Class of 2024 National Merit Discussion

Declared major. Undecided is the most common.

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What does 999 or 843 mean? I think 000 is undeclared.

999 is undecided. Maybe 000 is left blank?

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It has to do with the area of study we chose when filling out the bubbles prior to taking the PSAT. Here is the list.


Congratulations to the new 2024 NMSFs! Ours were 2023 and took full advantage of the full ride scholarships available! It has been a blessing. For anyone considering UCF, there is a Facebook parent community for nmf and (potential nmf) parents.

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Our school still has not announced or informed the students. DS24 has qualified with an index of (223 our state cut off was 217) but it would have been nice to start on the NMF application this weekend since he is out of town next weekend - oh well!
The school lost a counselor this year so the one remaining seems overwhelmed.
Congratulations to all who qualified and good luck😊

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homeschoolers who received the announcement directly - does it include all names in the state?

How did you find out that the school had not submitted their part? That is really what I am concerned about? Who normally handles the school side? Counselor? Principal?

What NM schools offer graduate/ 5th year $?
*Univ Alabama offers tuition for 10 semesters (they offer much more during first 8sem) including grad school

I THINK I’ve found

  • Oklahoma State Univ - 5yrs, including grad
  • Arizona State - 8 semesters, including grad

At least as of last year’s NMF class, UT-Dallas allowed grad school in their 8 semesters. It’s not uncommon for NMF CS majors there to complete a BS and MS in four years.


OU has a fifth year tuition waiver as part of their NM package, and @mdpmdp is correct about CS majors at UTD completing both BS and MS the 8 semesters of their NM scholarship, both my boys did this with the help of both their Fast Track program and the number of AP/DE credits they had.


Can the person you choose for the National Merit recommendation portion see your personal essay? I assume not, but wondering

We became besties with the NM people. :joy: We phoned them a lot. We knew we had a problem since my daughter didn’t receive her form to start her application until so late. The NM people told us to tell the counselor to phone them for a school extension. The NM people could see the school hadn’t submitted info for any of the 8 NMSF so they knew it was a school problem. Even with the extension the school submitted on the new deadline, so we called a few more times and NM gave us updates.
The letters initially go to the school principal, but I think then a counselor is in charge of the submission, at least that’s how it worked at my daughter’s school.
Good luck :slight_smile:

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Quick question. Does NMSF Corp ever see any part of the Common App? Assuming not
 my son asked as he is considering using pieces of his Common App essay for the required finalist essay. Thanks in advance.

Is there any way to find out if our school has sent their portion to NMSC once we submit our portion? Thanks

No, they do not.

Thank you!

My son used the NMSF prompt as his common app essay. The two essays will be identical.

Perfect, thanks!

Someone mentioned up thread that both Northwestern and U Chicago offer finalists a college scholarship, but I’m not seeing that on the list or the schools’ websites. Anyone have any additional info?
