn MT results (or lack there of), HS and college cancellations, and this virus, this is the worst month ever.

@TheGist5 My daughter was a no for MT at Syracuse. But she got into a great academic program there. So I don’t know what she’ll do — she does have MT and acting acceptances elsewhere.

My D told me she was accepted, I assumed like the other schools, financial package comes via snail mail. Could there have been a scholarship mention in the acceptance??

My D got waitlisted today for Pace Acting. Anybody else here waitlisted for Pace?

Would it have been with the acceptance? If nothing else, My D’s ACT composite was way above Syracuse’s average, I would have hoped for ,at the least, some kind of academic scholarship.

@hbdaughter, last year Elon notified on 3/15