Class of 2024 Parents

My daughter has been accepted to UW. Now comes the hard part. This was the last school she applied too and she has a decision to make. WHERE to go to college. Unfortunately, COVID-19 has prevented any campus visits. Thus, it is very likely she’ll have to decide on where to attend without actually visiting. Can parents/students please weigh in on the follow. Wisconsin, U of Pittsburgh, U of Kentucky, and Butler University?

Old UW, parent of UW grad here. First consider family finances. No school is worth going into much debt for. Do not count on financial aid to meet needs- you are not likely to get what you think you can get. Assuming UW is affordable then go through other factors.

Consider the overall academics of the school. UW is a top tier one, likely better than the others you mention. The caliber of grad programs does influence the undergrad education. The UW Honors program is outstanding (myself and son).

Students do best where they are happy. Therefore your D needs to determine which place seems the best fit. Madison is an excellent college town- beautiful campus where students stay on campus weekends. Large enough to have many different types of students so finding a peer group with similar interests works.

The Greek system is only important to those who desire it- it does not dominate campus life.

The dorms vary widely in location and buildings but all are well maintained. Dorm food service options are good and anyone living in Res Halls can eat at any facility. Food plans have changed but although a minimum now required students still pay for what they want- per item, not per meal. Good flexibility for meals, snacks, coffee, delivery. The major dorm decision is Lakeshore or Southeast. Pros and cons to each. Not dependent on proposed major but rather where a student wants to live (think about how you decided where to live in your city). Off campus housing is typical for after freshman or sophomore years and options very close to campus (can be closer than some dorms)- works well I found with son. Apartments near campus tend to be regulated by management and there has been a Madison tenants union so good options. Once on campus your D will find out all sorts of info about things.

“Study hard, play hard”, a party school- all sorts of reputations. However, it does not matter what others do, even a majority, as UW is a large enough school where there will be plenty of students who do not party, do not like sports… There are many clubs and other activities to be involved in. Club sports- runners have many options. Musicians can take part in a nonmajor class to keep in it. Beautiful lakeshore.

Demographics in all schools depends on location. UW gets a fair share of OOS students from out of the Midwest. Reciprocity with Minnesota means many from the Minneapolis area. Liberal institution but conservatives will find their people as well. Consider the state culture when figuring out the tone of public U’s.

The weather has changed with the climate but all schools you list will be four seasons.

If affordable I would consider UW to be strongest academically. My personal preference would be to look at the campus, not the whole city. A vibrant campus does not need a city to go away to. Most time will be on campus, students typically will not be spending timein the other part of the city.

There has been transportation to Chicago O’Hare for flights home from Madison with private buses stopping on campus during peak travel dates so one doesn’t need to consider flights to Madison and airport to campus transportation.

COVID 19 has shut campus down completely, or so I’ve heard. UW was a late addition to her application process, so she missed out on EA, thus, she has received no financial aid in terms of grants or scholarships. Thus as an OOS student, the cost for UW is $50k, whereas, Pitt has offered a substantial package making the cost 1/2 the price. The pros, it’s a Big Ten school, which is her preference and it’s closer to home than Pitt (4.5hrs vs 6hrs)… Any thoughts on whether UW would match another schools offer?

UW will not match another school’s offer. I see no reason why they would or should. Private schools often do more than public. Missing early action should not affect UW financial aid- students need to apply for UW based scholarships independently of admission. UW is not known for giving OOS scholarships, especially to freshmen, although this has improved slightly recently. Students should look to their local/regional alumni groups when looking for scholarships- UW has them all over the country. Could be too late though.

Only you can decide if you can easily afford the higher cost college.

Has anyone heard rumblings that UW Madison is signaling that fall semester might be virtual? Apparently a “friend of a friend” mentioned they received word that UW Madison is considering this and will make a definitive decision in a couple weeks.

I would think that any decision made in a couple of weeks would lean toward toward a virtual fall semester. I’m sure every college in the country is wrestling with the same decision…but “heard” that UW has stated publicly a decision is forthcoming. Not looking to start rumors hear, but curious if anyone has heard the same.