Class of 2024 National Merit Discussion

On the ASU scholarship estimator - I created a student and it got $15.5K off. I did not check the box for National Merit Scholar.

Then I checked the box.

Same result.

So you can email them and ask - but I’m guessing there isn’t.

ASU First-year Student Scholarship Estimator | ASU Scholarships


I don’t have any hard data to back up but I am 99.9999% sure a 222 and 1510 are aligned, I don’t think she needs to take the SAT again. Both are top 1-2% scores.



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I believe the change went into effect a couple of years ago.


The 1510 SAT absolutely meets the confirmation cutoff. It corresponds to a minimum converted selection index (SI) of 218, and the cutoff is 207. So congrats!!!

“Only a 1510”? I think that is fine but others can comment.

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The score itself is irrelevant. From what I understand, to confirm the score you need to calculate the SI from the SAT score the same way you do for the PSAT. That number only needs to amount to the commended cutoff (207).

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Do you know anyone who wa admitted to CalTech Test Blind?

Anyone admitted in the last two cycles would have been admitted test blind. They haven’t looked at test scores since June 2020 and won’t until at least 2025.



Can someone comment about what a student should put in as a #1 choice if he is certain that none of his top schools give merit for being a semifinalist/finalist? Does it matter?


Unless things have changed, they can put “undecided” and change it later.

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It doesn’t matter. Student can just list “undecided.” If student later decides to attend a school that gives NMS scholarships, you can switch “undecided” to whatever that school is, just as long as you do it by the deadline (which isn’t until May.)


Do any of his schools offer a NM scholarship? If so, you will eventually want to list that school as his first choice.

This has been a big sore point for those of us here in AZ. There is still a NM award - it’s under Nationally Recognized Awards or something similar. You can also find it when you do the scholarship calculator, which replaced the nice auto-merit table they used to have. The award is far less than it used to be, for both in and out of state. Unless there’s a compelling reason for ASU, U of A has better merit at this point.

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Will the press release be posted on the NMSC site (and when)? At the moment there is no link… (Is it too early in the morning lol?)

My son actually emailed the media relations office at NMSC this morning asking about where he could access the press release. NMSC is not located in ET, so they aren’t likely open yet. If he hears back and lets me know, I will post here. We are also watching the press release page like hawks! Happy press release day!


My mistake.

That was for 2022

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List for Alabama:

and Arkansas:

Please share any states you can find. I am looking for Georgia!