Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@NYYFanNowMTdad Sorry about Webster. I’m sure we’re in the same boat then. My D had quite a bit of communication with Lara so that will be disappointing.

Mail just arrived. D was waitlisted at Wright State.

@ElizaDoolittle – I think that’s worth a congrats. Really tough program to get in. My D didn’t even pass the pre-screen. Well done and BAL

congrats @ElizaDoolittle crickets here on wright state, auditioned in November, might I ask when you auditioned and geographically located (ie mail distance)

@ElizaDoolittle Your d is having a good week! Congrats!

Emerson rejection letter in the portal … her first academic rejection, so it’s extra-specially surprising. :frowning:

The mail just arrived. Still no letter from Western Connecticut

@Dance3Looks3 The decision is one for Emerson (according to some friends), so if you don’t get in for the theater program then it is also a no to the school. :frowning:

@bfayay…are you sure about that for Emerson? I realize things can change year to year. A while back, when my D applied Early Action to Emerson with a December audition, she got admitted to the school in the Early Action round, but deferred for the BFA in MT program. Then, in the Regular Decision round, she was denied for the BFA program.

Emerson and Webster – both ‘no’s.’ Bang bang…just like that. 5 remaining (Miami, RCS, BU, Hartt, Shenandoah) and 3 WL’s (Boco, Northern Colorado, and Western Carolina). Point Park is looking like the best option more and more.

@StanfordAI2019 Point Park is an EXCELLENT option! Easily a top 15 Broadway school and renowned dance training! If I’m not mistaken I believe that Point Park is where the good dancers in the CMU bfa take their dance classes.

Went to the mailbox looking for good news from Western CT… nothing…but D got an admissions package from Molloy! She checked with Rebecca and it’s real. She’s in!

Side note, much better scholarship than Roosevelt . Roosevelt really seems low compared to every other option.

@soozievt not 100% sure… Just what I have heard from current students…

How many students does the Emerson BFA Acting program take for the 2024 class?

Congrats @rickle1 and @ElizaDoolittle . ?

congrats @rickle1 I really like the molloy/cap 21 program alas, it was eliminated from our list as " too close to home"

@StanfordAI2019 There is a PP thread on the acting thread. I added some info about the program. My D was accepted to BFA Acting.

Would love any other info you may have learned as well. Thx!

@Abutilon – thanks so much. Yes, I’ve been over there as well. I’m really liking the PP option. Plus, since my D was at the CMU program all last summer, she has a great feel for downtown Pittsburgh, so the transition may be easier. Too bad COPA day was just cancelled though. Hope they (perhaps) can get it rescheduled at some point

@SingerDancerMom beat me to it! Heartily agree!

Recieved Webster rejection in the mail today. Still waiting on Coastal Carolina, American and my Montclair audition just got moved to online submissions… ugh. Not a great start to my week!