Class of 2024 Regular Decision Thread

@kakashi27 Do not worry, no one truly knows what any of these lines mean regarding admission.

my application line has also moved to the top, i have never had and do not currently have any fall transcript line on the checklist

When I called admissions they said that they have everything they need and not to worry. They said that they have no idea what that is.

I rechecked the EA thread. Those accepted in EA had 6 Rows. The 5 original with all green check marks and a 6th row with a RED X asking for final transcripts. The red X means something. Those postponed had the original 5 rows but no green check next to application.

I have not seen one person with a ā€œFall Gradesā€ line. However, the ā€œ10/11 Transcriptsā€ seems to be new! I do not have it, but my ā€œApplicationā€ is now at the top and has a green checkmark like everyone else. My best guess is that those of us with the checkmark next to app are going to hear back. I would believe that means our application is done being reviewed maybeā€¦?

The line item 10th or 11th grade transcript people:

Were they bad for the AOs to put a note? Were they really excetional to bring attention to them?

@mavian mine were neither exceptional nor low, not sure why they need them if they already have my full hs transcript

However, I do hope that anything Iā€™ve seen today (Friend Accounts and Application checkmarks) could be good news. Itā€™s unlikely considering I do not have the high stats and test scores, but Michigan has been my top school since I was 11 hahah. Iā€™m really banking off my extracurriculars/community involvement, letters of rec, and essays.

Theory #1:
Even though UM says they read all apps, they didnā€™t really read all EA and push them to deferral, truly postponed - ā€œIā€™ll get back to it laterā€ pile, so application line was on the bottom without a checkmark and deferred.

Those whose PDF icon next to the application that was bottom of the list moved up to top with a checkmark - maybe they finally read it and moved to ā€œreadā€?

Iā€™m a little confused by the concept of which everyone gets accepted in February and rejections snowball later on. Is this intentional on their part, releasing rejections later, or do they have some sort of sliding system of rankings where they read the higher stats applications first and they are more likely to be accepted?

@dpetway I had an X next to my fall transcript the day I was deferred. Now that my grades have been sent in, the X is now a green check next to fall transcripts. My application like also turned to a green check and moved to the top

@College5683 Interestingā€¦ I never had that. I sent in my fall grades anyway after I was deferred. Did you apply EA or did you just go in RD?

@dpetway EA. Before the decisions came out, during the X theory, when I logged in it showed the X.

@College5683 Weird! Well, Iā€™m hoping itā€™s good news for you. I am starting to lose hope as I have only seen the changes that the majority has, which is never a good sign with such a competitive school.

@crd1234. No way. That would be so out of line with what they do. Just a few more days?

@Knowsstuff Is the predicted date Friday, 1/31 @ 12 am OR Saturday, 2/1 @ 12 am

Donā€™t think there is one butā€¦ 2/1 is a big day for Michigan. Usually itā€™s the deadline for many things. Even though my son did a cross campus Transfer from LSA to engineering. The deadline was 2/1. He applied 2 weeks prior and was accepted on that day not after.

I would be surprised if it was before. Could it be at Midnight on the 31 /1stā€¦ Sure but that would be cruel. But I think one wave was one yearā€¦ Hmmm. Regardlessā€¦ Itā€™s coming sooner then later

@Knowsstuff Last two years it was 2/2 at 12am and 2/1 at 12am, years before it was a few days later.

I think they just alphabetized the the list. As you can see ā€œAā€ application is the first one on the list

@mavian Your theory is the most plausible and likely given volume of number who apply right at the deadline of 11/1!

In our area it seemed only acceptances were athletic recruits, everyone else deferred.