Class of 2024 MT Artistic Acceptance Notifications: How/When/Where

@MTLover2002 , the year before last, Miami also announced this Friday. Hope that holds this year…

I know there are several on the BW waitlist. Letting you know my D released her spot.

@capitalrun Emerson BFA Acting does not kick in until year three. It is either BFA MT or BFA Theatre and Performance and then, at the end of your second year, you can audition for BFA Acting. They still make you audition now just to get into the BFA Theatre and Performance. I asked about this at the info session because it seemed misleading to me but that is what they told me.

@onette Emerson sent email directly D to portal

@Looney2020 My D also got redirected from BFA MT to Acting BUT it is confusing because Emerson BFA Acting does not kick in until year three. It is either BFA MT or BFA Theatre and Performance (which my D also got into) and then, at the end of your second year, you can audition for BFA Acting. They still make you audition now just to get into the BFA Theatre and Performance BUT it is not guaranteed that you will be able to get into the BFA acting program in two years. I asked about this at Info session and this is what they told me.

@cheechmaz The American Portal is weird. Make sure that you used the same email when you set it up. My D set up her portal very early because it was required before you could even have them send you any info. At that point she was using a different email. I think they may also have had some weird password requirement? In any case, once you get into portal it is pretty straightforward. You click on “letter here” button (or words to that effect.

Hello everyone. I have been off CC since 3/3 so it just took me almost two hours to read everything and get up to date!

So here is a very overdue post.

First, a belated thank you to @onette @divastagemom @iowamtmom @NeensMom @MTMamoo @intheburbs @TenaciousC @2020JC @Loganator for all of your kind congratulatory words on my D’s first BFA acceptance (to SCAD).

Next, congrats to all of you and your children for some amazing acceptances that you have posted about over the past two weeks!

From my home, we have had a bizarre two weeks. My D (and my S) had their tech weeks and performance weekends and then last week was consumed with virus-related stuff (canceling my kids’ spring break trips which were scheduled for this week, preparing to teach online at my own university, and figuring out how my D will do her spring trimester internships). Thankfully we are all still healthy but the lockdown/shelter in place has our nerves frayed and me, as a number of you have posted, very worried about how my D will choose a school without a visit. (Some of her schools she has never seen.)

In the midst of all this, decisions have trickled in. Ironically, after all my anxious waiting, I was so distracted by the kids’ performances and the virus stuff that I lost track of the impending dates. Probably for the best, as I read all of your increasingly anxious posts.

So here is my (mostly happy) report.

13 No’s (some gave academic acceptance to other majors but D is not interested):
IL Wes
Columbia College of Chicago

Waitlisted at MolloyCAP21

6 Yes’s
SCAD (BFA Performing Arts-not MT)
Point Park (BFA Acting redirect)
Shenandoah (BFA Acting redirect)
Emerson (BFA Theatre and Performance redirect)

4 Still waiting to hear:

D and I are delighted with her 6 Yes’s! Of course none are the BFA MT programs that she wanted but several of them seem to be very good programs and a few seem to allow some overlap with MT. She has gotten merit scholarships and/or talent scholarships at all except Point Park. She has never been to Savannah, Pittsburgh or Allentown so I was hoping to take her to all three but…

Anyway, here are a couple of questions (if you are still reading–sorry so long–making up for lost time):

I) I saw posts Wagner snail mail went out on 3/12 but then no further posts. Have you all received your letters?
2) I know that most people heard back from CCM on 3/4-6. Is there anyone out there still waiting, specifically for BFA Acting (another redirect)? I think it is time to call them?
3) I saw the separate post on Point Park BFA Acting (thank you for starting that). I am wondering if folks have parallel info on Shenandoah BFA Acting and/or Muhlenberg?

Thanks for any help you can give.

Wow- congratulations @AnxiousNovice! That is just fabulous! I don’t have any info on those schools but I’m sure you’ll get some here. We’re sheltering in place as well and it’s been fine so far, although lots of adjustment. Hope you all stay well!

Congratulations @AnxiousNovice! Such great news. And yeah, what a wild week or so we have had. I just looked back and said, wait, that was just a week ago? Show canceled, kids out of school etc. sigh.

@AnxiousNovice - congratulations on all of the acceptances! We are also still waiting on CCM Acting results also. My D was told she would hear by April 1 but maybe sooner.

@AnxiousNovice congratulations on all of your acceptances! It looks like you have some great options. My D received a letter/package via snail mail from Wagner on 3/13 with a WL offer. I do believe others are still waiting as well. I saw that in another group I am in. Good luck! I am happy to see things have come together nicely for you.

@AnxiousNovice - Wow that is great news!! Congratulations - it seems she has some amazing choices. And also an inspiration to all the 2025 folks reading these posts that that things can turn around quickly - what a difference a week can make!!

Congrats @AnxiousNovice ! Wonderful choices! I’m so happy for your D!

Still waiting on Western CT & Wagner.

@AnxiousNovice Super Congrats! That’s awesome!! Those are some great schools. Pretty familiar with SCAD and Savannah. Savannah is a very cool place. Tons of character, history, charm. GREAT FOOD! The city itself is built around these beautiful “Parks” , really squares. There are many of them and all with statues, tributes, etc. SCAD itself is spread out in several buildings across the city but it’s a small city so very manageable.

The Performing Arts program is certainly geared towards acting. It’s a good one. They have all kinds of connections with the film and TV industry and are very active in Atlanta (the new hotbed of the film industry), LA and NY. The Dean spent 10 yrs as the head of Primetime casting at CBS and worked on many name brand shows. So she’s plugged in for sure.

They do have a music minor that actually has a Musical Theater concentration. It’s something but not the full scale training a MT program would provide. Also have a dance minor.

The overall reputation of SCAD is that their kids work (lots of them get prof acting gigs while students due to the casting agency headed up by the Dean). They do have alumni that are on Broadway in MT.

This is a general comment and completely my opinion / guestimate but I’m fairly certain there are far more actors that sing on Broadway than singers that do straight plays, film, tv. You’ll see many Broadway Playbills that list artists actually from acting programs. It’s pretty common.

Good luck in your decision and again, congrats!

@AnxiousNovice great update, welcome back…as was said earlier your story is a great one for the class of 2025 & beyond. CONGRATS & thanks for the uplifting news in a truly demoralizing time for all.

@AnxiousNovice Congratulations for all those new opportunities!!! That’s awesome!!! And yes, the world has flipped upside down and imploded in the last two weeks…who would have thought?

@AnxiousNovice – great update! You mentioned that your D didn’t get a merit scholarship from Point Park. I believe they just sent them out on Monday, so there still may be an offer coming from them too.

Western Michigan email update today. WL here.

I feel like Syracuse has a reputation for not giving much aid. You’re going to have to foot that $70K per year yourself. I could be wrong, but that was the impression I got prior to my son being rejected by them last year.