Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

Thanks. I have literally checked the mail 3 times today. Still no mail today

I have seen that some Webster acceptances were sent by email yesterday - but that is second hand information. My DD was asked to send Dance videos after her audition- but we have not heard anything from them.

@cammiebp - My d went back and forth with Lara Teeter about her interest In Webster - in all correspondence, he told her acceptances come out end of March. In their last correspondence d said she had another acceptance that was better financially and geographically she was no longer interested - so they are no longer in touchā€¦

On another site, I see that he gave 3 acceptances to other students this week - all male - so yes even though he said the acceptances would go out later in the month some people are getting them - perhaps in that final correspondence if you had expressed interest you will get a call - I have no idea - we are out of it - but the St Louis call may be Webster - good luck!

@Cammiebp - however, if you havenā€™t heard from Lara since NY Unifieds IDK - he likes to correspond a lot - d has had a lot of back and forth with him since thenā€¦

@DivaStageMom if that other site is MTCAā€™s weekly post there is also one Female w a webster acceptance. we have had fairly regular email communication w Lara ( he told us they were on spring break this week). & have not heard either way from Webster. Looked like from past threads on CC that yesses come in the form of email or phone call & nos vis snail mail.

@NYYFanNowMTdad - thatā€™s the other site I am talking about too - I was surprised to see there were a few for MT - d took herself out of the running, but he would always note in communications that acceptances went out late in the month - so I have no idea if they went out already - just figured I would share in case that was something someone was waiting forā€¦

We are in the northeast also, just an hour and a 1/2 from Western Connecticut campus

Did you get your letter?

The mail just came. Still no letter from West Conn and we live 45 minutes away from campus

Mail just cameā€“nothing. Still waiting on Wright (Jan audition), Point Park (walk-in/just accepted academically) and Kent.

The mail just came. Still no letter from West Conn and we live 45 minutes away from campus

@Collegegame2018 Could you clarify something for me. Re the passing the audition at 60%. What if someone got a 80% as an example? Does that weigh extra for the admissions folks who are looking at academic qualifications? How do they blend this?

Better question I guess is: How do they view a stellar artist with good enough academics vs a stellar student with good enough performance potential?

Yes, got her letter yesterday, high on the wait list. She really liked it there, so hoping to move off the wait list. She will send her e-mail of continued just this weekend.

That wasnā€™t entirely clear to us at the parent info session, to be honest. Ralph Zito, at our session, said that the admissions office chooses the classā€¦all they do is forward the applications of the kids who scored 60 and up. He literally said that someone could get a 100 on the artistic review and still not get in. He also said that on occasion, admissions has come back to him after reviewing all the 60 and up kids and said that they needed more, and at that point the theatre department would send on kids who scored somewhere in the 50-60 range.

He definitely said that admissions cares a lot about stats because Syracuse is a nationally ranked research institution that wants to preserve its ranking and academic reputation. I donā€™t remember if he said itā€™s 50-50 academics and talent or not, but for some reason I walked away with that being my general senseā€¦but that could be wrong.

Anyone else who also saw one of Ralph Zitoā€™s parent info sessions, please feel free to chime in and/or correct me, because itā€™s possible with all the info sessions I sat in on that I could have my details mixed up!

Best of luck to your daughter. My son was so excited after his audition. He really liked the people there. I was shocked when they said during the Q&A that they only wanted 16 kids. I thought they would take 25 or so, but I guess not

@rickle1 @muttsandMT thats exactly how we understood it as well!

@muttsandMT - I got the same general sense that you did. That info is consistent with the info Ralph conveyed during our session as well.

Has anyone heard from Missouri State? My D interviewed on 2/21 (the last weekend to audition or interview) and hasnā€™t heard a peep yet.

@Loganator We auditioned that same weekend and got the no pretty soon after. Hopefully you are still in the running! Everybody that I know who auditioned there has already heard back.